#indieweb 2017-07-19

2017-07-19 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Obviously I hope SoundCloud survives, but interesting idea: "I could roll my own #indieweb system, storing my files… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/887463170469539840
[miklb] joined the channel
So I made the public announcement to my Facebook friends that assume anything I post is coming from my personal site and any reactions will feed back. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what is disclosure
A disclosure is a bit of content, typically on a home page, on an indie web site that proactively discloses some aspect about the site that the site owner wants the user to explicitly be aware of https://indieweb.org/disclosure
[miklb]: perhaps add yourself and link to your public announcement here? https://indieweb.org/disclosure#Backfeed_Examples
Well, this wasn’t a public announcement POSSE, just a regular FB post giving heads up.
mine wasn't either - I just put it in my "about"
any kind of announcement / heads-up counts - whether POSSEd or not
we're still collecting examples of this to gain experience
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
If you're in #Wellington and interested in discussing #indieweb topics or your own website, you should come along t… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/887467830282559488
mblaney joined the channel
wow awesome!
Join us for the first ever Homebrew Website Club in Wellington, NZ. Discuss and work on your own website: http://reitnauer.com/updates/homebr… #indieweb
oops URL truncation - but it worked!
[treitnauer] Homebrew Website Club: July 26, 2017 in Wellington
ben_thatmustbeme and leg joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [chrisaldrich] and wolftune joined the channel
is there a way to make ownyourgram swap to https for my site?
you'll have to authenticate as the https version of your site. ownyourgram will see it as a new account. once you connect instagram to that one it will remove it from the previous one
e.g. type in https:// ... when logging in to ownyourgram
oh ok cool, was worried it would double up
aaronpk: got an "Error verifying your Instagram account!"
wait nevermind
instagram wasn't https
haha yeah
oh hey, ownyourgram just passed the 10,000 photo mark!
very cool
botka joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Doing a demo of POSSE and Webmentions at the Pasadena WordPress Developer Meetup. Here are some resources for those attending: Webmention recommended spec at the W3C Webmention page at Indieweb.org Getting started with Indieweb on WordPress instructions Webmention plugin for WordPress Semantic Linkbacks plugin for WordPress Syndication Links plugin for WordPress Brid.gy Code for auto-accepting … Continue reading """ by Chris Aldrich on 2017-07-19 http://boffosocko.com/2017/07/18/demo-of-posse-and-webmentions-at-the-pasadena-wordpress-developer-meetup/
[miklb] joined the channel
This might be esoteric, but was just thinking about reply contexts and silos.
If I post an article or note and POSSE it to Twitter, any comment or reference to the link is considered a reply.
But unless someone with their own site sets the context in mf2 as a reply or bookmark, it’s just a generic webmention and generally displays differently.
displays differently on the original article.
I guess quote would be another option for mf2.
Any way to do micropub with a static site?
I guess I could build out a micropub microservice that triggered a site build
TheGillies: that's generally how people do it. at least for jekyll there are a few around (see wiki /jekyll), I know dgold has just set up something for hugo, ...
[miklb]: potential counter-examples: retweet with comment (shiws context, but not a reply), and if you link multiple tweets in a tweet afaik only the first or last gets a context
[miklb]: im not sure I see the problem? Replies on twitter are just replies. If you're talking about someone with their own site who also posses replies to twitter, then your receiving code can group the received indie reply and twitter reply because they should reference each other
wolftune joined the channel
Not saying there’s a problem. Was just reading through a post and replies on Adactio and I’m not sure he delineates where the reply is from. I assumed most were Twitter. Got me thinking out loud.
I have no data on this, but I'd assume most people sending webmentions from their sites also mark up replies properly. But my blog posts are going to create more pure mentions just from the fact that they a) are longer and b) I can actually have proper links in there - I'll link a lot more stuff while writing them
But is it a reply if I write a short note about your post and link to it?
But if I write a tweet and and link to your note, and you backfeed from Twitter, it would pick that up as a reply?
it shouldn't unless it is a reply
ah, ok
random example from my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/Nick_Craver/status/887491092626780160 I wouldn't classify this as a reply
I LOVE YOU ALL, but admittedly my love is inversely proportional to your allocations. #DevDiscuss QT [@ThePracticalDev] In the last few minutes of #DevDiscuss, anybody want to share a personal project or make an announcement to the community?
That's why I show "mentions" separately from "replies"
the WP plugin differentiates mentions from replies. I don’t know why I assumed all backfed tweets would come in as a reply.
thanks for clarifying.
Exodist, tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I just noticed an interesting new feature in the WordPress /Syndication_Links plugin: If I reply to a WP post with Known, the WP displays not only the Webmention, it also automagically displays the syndicated copy _with_ the webmention!
GWG++ for this bit of awesomeness!
gwg has 215 karma in this channel (257 overall)
rpcope joined the channel
Chrisaldrich, that was why I wanted Semantic Linkbacks to store the syndication and location properties
I remember having seen the code and puzzled over it a bit. I'd even tweaked it to manually include a syndication link.
But I was honestly shocked that it pulled in the syndicated version from the other site!
Of course now I need to go in and tweak the CSS for it a bit now that I know it exists...
[Chrisaldrich], wait till one of your Webmentions has location.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I'm holding my breath until they have the temperature and the weather ?
Chrisaldrich, current or historic?
tantek and jjuran_ joined the channel
Weather for posts is a future feature.
I was being a bit facetious. Weather for posts is workable; doing it for webmentions is a BIT much.
[asteres] joined the channel
I'm traveling, excited to check out indieweb Brighton!
amz3` joined the channel
10c, partly cloudy, 2 mph N winds
tantek and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich That is very impressive on the part of Syndication Links. Known' own display of rsvps is exceedingly minimal.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
You're hilarious Asher!
There must be some database of weather info we can link to? I feel like it's just a combo of timedate and location
snarfed, cweiske and tantek joined the channel
are post kinds supposed to be marked up u-like-of or p-like-f? wiki says u-like-of, but wordpress post kinds looks to be doing p-like-of
both can be correct, depending on what the actual markup looks like
but generally I'd expect an u- as well
(since you probably want to get the URL from a link)
ya, I just sent a like to a known install and WP plugins is marking post up p-like-of and noticed it didn't get parsed as a like by known
KevinMarks joined the channel
Ruxton: do you have an example URL for me to look at?
KevinMarks joined the channel
[Ruxton] The Fugees – The Score
[Ruxton] The Fugees – The Score
yeah, that should be a u-like-of
is there a difference in use case between u-like-of and p-like-of?
it's microformats parsing rules. u-like-of says to take the URL of the thing (e.g. the href of an <a>, or in this case the url property of the nested h-cite microformat)
p- means the text/name, that's why the parser output shows the title here as the "like-of"
the data for like of looks to have parsed ok in that link though
sorry just trying to understand what's happening
yes, but the "value" is the title, and that's what known probably looks for
if it were u-like-of, then the "value" would be the URL, and Known should recognize it
(known also could look at the entire h-cite and check it's url, but it probably doesn't do that)
ok thx, got some patches to write ;P
j12t and sl007 joined the channel
Hello, everybody. Zegnat : Did fixes https://github.com/sebilasse/indieweb-origami - see websub logo …
[sebilasse] indieweb-origami: Proposals for indieweb posters, logos, CI
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good Morning Indieweb
!tell asteres Day One, the journalling app, gives you weather retrospectively for time and location.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu, Pierre-O, j12t, jeremycherfas_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
j12t, KevinMarks, tantek and jeremycherfas joined the channel
just learned that there is a ".rip" tld, https://www.name.com/domains/rip
cweiske buy soundcloud.rip, just in case
sl007 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
all links will break once I get RIPped
that's good.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Your.silo.rip ?
silo.rip, though silo.archive would be nicer
Loqi can I has .warc tld?
what is warc?
WARC is a web archive (Web ARChive) format designed to collect all of the resources that make up a web page into a single item that does not require any external references when opened https://indieweb.org/WARC
what is webrecorder.io?
It looks like we don't have a page for "webrecorder.io" yet. Would you like to create it?
ok, I added "https://webrecorder.io" to the "See Also" section of /WARC
eli_oat, KevinMarks, j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
good morning, IndieWeb!
@aboodman eh. decentralized web is kind of like web 2.0, very broad and vague. can still include HTTP, eg https://indieweb.org/.
I did have xmlrip.com
I let it lapse
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
[kevinmarks] if you're a long time investor, consider json.rip ;)
snarfed joined the channel
oh, I missed this 5 days ago, did we already discuss it? https://twitter.com/Dieulot/status/885908162917916673
@gruber “Medium is supposed to be good” ??? They’re testing this right now. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEtfusFXUAE486V.jpg
jeremycherfas_ and Garbee joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
Anyone do homepage replies on their site and then POSSE it as a tweet with the user’s @name? I experimented with bridgy, but it did things differently (https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/760) I was wondering if this is a real use case that anyone has done?
[EdwardHinkle] #760 Replying to a user's homepage creates a tweet to one of their recent tweets?
I think the primary use is for fallback. Since homepage webmentions aren’t supported super-widely the thought was that if someone doesn’t have homepage webmentions at least they might get the tweet. Seems like similar behavior and intention, I think?
Cool, wanted to make sure my brain was working properly ?
I don't do much with homepage mentions
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Maybe I should
I am storing them
Just spun up a server so I could have a micropub backend. You guys are a bad influence on me
The Gillies: It happens to the best of us ?
sl007, j12t and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[eddie]: tldr, you probably just want to mention grant.codes, not actually reply to it. homepage mentions, not replies, are the equivalent to twitter @-mentions
dixongexpat joined the channel
(replying to a home page is unusual and rarely used in indieweb, if ever. not sure what it would mean. :P)
snarfed: especially with private webmention (where you don't want to mention everything in your post) we've been using it to start conversations
sknebel: huh. so your CMS(es) have special code for private pages that only sends wms for class="u-in-reply-to"? interesting. wikified anywhere?
snarfed: apparently not, will add it later
but generalized, it could be mention is just a mention (talking about someone, if in private I don't want to notify you of that/give you access to the private conversation), in-reply-to as an explicit "hey, I'm talking to you"
oh sure! just hadn't heard of it before. and it is an unfortunate overloading of in-reply-to, which doesn't actually mean that, and it'll make services like bridgy interpret and use it badly
iboxifoo joined the channel
snarfed: Ohhh, mention. That makes sense. Mentions don’t require any specific mf2 markup, do they?
I know person-tags have u-category
yeah, for private webmentions that wasn't really a concern for now and we didn't feel like making up a special case, but now we have a clear example of something weird happening, so worth looking into it
[eddie]: yeah, mention is just a link with a property
snarfed, does bridgy send location?
GWG: search the docs :P
I have that though
Better do some tests again. Maybe I am mismarking
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
so Quill and OwnYourGram are posting to my site, the attached photos are copied, but the site is returning a location header error, and "The file could not be moved" - not sure what I need to fix here
Site is using default blog on Kirby CMS
sounds like maybe a file permissions error?
@aaronpk I tried to redo file permissions and ended up borking my site for awhile LOL
The site creates a folder, inserts a file, inserts the image.
So I can see no missing files
in the Kirby panel, I can see the image and the article text
and it is properly dated and shows up on the timelin
searching that error, it looks like that's returned when kirby tries to copy the file and it fails
which is why i'm thinking it's some sort of file permissions error on the server
the last line of the error is this: {"error":"error","error_description":"The file could not be moved"}
that's from quill
yeah quill is showing you what the micropub endpoint returned
screenshot here https://www.screencast.com/t/yOnZXOALG8
now that you mention it, the new posts are coming in as pi:pi instead of pi:www-data
botka2, jeremycherfas_, j12t and tantek joined the channel
!tell sebsel do you link to your privacy page from your home page or footer or someplace else obviously discoverable? if so could you note that detail re: https://indieweb.org/disclosure#Sebastiaan_Andeweg
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
KevinMarks heh. probably worth documenting some screenshots!
what is log in?
log is such a weird word in this context
is it legacy from signing a log at a hotel etc.?
jmelesky joined the channel
"log in" ends in a preposition so Loqi ignores it
like this too:
what is sign in?
!tell Ruxton I'm running the current WP pieces including Post Kinds (like you), and didn't see the same like/mention problem. http://boffosocko.com/2017/07/19/like-fugees-the-score/ perhaps it's because your URL appended #comments?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
IndieWeb — WordPress Plugis latest update works now on my blog, which is not at top level of domain:-) https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, KevinMarks, wolftune, KevinMarks_ and gigitux joined the channel
@LucaSalvini @btconf && strolling around with @fredericmarx and the #IndieWeb crew ;) ?
KevinMarks, j12t, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, u_nuSLASHkm8, sl007, eli_oat, wolftune, eli_oat1, tinyurl_comSLASH, tantek and gigitux joined the channel
Is dixongexpat still around? I believe not. But I made that Micropub plugin and I have the same error from time to time. It's really weird, using the Media Endpoint works 50/50. I will investigate it some more myself too.
sebsel: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 30 minutes ago: do you link to your privacy page from your home page or footer or someplace else obviously discoverable? if so could you note that detail re: https://indieweb.org/disclosure#Sebastiaan_Andeweg
I link in the footer of every page!
[kevinmarks], KevinMarks_, leg and wolftune joined the channel
what is a playlist?
A playlist represents a collection of audio or video of some significance to the list's creator https://indieweb.org/playlist
snarfed, [chrisaldrich], arlen, KevinMarks and davidmead joined the channel