#Loqitantek: sketchess left you a message 19 hours, 33 minutes ago: Think of a beginner's attempt what ever you like. I find it personally impolite to not giving it the tiniest chance. I know I don't have to justify myself and I won't. Have a nice day.
#tantek!tell sketchess no impoliteness intended, rather, noting that any attempt to write a guide should follow having achieved whatever level of indieweb the guide is trying to teach
j12t, catsup, Rev_Illo, raretrack and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#raretracklistening to this week's IndieWeb podcast
#ZegnatAww, youtube.com/new seems to kill the link to the OPML export of subscriptions. Now I have to figure out a better way to sync them into my reader :(
j12t joined the channel
#raretrackZegnat, I've set up a separate RSS feed for each YouTube channel, but I don't have many so not too much hassle for me!
#ZegnatI have, currently, 72 subscriptions. But they change a lot.
#ZegnatMy previous flow was: manage my YT subscriptions, then export the OPML and import it to my RSS reader. But if they are taking away that export option I need something else.
#raretrackAh, I can see why you need to aggregate those into a simple solution!
Rev_Illo joined the channel
#ZegnatI am with petermolnar on the fact that it is worthwhile to subscribe to channels to support them. So I don’t want to go the way of only doing RSS either.
#ZegnatDisappointed in YouTube for taking away this feature though :(
#raretrackAgree, I do both. Have just exported my YouTube subscriptions if it's going soon (got a XML file that imported OK into my feed reader).
#ZegnatCurrently, when you click on “subscriptions” in the sidebar you go to the manager and it has a button at the bottom.
#ZegnatIf you use the new YouTube design (youtube.com/new to activate) you will get a different subscriptions view and the button is gone.
#raretrackAh right, I'm still on the old / classic design.
gigitux, davidmead, j12t and tantek joined the channel