tantekthere is a little circle (not disc) that slowly fills in, clockwise from 12:00 position, til it is almost full then turns orange at 20 chars and "20" shows up to its left
Loqicweiske: strk left you a message 6 days, 17 hours ago: does Libravatar Mediawiki plugin have a way to use https for fetching avatars, rather than http ?
[keithjgrant]I slapped the website together really quickly from a theme. Added microformats to the pages, but it still needs to be flushed it quite a bit
skippytantek: given that the receiver has slightly more control over the presentation and notification of likes, it seems that it could/should be up to the implementor of the receiving like.
tantekskippy I think there are opportunities both for the liker (i.e. keep better track / searchability of things you've liked), and the likee (insights who is liking what kinds of posts of yours etc.)
skippyfor WP (and similar dynamic) indieweb sites, does editing an existing post generally trigger a re-send of the webmention again? or does the sending site generally keep track of sites they've notified already?
[shurcool]I can't help but worry a bit that I'm doing too much self-promotion, but I guess/hope that's a feeling I get because it's less acceptable outside of indieweb (and hopefully more acceptable here)
snarfedskippy: yes. basic de-duping is by (source, target) pair. trivial implementation is to use that as your unique key, and always fetch and process store data from source every time.
KartikPrabhuskippy: yes. for example your webmention could be a reply that you edited, in which case the receiver would update the reply on their site too
skippysince my site is static, i'm looking at a lower-tech solution for managing all this than adding an RDBMS. flat file list of webmentions and grep are what I'm currently mulling over. :)
[shurcool]snarfed: hah, well, I now know where else I can add my stuff as examples. ? I, too, use flat file storage (rather than DBs) for all dynamic content on my site.
[grantcodes]Random question: If I publish a `like-of` a tweet and then automatically favorite that tweet on twitter does that count as sydication? They both end up with the same url
KartikPrabhuI think [grantcodes] is saying that Twitter does not have likes on their own URLs and so they "inherit" the URL of the tweet being liked, which is also the "like-of" proerty
LoqiPOSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[grantcodes]It is a like of a tweet and since likes on twitter don't have their own url the `like-of` and `syndication` properties point to the same url. The only question is should it be counted as a syndication property or not.