#indieweb 2017-08-30

2017-08-30 UTC
mindB, afrogeek[m], dougbeal|iOS, deathrow1, tbrb, snarfed, davidmead, [miklb], eli_oat, AndChat-663936, arlen, j12t, KartikPrabhu, bttf, sl007 and EmreSokullu joined the channel
snarfed, wolftune, loicm, EmreSokullu, cweiske, joshproehl, jacus, DanC, barpthewire, Pierre-O, friedcell and j12t joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
EmreSokullu joined the channel
morning Zegnat
@ECPMF @NDMedienmacher IndieWeb helps to assure #mediafreedom - come by at the OpenSpace tent / attend… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/902803726989217792
IndieWeb helps to assure #mediafreedom - come by at the OpenSpace tent / attend https://indieweb.org/2017/Dortmund ? CAMPFIRE… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/902803784287608834
oh dear that means i've stayed up too late
good night
see you in the morning!
aaronpk have a good one :)
@Hackette7 A charming IndieWebCamp ... https://indieweb.org/2017/Dortmund ? CAMPFIRE - Festival for journalism – start/joining single sessions possible
EmreSokullu, KartikPrabhu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I'm seriously considering serving my site from my home server as an experiment
I'm curious how slower it'd get
I do not fear slowness but the security implications
because my home server has access to sensitive data
like backups and so
oh, I sync those to my main server as well
offsite backups
yes, there are serious security implications there, I'm aware
not only offsite, but laptop and desktop machine backups
EmreSokullu joined the channel
which is one of the reason why I should be setting up selinux as well :/
shall we take this to -dev?
sl007, davidmead, [kevinmarks], Exodist and barpthewire joined the channel
_6a68, moredhel, endi, dch, jjuran, Zegnat, bttf and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Humanizing the Web" by Benjamin Robertson on 2017-08-30 https://medium.com/@bgrobertson/humanizing-the-web-3c6dce118f39?source=rss-------1
sl007, [pfefferle] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Hello again IndieWeb
@martinkaul Dieser Text muss so lang! Danke. Und kommt alle bei uns bei : https://indieweb.org/2017/Dortmund ? beim CAMPFIRE Festival für Journalismus
(!) Dieser Text muss so lang! Und kommt alle bei uns bei nächste Woche : https://indieweb.org/2017/Dortmund ? beim… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/902893997479354368
Anchakor and sl007 joined the channel
@ken_wheeler Indieweb tools built into the browser. Wouldn't need social networks, because the whole web would be the social network.
tantek, jeremycherfas, iboxifoo, bnvk, wolftune, snarfed, jmelesky and sketchess joined the channel
good morning #indieweb
Today I added more social #indieweb support to my site. Now also #Flickr and #Instagram is included. Had to ... http://microblog.renem.net/2017/08/30/today-i-added.html
tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
good morning #indieweb
Had a preliminary meeting yesterday for IWC-LA to be hosted at Yahoo's HQ in LA.
We're looking at January/February 2018 in balmy Southern California if folks want to add their +1/0/-1 to /Planning
snarfed joined the channel
They've got some great space to do something like this too... ?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Sounds good ?
cleverdevil, this doesn't mean that DreamHost couldn't chip in for cocktails, stickers, t-shirts, /swag, etc. ?
Of course!
Now, to iron out a more regular LA-based HWC...
should be easier now that the house/move have almost settled out...
friedcell and j12t joined the channel
If you reside in the PDX area and love #WordPress, you should check out @indiewebcamp! https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
[chrisaldrich]++ thanks for the new dates and venue update! I've added my +/-1s :)
chrisaldrich has 42 karma in this channel (54 overall)
wolftune joined the channel
If you reside in the PDX area and love #WordPress, you should check out indiewebcamp! https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
!tell Salt Are you still looking into a possible IWC Seattle this Oct / Nov? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Seattle
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I need to record a demo, but I have passwordless login on my website again using a mobile app to confirm logins, so I can log in on untrusted computers again!
raretrack joined the channel
interesting! you swapped single factor something you know for something you have
@indiewebcamp #indieweb Have any advice on how to manage videos on my personal website?
yep with fingerprint confirmation
nice :o
ooh so it is two factor, just a less common two
I suppose the reply to that would be @andigalpern https://indieweb.org/video
sl007 joined the channel
also you deliberately swapped from a high surface area/likelihood threat model (password based over the internet) to much lower (if someone steals your phone, they're unlikely to then also try to log into your site)
interesting point
what is security
security in the context of the indieweb may refer to security concerns regarding personal domains, web hosting, https setup, private data, identity etc https://indieweb.org/security
EmreSokullu, wolftune, [keithjgrant] and [kiai] joined the channel
Hi, Everyone.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aw bummer. I got the homebrew meetup weeks wrong.
I tried to find a location in NYC. The place I was working on ended up needing $100 to pay for insurance.
I plan to leave the safety of my ptsd cocoon and start schmoozing with Dumbo businesses to see if anyone there will host.
[cleverdevil], gRegorLove and drkokandy joined the channel
When did twitter split DMs into "inbox" and "requests"?
gah yet another thing to moderate?
I just realized I have a bunch of messages in "requests" that I didn't see
from people you don't follow?
Maybe when instagram defaulted comment replies as messages?
sounds like FB messenger envy on behalf of Twitter
sh4l_, loicm and [miklb] joined the channel
for the #brands
Finally testing the Known platform. I want to add a chat room and thinking to try Gnotty. Anyone have any tips before I install? Or is this a good direction to go?
j12t joined the channel
[kiai]: try pinging GWG if he has ideas for HWC NYC. I know he wanted to start one up again
I heard not everybody knows about Munich yet? YES, we are coming to MUNICH in addition to DUS and BER in 2018. January 15–17. More info soon
wolftune, kiai and [kiai] joined the channel
tantek I don't think I would make a good co-organizer, because I'm not in NYC all the time. I'm in SF more. We chatted a little about it before. Will reach out nonetheless.
kiai - maybe I misunderstood what you said earlier then about HWC and NYC?
snarfed and jgee joined the channel
aaronpk: I wonder if you have split DM inbox because of the "Receive Direct Messages from anyone" setting? I don't have that option on, so no "requests" inbox
gRegorLove: yeah probably, but it's relatively new. (I also don't update my iOS apps that often so it may have launched a while ago and I didn't notice)
gigitux, tantek, [kevinmarks] and [kiai] joined the channel
tantek, no worries. I'm in NYC regularly about every other month. I'm happy to help in any way.
[tantek] joined the channel
Aaronpk, screenshots? Web or native only?
Hm haven't checked web yet
Um no. They're building alternate silos.
tantek joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Love your blog post! (And love it is indieweb ;) )" by Pierre Ozoux on 2017-01-16 https://microblog.pierre-o.fr/2017/love-your-blog-post-and-love-it-is-indieweb
[sebsel] joined the channel
aaronpk I didn't have that in my twitter app, but when I turned on 'PMs from everybody' in the settings, it appeared, so definately linked to that option
snarfed joined the channel