sebselThanks to gRegorLove's Mf2-to-iCalendar thingy, I am subscribed to my own RSVPs via Apple's Calendar, so now I post a lot more RSVPs to my own site :) can recommend it.
ZegnatThe OPML contains links to XML feeds, I am not even sure it contains actual data about the channels you are subscribed to. But I might be able to expand that section when I have time.
ZegnatI might try capturing some screenshots. Though not sure if that is worth it for an opt-in test version of the site… Also, would need to find a good way to hide my subscriptions
loicm, jmelesky, snarfed, j12t, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, dougbeal|iOS, [miklb], gigitux, wolftune, tantek, eli_oat, Pierre-O and gRegorLove joined the channel