2017-09-30 UTC
clintpatty and renem joined the channel
j12t, clintpatty, tantek, awolf and gigitux joined the channel
loicm joined the channel
# 08:21 oodani I've been trying since yesterday, since I figured it might just be a temporary thing, but still no luck.
# 08:28 oodani It still gives an Internal Server Error either way.
j12t, glennjones, clintpatty, Pierre-O, loicm and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# 13:56 schmarty Uh. I t was triggered by me I guess. Created a YouTube event for streaming. It's not live yet.
j12t joined the channel
Pierre-O, snarfed and amz3` joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 15:00 schmarty has a simple site design from ~2010 w/ design help from hannah donovan. blog posts, notes. has been adding features since then.
# 15:01 schmarty notes are automatically posted to twitter, truncated if they are too long
# 15:03 schmarty showed an example of a POSSE'd tweet. saw a "Promoted Tweet" ad since the demo laptop was not signed in.
# 15:05 schmarty showed an example of a "read" post. after hearing from many indieweb folks who used goodreads, realized he could just post these on his own site.
# 15:06 schmarty uses brid.gy to POSSE RSVPs and some other posts to Facebook automatically. reducing the distractions of having to visit the FB ui has been very calming.
# 15:06 schmarty recently implemented indie events, one of the more difficult improvements to add to his site.
# 15:07 schmarty posts a copy of the event on FB. uses brid.gy to show RSVPs from facebook on his own site.
# 15:11 schmarty showing a multiphoto post. automatically POSSE'd to facebook (only first photo), twitter (first four), flickr (all photos). manually to instagram.
# 15:17 tantek he got into indieweb during a family vacation
# 15:17 tantek sequestered himself and dove into the indieweb wiki
# 15:17 tantek heard about IWC NYC, bought the t-shirt, then showed up (in that order)
# 15:18 tantek has links on his home page to the services he uses which all link back
# 15:19 tantek has links to download ics or add to Google Calendar
# 15:19 tantek has photos (shows one of this building's lobby)
# 15:19 tantek checkins, using Swarm, and via Micropub, and OwnYourSwarm (including photos)
# 15:20 tantek most recent episode of the This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 15:21 tantek also syndicates it out to places like Twitter, FB, Mastodon instance (runs his own)
# 15:23 tantek site grabs the content and tries to find a useful preview
# 15:24 tantek also has link-previews on URLs in notes on lines by themselves!
# 15:25 tantek e.g. has a note with a podcast link that embedded the audio and UI
# 15:27 tantek shows a note with POSSE to mastodon, twitter, fb
awolf joined the channel
# 15:29 tantek also shows an errant mention from one of GWG's posts, but from the comments section
# 15:34 tantek schmarty's shows posting a 360degree photo on his site!
# 15:41 tantek shows how he writes the transcript from the newsletter
# 15:43 aaronpk good thing I didn't turn on Content ID for my music cause youtube would flag this livestream if I did :)
# 15:44 schmarty oh, whoops, we totally could show the screen on the stream :|
# 15:44 tantek speaking of IWC Istanbul I thought I saw photos - maybe view twitter here?
# 15:44 tantek or maybe I saw it in #indieweb-meta via Slack?
# 15:56 tantek schmarty shows a demo of a podcast interview with jjuran showing realtime captions!
j12t joined the channel
# 16:03 tantek (we're doing extended intros with follow-up Q&A per person because we have five this morning, so we can go deeper)
# 16:06 aaronpk schmarty: can you switch back to the room while he's introducing himself?
# 16:06 schmarty aaronpk: he's in front of the demo machine about to switch to his site
# 16:06 tantek just launched a new version of his site two weeks ago
# 16:07 tantek v6.robweychert.com - 6th version of his site in the last 15 years
# 16:07 tantek previous version, had started cross-publishing
# 16:07 tantek wanted to find everything he had posted elsewhere that he didn't have control over
# 16:08 tantek home page has links to some of his other stuff
# 16:08 tantek twitter and letterboxd is what he uses the most
# 16:08 tantek letterboxd is a social network for film buffs
# 16:08 tantek any time he watches a movie, he puts it into letterboxd
# 16:08 tantek if he wants to rate it he can, this many stars out of 5
# 16:09 tantek about 700+ diaries there, but only about 100-150 reviews
# 16:09 tantek diary entry = I watched this movie at this time
# 16:10 tantek has a few different color schemes on his website
# 16:13 tantek has three different color schemes, will add more
# 16:13 tantek can partially or fully customize the design of any post
# 16:13 tantek fully custom by giving it its own template, markup etc.
# 16:13 tantek or just modifies the CSS or adds some javascript
# 16:22 tantek daily haiku - based on dictionary . com word of the day
# 16:22 tantek from 31 different social networks and other sites, including The Pastry Box
# 16:22 schmarty collects short posts into time-based aggregates. for example, haikus are grouped by month. he gathers up short letterboxd reviews in a yearly "loose ends" post.
# 16:23 tantek stuff he's writen for magazines, people have interviewed him on some sites, wrote a chapter for a book
clintpatty joined the channel
# 16:24 schmarty so far publishers have been cool with him re-publishing pieces he wrote for them on his own site
# 16:25 tantek (now I kind of want to do that with old articles I've written for magazines)
# 16:26 schmarty is starting a newsletter on tinyletter, using digests of links he collects over the period of a month. anything he shared on social media or highlighted on instapaper.
davidmead joined the channel
# 16:36 schmarty uses html meter elements to represent ratings on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 w/ increments of 0.1 to make for a max 5-star rating with half-stars. jekyll replaces the meter elements w/ SVG representing the stars.
# 16:37 tantek rob is also working on a personal project of a post for every (music) show he has attended
# 16:42 aaronpk makes me want to improve the archive pages for my articles
# 16:42 aaronpk i don't have a skimmable list of articles at all anymore
# 16:44 Loqi [aaronpk] don't tell me how fast I read
calumryan joined the channel
# 16:47 aaronpk I guess also I don't necessarily read articles linearly, I like skipping around or skimming
# 16:47 aaronpk also I don't know how those times are generated so I don't know if I can trust them
# 16:47 aaronpk am I a fast reader or a slow reader? I don't actually know
# 16:48 sebsel as an indication in a list of titles it's useful, but you can just show the wordcount too.
# 16:48 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: that is certainly true on average :)
# 17:08 Loqi calumryan has 14 karma in this channel (18 overall)
calumryan and eli_oat joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
# 17:34 tantek has come across indieweb materials in google searches
# 17:34 tantek this event, he found about last week, or maybe this week
# 17:35 tantek clicked the link, went to tantek's page (tantek.com/favelets)
# 17:35 tantek touched on so many things been thinking about
# 17:35 tantek have had his own domains since 1990s, 97 or 98
# 17:35 tantek graduated college in 98, been working in this industry since then
# 17:36 tantek at some point, switched, more of a designer with a fondness to code
# 17:36 tantek partially with experience more design-related, also goal posts have moved as to what a front-end dev is, like JS stuff
# 17:37 tantek in terms of hosting, started with Network Solutions
# 17:37 tantek Linux server shared hosting package thing, web forwarding for all his domains
# 17:38 tantek glad he did because there's another Oliver Baptiste apparently a DJ
# 17:39 tantek started with LAMP box, was very much into installing things himself for the practice of things
# 17:39 tantek had a WordPress installation at netsol, tried to start it up on the dropleft
# 17:40 tantek started doing more JS stuff, experimenting with Node
# 17:41 tantek would rather host a Jekyll installation on his own (than github)
# 17:41 tantek started using Behance because he has a Creative Cloud account
# 17:42 [miklb] would welcome any designery types to help with his jekyll-indieweb project
# 17:42 tantek has a codepen, some gists that are useful, jsbin account, ... all these different code accounts that he'd like to collate
awolf joined the channel
# 17:45 tantek discussion about what to be public about and not
# 17:45 tantek posting to a Facebook public group and it broadcasted out to his friends / followers - was a surprise
# 17:46 tantek wants to be public, but also control presentation for things like jobs, getting gigs
# 17:46 tantek wants it to be in the context of what he controls
# 17:46 tantek also a musician, been in a band since highschool
# 17:50 tantek tagline was "an audiovisual analog digital individual"
# 17:51 tantek dealing with challenge of how to reflect aspects of his personality on his personal site, also highlight more of his design focus now vs development focus
j12t joined the channel
# 18:08 Loqi A portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio
# 18:13 Loqi A disclosure is a bit of content, typically on a home page, on an indie web site that proactively discloses some aspect about the site that the site owner wants the user to explicitly be aware of https://indieweb.org/disclosure
# 18:14 aaronpk the idea of presenting a slightly different home page based on where the visitor came from, to highlight a different aspect of who I am
# 18:14 aaronpk my first experiment with that (not automatically) was when I switched the posts shown on my home page during the last conference I was at
# 18:14 tantek yeah! did you cookie them aaronpk so it kept showing them that view even if they just went to your home page?
[eddie] joined the channel
# 18:23 [eddie] Is the livestream down? YouTube claims to steaming but then it gives me an error ?
# 18:25 tantek discussing a core presentation and faceted presentatin
# 18:27 schmarty Matt currently has no site, but has had many in the past
# 18:28 schmarty posts a lot for work (Ultimaker) and has posted a lot for other venues in the past (Make:, Adafruit)
# 18:29 schmarty wants a place to post personal content/opinions and get "back on that horse"
# 18:29 schmarty been playing mental "gladiatorial combat" with a handful of domains
# 18:30 schmarty thinking about having a spectrum of publics on his site. e.g. invite-only spaces to workshop content to a smaller audience before going public.
# 18:31 schmarty been working in 3D printing and DIY for a while and has a lot of artifacts like designs, pictures, sounds that he wants to share. been stuck in a mode of "you can't come over until i clean my house". looking for model workflows that get over that hump and finish posting things online.
# 18:33 schmarty thinking of "counter-SEO" strategies. his for-pay social media work has led to a lot of people from industry over-following and over-interacting. e.g. someone from a 3D printing community interacting with his wife's FB posts
# 18:46 [eddie] schmarty: must have been my internet. It's working now
# 18:50 tantek oliver: what's the psychology that gets you to hit the post button?
# 18:54 tantek tantek: how did you find out about the indieweb?
[ob] joined the channel
# 18:54 tantek tantek was telling me about it, I was at NYT, and noted we have space
# 18:55 tantek first one was downstairs, bigger room, bear was there, Paul Ford showed up
mifga joined the channel
# 18:56 tantek kept a blog internally about blogging, being public on the internet
# 18:56 tantek anything that the 300-400 writers/editors at NYT need to know about the system
# 18:57 tantek walked the building with laptop every day, sat next issues
davidmead joined the channel
# 19:04 tantek collection of disparate things, and trying to make them come together
# 19:06 tantek wants a place to keep things he absolutely loves
# 19:06 tantek it can be just a list, like this article changed my life
# 19:12 sknebel can you share the screen somehow? or no gear for that?
# 19:14 tantek Jeremy is giving the example of the nytimes.com home page
# 19:21 tantek gov seems to be mostly Drupal. has distrust of WordPress. security etc.
Pierre-O joined the channel
clintpatty, wolftune and willnorris joined the channel
amz3` and j12t joined the channel
# 20:33 tantek Hannah, she's really good at spilling blueberries on her laptop
# 20:34 tantek Evan, an Adafruit developer, has a domain he's had since he was 16, but hasn't used it yet
# 20:40 tantek now talking about domain acquisition, i.e. one that's already registered
# 20:56 Zegnat Streams looks decent on my end, tantek, schmarty, et al
# 20:57 Zegnat Voices are a bit harder to lock onto through the mic with several people speaking
# 20:59 Zegnat I am heading to bed in a bit. Any idea when the stream might be going up tomorrow?
# 21:03 schmarty Zegnat: we'll probably be starting up around 10am EDT.
snarfed, clintpatty and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, amz3` and clintpatty joined the channel