[chrisaldrich]renem Thanks! Those activity posts are awesome, I suspect that those using Strava (tantek and sknebel iirc) may be interested in them for UI.
[chrisaldrich]sknebel, perhaps you're right; I remember a handful of people starting to chat about /Strava a few months ago. Maybe cleverdevil was part of that as well?
fzylogic, snarfed, mblaney and wolftune joined the channel
sebselI believe Strava has those images too if you share your run on Twitter. I like it as a POSSE option, but on my own site, I rather have the data searchable :)
[renem]Maybe have a look at Runalyze, which is a solution that you can host yourself and is mainly for Runners, not so great photos but maps currently embedded as iFrame. But OpenSource on Github.
sketchessFunny. I never ever ever will try to do things with 'ready to go silos' ever again. What a waste of time they in fact were. Now, I do not even know why I hesitated to become my own webmaster again. xD
Loqitantek: sebsel left you a message 3 days, 5 hours ago: We discussed delete-of in the context of untag, so it is mentioned there. https://indieweb.org/untag
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Did not check* Facebook for 2 weeks. This is my first post in a fortnight. Didn’t listen to iPod for 12d. Returning home from Paris after 10 days, everything seemed the same but different.
I know yoga teacher training changed me, more inside than ...
ada[m]Hi everyone. I'm trying to add mf markup to https://view.matrix.org, but I'm not personally the most familiar with the syntax in the world. 2 questions at the moment:
sebseltantek Ah, I found it! You mean: the sticker still exists but has no multiplier. The other section of stickers is called "Bonus". But they don't give you bonus points, hence my confusion :)
tantekOne of the reasons I like Swarm (and it's UI) is that it's very encouraging of doing things in the real world, and not just spending endless time online, reading streams, replying etc.
[shurcool]Hi there. I've got a quick question that's _probably_ common... it's about indieauth and rel="me" links. So, I _used to_ have those links on the index page, but I've ended up moving them to an `/about` page. That ends up breaking my ability to sign in via indieauth. What are some typical ways to resolve that/work around that?
beari'm going afk for a bit - but please do post any followup questions, I'll be back later or someone else will eventually help - August week-end days are often slow in the channel ;)
ZegnatRelMeAuth via indieauth.com isn’t much else than outsourcing your auth endpoint though. So linking your own endpoint is a solution if you do not want to link social media platforms on your homepage
[shurcool]If I understand correctly, I could implement that rel="authorization_endpoint" on my home page and that'd be sufficient to login to the wiki at https://indieweb.org, is that right?
ZegnatAny website that supports IndieAuth, or uses indieauth.com, to let people login will let you login with that. Including - of course - the wiki :D
[shurcool]and I wouldn't depend on indieauth.com for doing... auth stuff. I'm being vague because I don't know the exact terms without looking more into it now, and I'm just doing cursory discovery/research right now
ZegnatThe wiki will still go to indieauth.com, because it has outsourced the checks. But something like https://telegraph.p3k.io/ (a webmention sender) will communicate straight with your own site
[shurcool]right. just to confirm, I'm not looking to let people sign in to my site via indieauth, just to be able to use my site to login to other sites that support indieauth
DanC_though... even stuff like https://oasis.sandstorm.io/ is ultimately backed by google cloud compute (or AWS? I think it's google). But at least in that case, google isn't using it to sell ads (I think/hope)
DanC_ooh... this could be it: "Pause after taking photo - If ticked, after taking a photo the display will pause, with options to share Share icon or delete Trash icon the photo." -- http://opencamera.org.uk/help.html