LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/linkblog
sketchess!tell schmarty the last podcast was great (5-11). I enjoyed the balance you found of voice and tempo. Be happy to hear the next one. The little interviwe included is my every weeks highlight. :)
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 9 hours, 53 minutes ago: take a look at https://raretrack.uk/2017/indieweb-for-end-users---some-thoughts and especially note the concern about how even the #indieweb channel seems too technical (per that long running chat we have about what is too technical or should go in -dev etc.) "Whilst I'm a geek I generally feel a fish out of water by the more techical content…" etc.
Zegnatsl007 you could demand that of a bot, yes. Much like how you can specify if and where and how people have to credit you. Whether it would still be considered open-source is a secondary question ?
sl007ok, fully agreed. Personally I would consider it open-source. My feeling is that it should be a convention everywhere to mark bot messages. Photojournalists use [M] to mark manipulated photos and for me it is an ethical question also to mark "manipulated" texts as with [B] (or should it also be [M] ?) …
jeremycherfasJust a quick update sketchess, and documentation on wiki. Maybe something new this afternoon, or maybe continue bringing in old posts to my current setup.
Loqi[colinwalker]: sketchess left you a message 40 minutes ago: I am just a little curious about what your favorit topis might are you like the most about to blog. That's all.
jeremycherfasMeta is used to indicate that something is about the thing, not the thing itself. So metadata is (are) data about data. And then people use it to indicate that they are doing a thing about the thing. So, writing about writing is considered meta.
jeremycherfasBefore, I was thinking that if I wanted to automate posting to Known, I would have to somehow send a POST to Quill or Micropublish or similar. But they would then just be sending it to the micropub endpoint at Known. So I could cut out the middleman, as it were, and send the PST directly to my endpoint myself. Is that correct?
Zegnatjeremycherfas, you got that right. Your Micropub endpoint will accept posts no matter where they come from as long as the POST follows the right structure and has a bearer token that lets you actually create posts. I’d be happy to discuss further in -dev :)
LoqiMicropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) that is used to create, update, and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients, and supersedes both MetaWeblog and AtomPub https://indieweb.org/Micropub
sketchessThis is what my index content currently reads: "This is a test page. It should show a grey background color." But it is enough to play around with it and get crazy. xD
jeremycherfasThe thing is, I’ve been hanging around this sort of thing for a long time, but never actually made the effort to consolidate the little bits and pieces I know. Because I didn’t need to. Now I do.
jeremycherfasSee now, that’s the thing I cannot understand. Does WithkKnown send a webmention or does it not? And the answer is a bloody annoying “It depends”.
raretrackSorry Zegnat I love pineapple on pizza, contentious I know! I saw that reply hadn't shown up as a reply at your end, wasn't intentional and has baffled me what I did wrong!
Loqi[Rob Fairhead] Indieweb for end-users - some thoughts
3 min read
I've been mulling over this post by this post by Jeremy Cherfas , my reply and then Chris Aldrich's response asking for vi...
Zegnatraretrack, your reply to me isn’t marked up as a reply the way I would expect it to, and doesn’t link to my original reply. So it would have been hard to send a webmention. Why Known has several types of reply posts, I am not sure… Someone else might know.
jeremycherfasAnd the immediately following post, which was also a reply to a post on a WithKnown site (Chris Aldrich’s) seems to have been received perfectly well, automatically.
LoqiOAuth is an authorization protocol created to replace the need for client applications of a service (e.g. a silo) to ask for your username and password to the service in order to access the service on your behalf https://indieweb.org/oauth
LoqiMicropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) that is used to create, update, and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients, and supersedes both MetaWeblog and AtomPub https://indieweb.org/Micropub
jeremycherfasWell, I have to say, taking the time to sit down and read the Zapier introduction to APIs was a really good use of my time. Pulled a lot of things together, and made it seem a lot less intimidating.
Loqischmarty: sketchess left you a message 9 hours, 49 minutes ago: the last podcast was great (5-11). I enjoyed the balance you found of voice and tempo. Be happy to hear the next one. The little interviwe included is my every weeks highlight. :)
Loqitantek: schmarty left you a message 3 hours, 19 minutes ago: i gave a shot at a "New Community Members" segment for this week's audio newsletter. http://mmg.re/4pxJ4n
Loqi[Jeremy Cherfas] Chris Aldrich is way too kind, but it is the kind of kindness I need. A couple of quick responses:
I will indeed tweak the regex as you suggest. That behaviour by reading.am does rather spoil using it as a repository for links I want to go back to...
tantekZegnat, well, webmention.io is "getting those" but as you might imagine, it's going to be somework for me to sift homepage webmention signal from the 110k+ webmentions it has received.
tantekso many that I've considered doing an art project about it. and even trying to do 24hours of "tsplaining" politely replying to people deliberately mis-using @t explaining with "@-name, actually, @t doesn't mean 'at' (or t-mobile) etc."