[miklb]was trying to figure out why my repost of that was throwing an error w/bridgy, but I’m guessing it’s because it doesn’t have the syndication link?
techlifewebcauses problems on the admin side of my site. I get: Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in plugins/indieweb/includes/class-hcard-user.php on line 495
tantek, [tantek], glennjones and nitot joined the channel
sknebelSome things have happened around ActivityPub (snarfed is building a bridgy service for it, it was implemented in mastodon) and I saw talk of releases of WP plugins
rMdes_getting ready to relaunch HWC.brussels, next event in november, in our new place (digityser hub in brussels) with lots of possibilities ahead #exitingtimesahead
[tantek]Right now it looks like HWC Bru is dead / abandoned because there's no photos, no records of it, no permalinks, and nearly no participation here in chat or any other part of the community from anyone in Brussels
snarfed1, nitot, sl007 and sl0071 joined the channel
SpinDoctorWhat an honour. Hello, Aaron. I understand. I got to know about your initiative at the Campfire Festival 2017 in Dortmund (Germany) where I registered for an IndieWeb workshop with Sebastian Lasse.
SpinDoctorThe tent festival on the campus of the technical university there (they own a faculty for journalism) drowned in rain and looked like Woodstock :) But the attendants and exhibitors were great. The first event for such topics in Germany.
ZegnatSpinDoctor, yeah, there was a short stream to show all of us who couldn’t make it around the tent set-up. It was too bad attendance was low because of the bad weather.
sknebelSpinDoctor: we have Indieweb events regularly in Germany! a weekend event in a month in berlin (http://indieweb.org/2017/Berlin) and meetups every 2 weeks in Nürnberg and Berlin
SpinDoctoraaronpk Zegnat sknebel – Your intention and topic as IndieWebCamp is so important for a free Europe. But it has to be "translated" to the public what you stand for and why its necessary for all of us.
ZegnatYeah, we have a few people who want to work on writing more “publicly accessible” (non-development) content. But time is an expensive resource I am afraid.
SpinDoctorMay be I can help you. I do editorial and pr-stuff. In my opinion you should think and look like an "Saas" to gain more attraction for end-users without any it- or coding-knowledge.
SpinDoctorAh, I understand. But it would be more helpful to translate everything what you do to the members of the media from the beginning. To simplify the discussion channels between your members and the press.
SpinDoctorTo communicate your intentions up to the members of the media it is first of all a formal question how press-releases are written for example and how public relations are organised in general. And when it is done this way I am sure to generate much more and better press coverage than now.
amz3`SpinDoctor: I think you'd rather start an informal interview, if nobody is against the idea, than trying to convice people to have "press" section in the website
[miklb]So I’ve wanted to do an IW talk locally for over a year, and am going to do my best to do it at our local Barcamp, which isn’t really a barcamp in the traditional sense.