#tantekhey the photo from the EFF meetup made it in!
#tantekwe could use a few more "Posts about the IndieWeb" (only one now)
wolftune, fzylogic, j12t, cweiske and barpthewire joined the channel
#cweiskemy micropub experience today: bad. Tried to post a reply at commentpara.de with quill.p3k.io: error when posting. tried with micropublish.net: error with user auth handling. unicyclic.com: changes to the "me" parameter in the callback URL breaks commentpara.de's auth. finally I resorted to shpub which at least worked.
barpthewire, gRegorLove, loicm, KartikPrabhu, j12t, friedcell and [barryf] joined the channel
#[barryf]Morning cweiske. I saw your issue against Micropublish. I made a change to not rely on the `me` parameter in the callback URL based on https://github.com/aaronpk/Quill/issues/79 although I can see how that won't work for your use case
#Loqi[aaronpk] #79 Don't rely on `me` in the callback URL
#cweiske[barryf], then I wonder why it still works on quill
#petermolnarweird questions: is anyone aware of any static generator, which has it's documentation (which has a documentation) and which is translated to Chinese? There is a guy asking me how my website is done, but we have a massive language barrier.
#[barryf]Good question, cweiske. I'm going to have a read of how aaronpk changed Quill.
#[barryf]Hmm. I wonder if it would be acceptable to go back to accepting a `me` parameter in the callback, but check whether it's from the original domain?
#aaronpk[barryf] the change is only about using the `me` in the callback URL, not about using it at all. clients should still use the `me` returned with the access token response.
[manton] joined the channel
#[manton]aaronpk Anything else change with Quill recently? Tested with Micro.blog this morning just to confirm there's no problems with `me`, and noticed that I'm getting the "Your endpoint did not return a Location header" error. Don't actually see a hit to my server, though.
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date https://indieweb.org/new
#aaronpkhm we do need more posts for indienews this week
#ZegnatI have 2 blog posts I want to finish this weekend. Neither are IndieWeb related though.
#ZegnatDate of publication near the top, nothing as bad as reading an entire article and then figuring out it was written 5 years ago when you get to the footer
#[chrisaldrich]of course with the DDOS I experienced from HackerNews, I never checked to see if there were brid.gy responses I missed as a result...
#tantek[chrisaldrich]: My js;dr post has 312 responses per webmention.io, also the vast majority of them webmentions via Brid.gy from Twitter, but missing a lot, as my POSSE tweet https://twitter.com/t/status/575434935554584576 alone has over 600 responses (replies, retweets, likes)!
#[chrisaldrich]tantek: that probably doesn't get all the additional manual retweets; I noticed a lot of people copy/pasting tweets or writing short commentary and including the link to the post.
#[chrisaldrich]Twitter doesn't have a way to count those while brid.gy seems to pick them up well.
#[chrisaldrich]In fact, I'm surprised Twitter doesn't build in that functionality somehow, especially for businesses that have matching root URLs.
#tanteksounds like an opportunity to build a paid service
glennjones joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]So Twitter can pull the rug out from underneath again?! ?
#sknebelwouldn't be surprised if that's something you can buy from companies with Firehose access
snarfed, glennjones and [barryf] joined the channel
#[barryf]cweiske I've pushed a change to Micropublish to respect the token endpoint's `me` value. Can you try again?
[jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel
#tantekstill pondering where to document the "most webmentions to a post " per [chrisaldrich]'s query
[aarongustafson] joined the channel
#[aarongustafson]FWIW, I noticed a lot of missing webmentions from Twitter in Brid.gy. I ended up writing a Ruby script to collect them and add them into my site. I need to rewrite it to work with my revised Jekyll plugin now though.
#snarfed(i may or may not officially document and support)
#tantekthere's (now?) a feature for FB birthdays where apparently you can pick a donation cause for your birthday and then it prompts others to donate for your birthday
#tantekit creates a "donate" post with a permalink, header image (optional presumably), summary, name of program being benefitted, large [ Donate ] button, [ Invite ][ Share ][ … More v ] buttons, time left (e.g. "Only 12 Hours Left"), goal status progress bar, $x / $y raised, "Story" (description) with date posted, donate box with "How much would you like to donate?" and buttons for [ $20 ][ $50 ][ $100 ][ $250 ][ Other ] [ Donate
#tantek"Benefiting" box with picture / description of org being benefitted tag/category location, link to learn more, how they receive the money, and then "Fundraiser Updates", with comments, and special "Userxyz donated." posts with dates which link to permalinks for those responses, and at the bottom, a "More Donations" box stating private donations, e.g. "This fundraiser has another 9 private donations."
#LoqiGratipay (formerly Gittip) is a payment silo that allows individuals and organizations to receive tips to their Gratipay account which is associated with a number of different silo accounts such as github, bitbucket, twitter, openstreetmap, etc https://indieweb.org/gittip
#tantekoh! slightly different URLs from when I changed the slug!
cweiske and sl007 joined the channel
#gRegorLoveInteresting. Apparently if your Instagram account is private, but you have it hooked up to post to Facebook, the individual photo URLs linked from Facebook are accessible.
#snarfedyeah there are a few possible causes. e.g. wmio is async, so it may respond 201 and later fail them internally. also at least one possible source of dupes in the bridgy query itself. definitely preliminary, as mentioned :P
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-08-18.html
iboxifoo, amz3, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], sensiblemn_ and j12t joined the channel
amz3, snarfed and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]hmm... looks like Loqi's lates draft of indienews didn't ick up that Post Kinds article from news.indieweb.org/en. aaronpk, is it because the original was dated last Friday perhaps?
#aaronpkwhats on indienews? It should be using that date
#[chrisaldrich]It's got a published date and a submitted date. the Published was last Friday; the submitted 6 hours ago. Not sure which one gets used to filter the newsletter.
#aaronpk[chrisaldrich]: just moved the dt-published class on indienews to the submitted date since that more accurately represents it. should get picked up in the last newsletter generation
#Loqischmarty: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: idea for the podcast - maybe do an explicit "Welcome!" to New Community Members (from this-week)
#Loqi[Rob Fairhead] Indieweb for end-users - some thoughts
3 min read
I've been mulling over this post by this post by Jeremy Cherfas , my reply and then Chris Aldrich's response asking for vi...
#tantekI want to especially point out: "Whilst I'm a geek I generally feel a fish out of water by the more techical content of the IndieWeb site and the conversations in the IRC chat room"
#tanteka suggestion too: "Also perhaps an IRC sub-chat room for beginners"
#tantekand this is why I keep reminding folks to switch to #indieweb-dev
#tantekto really keep trying to keep the main channel as beginner friendly as possible
#tantek!tell Zegnat,sknebel take a look at https://raretrack.uk/2017/indieweb-for-end-users---some-thoughts and especially note the concern about how even the #indieweb channel seems too technical (per that long running chat we have about what is too technical or should go in -dev etc.) "Whilst I'm a geek I generally feel a fish out of water by the more techical content…" etc.
#Loqi[Rob Fairhead] Indieweb for end-users - some thoughts
3 min read
I've been mulling over this post by this post by Jeremy Cherfas , my reply and then Chris Aldrich's response asking for vi...
#Loqisknebel: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: take a look at https://raretrack.uk/2017/indieweb-for-end-users---some-thoughts and especially note the concern about how even the #indieweb channel seems too technical (per that long running chat we have about what is too technical or should go in -dev etc.) "Whilst I'm a geek I generally feel a fish out of water by the more techical content…" etc.
#sknebel("mh" as in "seen your message", not as a statement about the content ;))