2017-09-04 UTC
davidmead, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:54 tantek oh yeah - no time for figuring out Atom "event" posts. unless someone can point to docs on how to do it
# 02:55 tantek has anyone ever published an ActivityStream "Event" post ever anywhere? URL?
[miklb] joined the channel
# 03:08 [miklb] filing that away for future reference. My goal now with my main site is to be strictly a profile/timeline. Still fleshing out my thought process on that as I build the satellites.
tantek, drkokandy, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, Gold, gRegorLove, snarfed, barpthewire, friedcell, sl007, dominik, BrAsS_mOnKeY and cweiske joined the channel
[pfefferle], loicm, Pierre-O and jeremycherfas joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
EmreSokullu, Rev_Illo, friedcell and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
[pfefferle], EmreSokullu and j4y_funabashi joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
jeremycherfas_ and EmreSokullu joined the channel
# 10:32 jeremycherfas Schmarty I can’t seem to find details in the BBC fork of audiogram how to add subtitles. Can you point me in the right direction
EmreSokullu, Pierre-O, dominik and rhiaro joined the channel
# 11:23 jeremycherfas !tell schmarty All moot as even after installation will not actually complete loading in my browser.
# 11:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:37 Loqi schmarty: jeremycherfas left you a message 13 minutes ago: All moot as even after installation will not actually complete loading in my browser.
# 11:39 schmarty !tell jeremycherfas the BBC version of Audiogram Generator was much more tricky to set up. I had to change our disable several config options and strip out code that expects some of their services to exist.
# 11:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:41 schmarty !tell jeremycherfas I plan to release my fork with instructions once I replace the chunk of code that tries to get a transcript from their servers. I have a hacky workaround at the moment that is not reasonable to expect folks to do. :)
# 11:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dominik and EmreSokullu joined the channel
# 12:13 jeremycherfas Schmarty I’m glad you were able to make it work; I never could. So I’ll look forward to your fork and, in the meantime, delete it. I did have a go at Gentle, and it is pretty amazing. I guess I would need to edit the CSV it produces to get reasonable subtitles, but definitely worth knowing about. Thanks.
# 12:13 Loqi jeremycherfas: schmarty left you a message 34 minutes ago: the BBC version of Audiogram Generator was much more tricky to set up. I had to change our disable several config options and strip out code that expects some of their services to exist.
# 12:13 Loqi jeremycherfas: schmarty left you a message 31 minutes ago: I plan to release my fork with instructions once I replace the chunk of code that tries to get a transcript from their servers. I have a hacky workaround at the moment that is not reasonable to expect folks to do. :)
jeremycherfas_, R2ZER0, jeremycherfas, loicm, IndiePad1, EmreSokullu, davidmead and Pierre-O joined the channel
sknebel joined the channel
# 14:55 aaronpk Has anyone else looked at instagram's multi photo posts much?
# 14:58 aaronpk I haven't even posted any on Instagram yet so I'm also not super familiar with how people use them
# 15:05 aaronpk Okay upon further review of multi photos from people I'm following it looks like it's less complicated than the wiki description indicates
IndiePad1 joined the channel
wolftune, IndiePad1, [kevinmarks], Pierre-O and tantek joined the channel
# 16:13 tantek and I just got "blocked" on FB for using a feature too much or "too fast"
# 16:14 tantek I think due to the errant duplicate events and event creations yesterday :(
# 16:16 tantek took screenshots, now trying to figure out how to document
# 16:16 tantek also not my fault since FB itself kept erroring out when I tried to create the POSSE event last night
# 16:18 aaronpk interesting, so not blocked from using Facebook altogether, just from the specific feature?
# 16:23 aaronpk So bad error handling on their part leading to you accidentally creating a bunch of events because you thought it didn't go through?
# 16:25 tantek when you dismiss the "Something went wrong" alert/overlay, it leaves you on the same "Create Event" screen, so I just kept trying like 10 times
# 16:26 tantek along with auto-inviting 150+ people TO EACH ONE because that's what "Duplicate Event" does
# 16:26 tantek so I think that's what their systems woke up to - too many invitations
# 16:27 tantek I can only imagine how annoyed people were to receive like 10 event invitations for the same thing, and then 9 "event deleted" notifications
# 16:28 tantek if someone here has a screenshot of their notifications stream with all the invitations / deletions, I'd appreciate seeing it
IndiePad1 joined the channel
# 16:39 aaronpk oh now i remember the reason i was putting off multi-photos in ownyourgram
# 16:40 aaronpk it's possible to create a post on instagram with a combination of photos and videos
# 16:41 aaronpk but right now we use the "photo" property for the still-frame preview of video posts
# 16:41 aaronpk also since microformats pulls out video and photo properties separately, there isn't a way to represent the original ordering of mixed photos and videos in microformats
IndiePad1 joined the channel
# 16:43 tantek aaronpk - right, we don't have a multi-photo+video post type anywhere
# 16:44 tantek IGs multi-posts are somewhere between a multi-photo and a photo album
# 16:44 aaronpk i'm having trouble finding a similarity to albumns
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 16:45 aaronpk they seem equivalent to twitter's multi photo posts except that each photo is shown by itself rather than tiled like twitter's.
# 16:45 tantek Twitter shows each photo by itself if you click on them - with left/right arrows
# 16:45 tantek Twitter just has that "extra" feature of showing a tiled summary
# 16:45 [kevinmarks] I want to post a sequence to instagram, but its UI won't let me browse well enough
# 16:49 [kevinmarks] I could post them on my site but munging them down to a sensible size is annoying
# 16:49 tantek can you link directly to the JPGs so the rest of us don't have to pfaff about with all the nonsense bloated JS from Google?
# 16:52 [kevinmarks] i was just trying to upload to flickr and it insistes I change may password
# 16:53 tantek yes that's from when yahoo's pw db was stolen
# 16:53 tantek they did a mass pw reset on all yahoo accounts
# 16:54 aaronpk well the immediate challenge is adding support for instagram's multi-photos to ownyourgram
# 16:55 aaronpk i thought i had a path forward but then realized that instagram posts can combine photos and videos, and now there isn't an equivalent for that on my site or in microformats
# 16:56 tantek even without videos, we don't have a way to do per-photo person-tags in a multi-photo, which you can also do in IG multi-photo posts
# 16:56 tantek I've personally struggled with that with *manually* POSSEing to IGT
# 16:57 aaronpk gotta have multi photos on my site at all before i can worry about person tagging them
# 16:57 tantek aaronpk - it's not a later problem for me - that's the first one I ran into personally in real world examples
# 16:58 tantek kevinmarks not sure because I think I whitelisted some of Flickr's JS because it wasn't too offensive big or slow
# 16:58 aaronpk huh i don't see person tags on your latest instagram multiphoto at all
# 16:59 tantek aaronpk that's because I started to give up :(
# 16:59 tantek oh wait really? I thought I did because the same two people were in multiple photos
# 16:59 aaronpk they seem to be manually tagged in the description referencing the photos by number
# 17:01 aaronpk ok what am i missing... i thought there's normally a person icon in the bottom left corner of the image when it's person-tagged
# 17:06 tantek kevinmarks indeed - no HDR on the back facing camera on iPod touch
# 17:07 tantek switching to dev for "how do you represent this" type problems
tantek, jeremycherfas, wolftune, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_, IndiePad1, gRegorLove, taravancil_, camerongray_, loicm, matthewtrask_, dietricha_, Kaja_, wagle, sebsel, dgold, gigitux, ada[m] and snarfed joined the channel
wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 19:21 tantek good afternoon #indieweb, I have a great generation 3/4 question to pass along:
# 19:21 tantek "I need a new website... who should I work with??"
# 19:22 tantek that's exactly the kind of question that I would really like to see both welcomed here and discussed here (in the main #indieweb channel)
# 19:25 tantek (to be clear I think it's actually a pretty challenging question to answer well, given the spectrum of possibilities)
# 19:26 tantek nonetheless, it's exactly the kind of user-centric question we should try to answer
# 19:34 snarfed the whole page actually seems pretty decent. (we might want to tone down the tumblr recommendation, it's backslid a bit...but otherwise page content seems good.)
gigitux and Gold joined the channel
# 20:00 gRegorLove Yeah, with Yahoo at the helm of Tumblr the future seems iffy.
# 20:07 schmarty is there still a Yahoo? I thought the name was going to be changed to Oath
# 20:11 snarfed people will use both interchangeably for years to come
# 20:12 Loqi [antipolar] #609 Tumblr Rewriting URLs
# 20:15 tantek yeah that's good enough reason to de-emphasize Tumblr for any new websites for sure
# 20:15 tantek it may (still?) be more usable, but has just enough frustrations / unreliability that it's likely to get more problematic, not less
snarfed, EmreSokullu and gigitux joined the channel
EmreSokullu, jgee, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
EmreSokullu joined the channel
# 22:50 tantek really curious how these folks are finding out about the indieweb
EmreSokullu, tantek and davidmead joined the channel
# 23:21 sl007 Hey Zegnat - will you attend IWC Istanbul ?
IndiePad1, bdesham and wolftune joined the channel