#indieweb 2017-10-01
2017-10-01 UTC
snarfed and hs0ucy joined the channel
clintpatty, jjuran, hs0ucy, tbbrown, wolftune and renem joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Elementary Algebraic Geometry" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-09-30 http://boffosocko.com/2017/09/30/elementary-algebraic-geometry/

[miklb] joined the channel
wolftune, snarfed and rrix joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "This Week in Google: #409 Practical Telepathy by Jason Howell, Ron Richards, and Kevin Marks from TWIT.TV Leo, Jeff, and Stacey are all off this week, so Jason Howell, Ron Richards, and Kevin Marks are in charge. The Essential phone will be a Sprint exclusive, but that doesn't mean you can't buy one and use … Continue reading "🎧 This Week in Google: #409 Practical Telepathy | TWIT.TV"" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-09-25 http://boffosocko.com/2017/09/25/this-week-in-google-409-practical-telepathy-twit-tv/

Loqi [superfeedr] "? Technology preview: Private contact discovery for Signal | Signal" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-09-27 http://boffosocko.com/2017/09/27/technology-preview-private-contact-discovery-for-signal-signal/

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Hmm. Loqi is still picking up some spurious posts from my site that it shouldn't. I suspect it's some quirky mark up on pages.

[chrisaldrich] Of the last three above, it should only have gotten the last one.

[chrisaldrich] And that last one is an interesting indieweb problem...

[chrisaldrich] What is contact discovery?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "contact discovery" yet. Would you like to create it?

[chrisaldrich] What are friends?

Loqi friending (AKA add friend or the verb to friend) is a general term applied to the various silo user interactions with sites regarding reciprocal friendship https://indieweb.org/friends

[chrisaldrich] What is following?

Loqi follow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/following

j12t, amz3`, John_Duh, joshproehl, sonicrocketman, gigitux, Salt, Pierre-O, loicm, catsup and davidmead joined the channel
mifga are folks setting up for Indieweb Camp NYC again now?
mifga I really enjoyed joining yesterday, and am holding myself to my commitment to pick a domain and get a simple github site up this morning and get in a selfdogfood state of working there
mifga @schmarty - just tell them you are there with craft services and got access to a sink upstairs so they have to let you by
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Nyc isn't linked on https://indieweb.org

mifga what is portfolio
Loqi A portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio

mifga (handy!)
[tantek] joined the channel
[emmah] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
mifga as long as you act like you know what you are doing and where you are going, they won't mess with you :)
tantek and JohnBeales joined the channel
schmarty folks who would like to join remotely for IWC NYC make/hack day, you should be able to join via Google Hangouts here: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/xQlYYPKtwOG11gzWKqAZe9njQc3ZF-9iQFSwfAmgn4U=?eid=117428517899860701753&hl=en_US

mifga by the way, here's a link that i meant to share at the NYC camp yesterday: https://www.oreilly.com/learning/regex-golf-with-peter-norvig
mifga what i find amazing about this are the ways that progress through video or down the page can reference some sort of timeline. While I find the site tools really cool, my indieweb question is more along the lines: "are there formats being cultivated by the indieweb community that feature associations between text/page elements and video timeline references?"
j12t joined the channel
@schmarty We’re open for #IndieWebCamp NYC day 2! Here with @emmahodge @tantek @dshanske. Caffeine on the way! Pass the film… http://mmg.re/4qfEXa (twitter.com/_/status/914501851378274305)
wolftune, [tantek] and [rob] joined the channel
[rob] <!here> Sorry folks, it looks like I won’t be able to make it today. But I’ll be on Slack for awhile if there’s anything I can help anyone with.
mifga nice!
[rob] ob Yes sir!
[ob] joined the channel
[ob] rob your site — Jekyll?
hs0ucy and tantek joined the channel
[ob] nice… i want to get my site going with a static file generator but i want to use one built in javascript so i can eventually get my plugin development
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "InstaLooter" yet. Would you like to create it?

[ob] rob so you get down and dirty with Ruby?
[ob] what is Behance?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Behance" yet. Would you like to create it?

[emmah] joined the channel
tantek InstaLooter is http://instalooter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ an open source tool for exporting photos and videos from any public profile or [[hashtag]], or private profile with login credentials.

Loqi ok, I added "[[Instagram]]" to the "See Also" section of /InstaLooter

Loqi ok, I added "[[InstaLooter]]" to the "See Also" section of /Instagram

[rob] ob Nah, I’m not much of a programmer. Pretty much everything I do in Jekyll is within the Liquid templating system.
[rob] tantek Me too! I overbooked this weekend. ?
[ob] what is Liquid?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Liquid" yet. Would you like to create it?

[rob] ob Liquid is an open source templating language developed by Shopify: https://www.shopify.com/partners/blog/115244038-an-overview-of-liquid-shopifys-templating-language
tantek GWG: Maybe? Are these reasons compelling to you? https://indieweb.org/Instagram#Why

[rob] Liquid is an open source templating language developed by Shopify: https://www.shopify.com/partners/blog/115244038-an-overview-of-liquid-shopifys-templating-language
[ob] What is Liquid?
Loqi Liquid is an open source templating language developed by Shopify: https://indieweb.org/Liquid

[miklb] joined the channel
[ob] thank you humans and bots!
JohnBeales joined the channel
[ob] emmah oliverbaptiste.com
wolftune and j12t joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Hah, one of the first things I worked on for Apple in 1998 was sending urls through a live streamed video. Jobs demoed it at wwdc about 4 weeks after I joined.

[ob] What is Ghost?
Loqi Ghost is an an open source blogging software project written in node.js, and also a hosted silo at https://ghost.org https://indieweb.org/Ghost

glennjones and wolftune joined the channel
[ob] What is Hexo?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Hexo" yet. Would you like to create it?

[ob] What is Metalsmith?
Loqi Metalsmith is a static site generator written in JavaScript https://indieweb.org/Metalsmith

[ob] What is Assemble?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Assemble" yet. Would you like to create it?

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[ob] What is Docpad?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Docpad" yet. Would you like to create it?

[ob] What is Jade?
Loqi Jade is a template engine for NodeJS https://indieweb.org/jade

tantek Hey IndieWebCamp participants (including remote! [rob] mifga) check out https://indieweb.org/2017/NYC#Projects and add what you're working on!

wolftune and gigitux joined the channel
amz3` can someone click on the +1 button on this page for me and tell me when it's done http://presence.hyperdev.fr/post/58FL3FUK
amz3` your ip won't be logged as is, is hashed with a secret key...
[ob] i just clicked it
amz3` tx!
amz3` I need to find a way to test it myself... oh I will use a http proxy
JohnBeales, KartikPrabhu, j12t, [kevinmarks] and amz3` joined the channel
amz3` can someone try again, to click +1 at http://presence.hyperdev.fr/post/58FL3FUK
amz3` please
amz3` http proxy doesn't work
[ob] joined the channel
[ob] just clicked
[ob] not sure if it did anything tho
amz3` it should increment
amz3` the supporters count
amz3` ok I did another fix, please try again
[rob] joined the channel
[rob] tantek Yep, I’ll add the URL when it’s live
amz3` sknebel: tx! I was mis using the sha-2 api, basically you need to update then "finish" it
amz3` at least the implementation I use
amz3` that website is using scheme in the frontend and the backend :)
amz3` now i need to figure out whether google can index that kind of website
[miklb] joined the channel
mifga i have a quick somewhat newbie question. I just threw up a github pages instance for http://mifga.github.io as a quick experiment
mifga right now I have a username repo for github pages and all i'm putting in that master branch are the static site elements I want served
j12t joined the channel
mifga for some silly reason i thought instead of setting up another branch in there, i would instead have another repo dev.mifga.github.io that would be the one for running and tuning hugo, with an action (or script) required to overwrite the html elements for the master branch for mifga.github.io.
loicm joined the channel
mifga but I'm realizing this is probably silly, and I'd like a sugggestion for best practices. In this scenario, I don't get limited valuable git history in my page served to the world
mifga if I want to play with hugo, AND I want to mess with my username github pages option (at least for now), what setup do you all recommend?
mifga oops, i meant to post this all to #indieweb-dev, sorry
Pierre-O joined the channel
@girlziplocked Just saw this and almost died https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLE-tzeWkAAUGlZ.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/914581160235331584)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
schmarty about to start IWC NYC demos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qan5Ipr4e0

[kevinmarks] in the UK we just use bank transfers

[kevinmarks] Or monzo

[kevinmarks] which gives you an actual debit card

[kevinmarks] rel="nemesis"

Loqi Hugo is a static site generator written in Go https://indieweb.org/Hugo

[kevinmarks] Hugo is nice, but the template inheritance model will make you think a lot

[kevinmarks] I like that the contrast is better on the old one

[kevinmarks] no demo from me, didn't code today

[kevinmarks] was there a report from Istanbul?

[kevinmarks] is that a usecase for indie-config ?

[kevinmarks] the knowing who is visiting thing

[ob] joined the channel
[ob] we also kicked around idea of targeted marketing and remarketing to employers ?
[kevinmarks] no demo, I didn't code today

[kevinmarks] byee

[ob] bye y’all!
amz3` bye!
[miklb] joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Why it’s time to reclaim our digital lives" by Duncan Stephen on 2017-10-01 https://medium.com/@duncanstephen/why-its-time-to-reclaim-our-digital-lives-fba1c855405d?source=rss------social_media-5

[kevinmarks] is that counting Odeo?

snarfed, j12t and tantek joined the channel
@t Wow that went by fast. Congrats all @IndieWebCamp #NYC participants!
Great talks, hacks, demos https://indieweb.org/2017/NYC (ttk.me t4qf1) (twitter.com/_/status/914615616421744642)
Loqi [superfeedr] "Thanks #IndieWeb NYC coorganizers @schmarty @EmmaGHodge @dshanske
sponsors @Dalbergtweet @Bridgy @Mozilla & #TWITIWAE!" on 2017-10-01 http://tantek.com/2017/274/t2/thanks-indieweb-coorganizers-sponsors

@t Thanks #IndieWeb NYC coorganizers @schmarty @EmmaGHodge @dshanske
sponsors @Dalbergtweet @Bridgy @Mozilla & #TWITIWAE! (ttk.me t4qf2) (twitter.com/_/status/914618010232647680)
j12t joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Bir IndieWebCamp ardından" by Emre Sokullu on 2017-10-01 https://medium.com/@emresokullu/bir-indiewebcamp-ard%C4%B1ndan-6fba1bc19264?source=rss-------1

davidmead joined the channel