2017-09-05 UTC
KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
# 00:44 bdesham I'm writing a client-side web app that needs to be able to retrieve web pages (from arbitrary servers) and parse microformats2 from them
# 00:44 bdesham in general, CORS prevents you from being able to use AJAX
[miklb] joined the channel
# 00:44 [miklb] I’m sure this has been done before and is documented, just not sure where to look. I am going to set up 2 satellite blogs for specific content, and use my main domain as strictly notes/photos/checkins etc and be a public web profile/timeline. Can I add those sites to use for bridgy, indieauth, etc with my existing GitHub or Twitter login?
# 00:44 bdesham is there a hosted, publicly-usable API that will take an URL as input and return the microformats it finds?
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:48 aaronpk [miklb]: the relmeauth part will require that your twitter link to one site so you can't really use it with multiple domains. But your secondary domains could link to a secondary IndieAuth server like selfauth
# 00:53 bdesham aaronpk: hmm. microformats.io doesn't seem to issue the CORS headers I'd need, and X-Ray doesn't find my h-adr data :-|
# 00:55 [miklb] aaronpk thanks. I’ll take a look. It’s actually been awhile since I’ve set up indieauth/bridgy stuff I don’t remember what is entailed. Probably a good exercise.
# 00:55 aaronpk bdesham: yeah XRay is a little more than a parser
tantek joined the channel
# 01:07 tantek no webmention support at drafthouse.com but Falcon called the Twitter API to thread the RSVP to their announcement tweet, and used Bridgy to RSVP to the FB event.
snarfed, JohnBeales, wolftune and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 03:21 bdesham snarfed: sure, but I'm a little wary of proxying data through a random service like that
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:29 bdesham ah, drat. that endpoint only takes HTML as input; it won't go fetch some URL for me
KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 03:35 aaronpk bdesham: are you trying to avoid running your own? it wouldn't be hard to take one of the parsers from microformats.io and modify it to return the CORS header
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 03:36 bdesham aaronpk: yeah, I'm 100% just trying to avoid running my own :-)
# 03:38 bdesham I'm kind of just prototyping something now, so I'd prefer to lean on a backend that someone else is hosting already
# 03:38 bdesham but candidly, I do have the expertise and means to run my own
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 03:40 aaronpk i don't think anyone is running one that they expect to be used in a production environment like that. I consider https://pin13.net/mf2/ a debugging tool more than something I'd recommend people use in an app
EmreSokullu joined the channel
# 03:42 bdesham that's fair. my idea right now is to spin up my own backend before I ever let anyone else see this
# 03:43 bdesham since, like you said, it doesn't seem that any of the existing mf2 parsing APIs are intended to be relied on by other developers' tools
snarfed, IndiePad2, snarfed1, EmreSokullu and IndiePad3 joined the channel
Pierre-O, tantek, IndiePad4, barpthewire and ballpointcarrot joined the channel
# 05:56 Loqi CORS is an acronym for "cross-origin resource sharing," a mechanism for allowing browsers to make JavaScript requests to fetch resources from other domains https://indieweb.org/CORS
# 05:57 tantek and I'm a little on the fence as to whether setting up Bridgy is dev-specific or general
# 05:58 snarfed1 ?! um general i hope
# 05:58 tantek I suppose since users of Bridgy need to understand it to feel confident authorizing it - it ought to be something we make simple enough for users to understand and use
# 05:58 snarfed1 with >4k users i expect at least some are non-engineers
# 05:59 snarfed well more than a goal, i personally know a number of non-eng users, >10 at least
# 05:59 tantek Bridgy publish feels more like a dev-centric API
# 06:00 tantek "power user" is a good way to put it. that does sound like gen 2 though.
# 06:00 tantek whereas I'd expect Bridgy backfeed to be something we try to make gen 3 accessible
# 06:00 tantek again, I'm hypothesizing here, curious what your objectives are
# 06:01 snarfed yup. i believe it's at least gen 3 now. the stumbling blocks if any are on the webmention receiving side
# 06:01 tantek I think it's reasonable to put that responsibility (webmention receiving) on their CMS
# 06:02 tantek such that if there are any problems with it, it's clear that those issues should be filied with whoever is supporting the CMS
# 06:03 tantek in looking at https://indieweb.org/generations I think "power user" does fit in with gen 2. no need to be a developer, and yet, you need to be a bit more savvy than just someone using a 3rd party to manage your domain/site for you
IndiePad5 and tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 07:23 [kevinmarks] Bdesham: unmung.com would be easy to run your own copy of on appengine free tier
# 07:24 Loqi [kevinmarks] unmung: turn feeds into h-feeds
IndiePad6 joined the channel
# 07:29 Zegnat !tell sl007 I will not travel to attend IWC Istanbul, but if there are remote options I will obviously try to attend that way.
# 07:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[colinwalker] joined the channel
[pfefferle], dominik_, Pierre-O, sl007, IndiePad7 and jeremycherfas joined the channel
friedcell, Pierre-O1, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
IndiePad1 and EmreSokullu joined the channel
# 10:23 petermolnar [kevinmarks] the truly sad aspect is that current frontend devs consider the extra 200KB js percetly fine, because it's cached, not even remotely considering, that caching is only a network relief - it's still eating memory and cpu for breakfast.
# 10:30 Loqi sl007: Zegnat left you a message 3 hours, 1 minute ago: I will not travel to attend IWC Istanbul, but if there are remote options I will obviously try to attend that way.
# 10:32 jjuran petermolnar: When I became a Macintosh owner, I was proud of how many icons I had marching across my screen at startup.
# 10:35 petermolnar I remember KDE3. It was a christmas tree with everything bouncing and moving and I ran away. Unfortunately, while google material design looks lean and mean, it's one of the worst resouce hog I've seen so far.
EmreSoku_, davidmead, dominik_, EmreSokullu, EmreSok__, IndiePad1, jeremycherfas_, eli_oat, [colinwalker] and JohnBeales joined the channel
# 14:06 jeremycherfas !tell schmarty @lowi seems to be leaving the final character off those links
# 14:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:10 jeremycherfas Yes, but the second tweet, the link as given by Loqi ends 7750 and it should end 77504
# 14:10 Loqi schmarty: jeremycherfas left you a message 4 minutes ago: @lowi seems to be leaving the final character off those links
# 14:11 schmarty also apologies for the double-post. i forgot to attach the video the first time ?
# 14:12 jeremycherfas I’m not that in love with Colloquy. What’s a better alternative I could try?
jeremych_ joined the channel
# 14:21 jeremych_ sebsel Yes. My client does not show the emoji
# 14:22 jeremych_ Erk, better quit Colloquy
# 14:22 jeremych_ So, am I still here?
jeremycherfas, EmreSoku_ and [miklb] joined the channel
# 14:40 [miklb] jeremycherfas Textual is a great macOS IRC client
# 14:41 [miklb] though I admit I use Slack for some much other stuff, I’ve stopped running both IRC and it, just Slack.
# 14:46 jeremycherfas I think the one thing I like about IRC over Slack is linking back to past posts. I never did get the hang of that in Slack
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 14:50 sebsel Oh hey. Maybe we should get rid of one indeed.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:51 [miklb] jeremycherfas I just use the web chat log if I need to link back to something.
# 14:52 jeremycherfas Does the + in front of your name [miklb] indicate that you are bridged from Slack?
# 14:54 [miklb] I think so. Can’t see it since I’m in Slack. But same as IRC users have “APP” beside their name in Slack.
# 14:54 Loqi [amfeng] textual-campfire: Campfire-esque Textual IRC Theme
# 15:02 sknebel jeremycherfas: the + is probably for "voiced", which here happens for ppl Loqi recognized from /irc-people
# 15:02 [miklb] oh, right. IRC does [miklb] for Slack users I think?
# 15:03 sknebel (so me, seb, peter, ... all also should appear with + if it is voice)
# 15:04 sebsel (aaron and tantek and loqi probably have an @ because they are operators)
EmreSoku_, wolftune, sl007 and snarfed joined the channel
jmelesky, IndiePad2 and tantek joined the channel
sl007, IndiePad3 and tantek joined the channel
# 16:10 Loqi Skype is a communication service that provides text chat, and audio/video calling service via native applications on desktop (Mac, Windows), and mobile (iOS, Android) https://indieweb.org/Skype
# 16:11 tantek the last notification I got from them via email was 2016-08-02
# 16:12 tantek and now their sign-in UI claims "That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different account or get a new one."
# 16:14 tantek "You have 1 Skype account(s) for ... Select your account then sign in or reset your password."
sl007 and IndiePad4 joined the channel
# 16:24 tantek wow looks like lots of people's skype accounts were hacked and used to send URLs to spam or other nasty things
# 16:24 tantek if you have a Skype account I recommend changing your pw
KevinMarks, [colinwalker], snarfed, EmreSoku_ and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
tantek, IndiePad5 and jeremycherfas joined the channel
dominik_, KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:38 [cleverdevil] I'm not sold on it, here, but it was a script that I knew off the top of my head.
# 17:39 [cleverdevil] I think you're right. I'll likely go through and convert as many of the fractions as possible to HTML entities.
# 17:39 [kevinmarks] Zapfino has a lot of swash variants, though I don't know how you get them on the web
# 17:40 [cleverdevil] I'm particularly pleased with the table of measurements... getting it to match the basic look of the book was a challenge with CSS.
# 17:40 [kevinmarks] I met the chap who made Zapfino when I was at Apple - he said after they made the first pass and sent it to Zapf, he gave them lots more variants to play with (it was based on his handwriting)
snarfed and EmreSoku_ joined the channel
# 17:57 [kevinmarks] in textedit you can get at the variants with command-T, then the typography sub-pane, stylistic variants tab
IndiePad6 and snarfed joined the channel
tantek, snarfed, EmreSoku_, JohnBeales, jeremycherfas, tbbrown, IndiePad7, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, IndiePad8 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tbbrown, wolftune and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 19:42 [cleverdevil] There are a few features in CSS that enable this, but I can't grok them yet.
# 19:43 [kevinmarks] OpenType has the glyphs, I think they also issued them as multiple fonts for other formats
sl007 and IndiePad9 joined the channel
[colinwalker] joined the channel
KevinMarks, snarfed, jjuran, gigitux and [manton] joined the channel
# 20:36 [manton] Just curious, does someone here own website.club? Seems like a neat domain that could be used for Homebrew Website Club meetups.
EmreSoku_ joined the channel
# 20:42 sebsel manton, as you see, I've been looking at such a domain too ;)
# 20:58 [manton] Cool. Hopefully whoever has it is part of the IndieWeb community and will chime in sometime about how we can use it. ?
# 20:59 [manton] It was registered for 5 years, which makes me think it was planned to be used.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:11 sebsel Well it would make for nice URLs like amsterdam.website.club
# 21:11 sebsel (hm, my client does not autolink that, so not THAT nice...)
# 21:14 [manton] sebsel That's what I was thinking too. Or homebrew.website.club/cityname also looks great.
# 21:16 sebsel or even city.homebrew.website.club, but that might be too crazy
# 21:18 sebsel I was looking for a city.something.somthing, and website.club looks like a nice one.
# 21:18 sebsel indieweb.club could be another, at least we know who that has.
jgee, tantek, EmreSoku_, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and KevinMarks joined the channel
davidmead, KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], EmreSoku_, EmreSok__, tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel