#bdeshamI'm writing a client-side web app that needs to be able to retrieve web pages (from arbitrary servers) and parse microformats2 from them
#bdeshamin general, CORS prevents you from being able to use AJAX
[miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]I’m sure this has been done before and is documented, just not sure where to look. I am going to set up 2 satellite blogs for specific content, and use my main domain as strictly notes/photos/checkins etc and be a public web profile/timeline. Can I add those sites to use for bridgy, indieauth, etc with my existing GitHub or Twitter login?
#bdeshamis there a hosted, publicly-usable API that will take an URL as input and return the microformats it finds?
#aaronpkbdesham: try microformats.io or xray.p3k.io
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpk[miklb]: the relmeauth part will require that your twitter link to one site so you can't really use it with multiple domains. But your secondary domains could link to a secondary IndieAuth server like selfauth
#bdeshamaaronpk: hmm. microformats.io doesn't seem to issue the CORS headers I'd need, and X-Ray doesn't find my h-adr data :-|
#[miklb]aaronpk thanks. I’ll take a look. It’s actually been awhile since I’ve set up indieauth/bridgy stuff I don’t remember what is entailed. Probably a good exercise.
#aaronpkbdesham: yeah XRay is a little more than a parser
#tantekno webmention support at drafthouse.com but Falcon called the Twitter API to thread the RSVP to their announcement tweet, and used Bridgy to RSVP to the FB event.
#bdeshamah, drat. that endpoint only takes HTML as input; it won't go fetch some URL for me
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#aaronpkbdesham: are you trying to avoid running your own? it wouldn't be hard to take one of the parsers from microformats.io and modify it to return the CORS header
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
#bdeshamaaronpk: yeah, I'm 100% just trying to avoid running my own :-)
#bdeshamI'm kind of just prototyping something now, so I'd prefer to lean on a backend that someone else is hosting already
#bdeshambut candidly, I do have the expertise and means to run my own
snarfed1 joined the channel
#aaronpki don't think anyone is running one that they expect to be used in a production environment like that. I consider https://pin13.net/mf2/ a debugging tool more than something I'd recommend people use in an app
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#bdeshamthat's fair. my idea right now is to spin up my own backend before I ever let anyone else see this
#bdeshamsince, like you said, it doesn't seem that any of the existing mf2 parsing APIs are intended to be relied on by other developers' tools
#LoqiCORS is an acronym for "cross-origin resource sharing," a mechanism for allowing browsers to make JavaScript requests to fetch resources from other domains https://indieweb.org/CORS
#tantekand I'm a little on the fence as to whether setting up Bridgy is dev-specific or general
#tantekI suppose since users of Bridgy need to understand it to feel confident authorizing it - it ought to be something we make simple enough for users to understand and use
#snarfed1with >4k users i expect at least some are non-engineers
#tantekagain, I'm hypothesizing here, curious what your objectives are
#snarfedyup. i believe it's at least gen 3 now. the stumbling blocks if any are on the webmention receiving side
#tantekI think it's reasonable to put that responsibility (webmention receiving) on their CMS
#tanteksuch that if there are any problems with it, it's clear that those issues should be filied with whoever is supporting the CMS
#tantekin looking at https://indieweb.org/generations I think "power user" does fit in with gen 2. no need to be a developer, and yet, you need to be a bit more savvy than just someone using a 3rd party to manage your domain/site for you
#petermolnar[kevinmarks] the truly sad aspect is that current frontend devs consider the extra 200KB js percetly fine, because it's cached, not even remotely considering, that caching is only a network relief - it's still eating memory and cpu for breakfast.
#petermolnarI'm astonished how js devs believe ludicrously size js is fine
#petermolnarimagine what 200KB of C code can do...
#Loqisl007: Zegnat left you a message 3 hours, 1 minute ago: I will not travel to attend IWC Istanbul, but if there are remote options I will obviously try to attend that way.
#jjuranpetermolnar: When I became a Macintosh owner, I was proud of how many icons I had marching across my screen at startup.
#petermolnarI remember KDE3. It was a christmas tree with everything bouncing and moving and I ran away. Unfortunately, while google material design looks lean and mean, it's one of the worst resouce hog I've seen so far.
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#LoqiSkype is a communication service that provides text chat, and audio/video calling service via native applications on desktop (Mac, Windows), and mobile (iOS, Android) https://indieweb.org/Skype
#tantekthe last notification I got from them via email was 2016-08-02
#tantekand now their sign-in UI claims "That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different account or get a new one."
#[cleverdevil]I'm not sold on it, here, but it was a script that I knew off the top of my head.
#[kevinmarks]I still think using ⅕ works better then 1/5
#[cleverdevil]I think you're right. I'll likely go through and convert as many of the fractions as possible to HTML entities.
#[cleverdevil]Or straight up utf-8 characters, actually.
#[kevinmarks]Zapfino has a lot of swash variants, though I don't know how you get them on the web
#[cleverdevil]I'm particularly pleased with the table of measurements... getting it to match the basic look of the book was a challenge with CSS.
#[cleverdevil]Its a little bit of a hack, but hey, so it most of the web ?
#[kevinmarks]I met the chap who made Zapfino when I was at Apple - he said after they made the first pass and sent it to Zapf, he gave them lots more variants to play with (it was based on his handwriting)