#aaronpkWrite a blog post summary about changes and post it to indienews!
#[miklb]heh, I was looking at how we could grab the atom feed for the releases and automate it, but a blog post would be good too
wolftune, Erkan_Yilmaz and BBNZ joined the channel
#BBNZAny one around these parts having trouble with the indieweb WordPress extensions? Until now it has all worked smoothly, but today I added a post to my site and the web mentions are not showing in the comments, even though the comment counter is listing them.
#BBNZNo. I can see them on the dashboard and the counter is counting them, but they've stopped showing on the pages. I dealt with a WordPress happiness engineer who says it is something to do with the plug-ins...
#GWGBBNZ: Go into Settings->Discussion and turn off the Facepiles option
#GWGMy guess is that you are using Jetpack Comments or such.
#BBNZYes, using Jetpack, is there a better option from the indieweb extensions POV?
#BBNZThanks that has fixed it. Odd though, it worked fine before with the avatars. Actually it wasn't THAT fine because they would sometimes show up as broken links...
#BBNZOk, in that case I'll keep reporting things... I want it to work
#BBNZI'm going to give a talk on the Indieweb to the Auckland WordPress meet up next month... aim to whip up a crowd, it's the kind of thing New Zealanders tend to like
#GWGBBNZ: If there is any way I can help, happy to
#BBNZI'm going to pitch it quite low, and talk mainly about the why... but will cover the extensions in some depth
#GWGThere is a lot we all want to do with the extensions
bear joined the channel
#BBNZI've had trouble making the Post Properties plug-in work, that would be powerful for me
#GWGYou mean Post Kinds, with the Post Properties box in the post editor? What's the issue?
jeremycherfas, cweiske, jonnybarnes, [keithjgrant], CherryPuffs, jeremych_ and friedcell joined the channel
#rMdes_!tell tantek HWC.brussels is not dead, but indeed we didn't followed other HWC format from the begining. we are 2 guys driving the club here, we moved to a newly digital hub in brussels just recently, we had 3 events in total, 1 to launch the club, another focused on selfhosting, and the third one was specific about indieweb but we only got 1 person to come, that was before summer. sadly we didn't documented as much we would like to
#rMdes_be in the future. our plan right now is to relaunch for november, integrate our activities in the global wiki, foster more community participation by including interested people into the creation of the club
vivus and marinin joined the channel
#rMdes_!tell tantek : we're also going to move to a fixed date meetup so that people can expect when we meet and prep their agenda accordingly. one of the first task we're going to optimize will be to systematically make sure what we do is visible on the indieweb wiki. we both had hectic last few months at personal level and that didn't managed to help give a decent amount of time and energy to make sure hwc.brussels is sustainable and
#Loqitantek: rMdes_ left you a message 2 hours, 15 minutes ago: HWC.brussels is not dead, but indeed we didn't followed other HWC format from the begining. we are 2 guys driving the club here, we moved to a newly digital hub in brussels just recently, we had 3 events in total, 1 to launch the club, another focused on selfhosting, and the third one was specific about indieweb but we only got 1 person to come, that was before summer. sadly we didn't documented as much we would like to
#Loqitantek: rMdes_ left you a message 1 hour, 57 minutes ago: : we're also going to move to a fixed date meetup so that people can expect when we meet and prep their agenda accordingly. one of the first task we're going to optimize will be to systematically make sure what we do is visible on the indieweb wiki. we both had hectic last few months at personal level and that didn't managed to help give a decent amount of time and energy to make sure hwc.brussels is sustainable and
#tantekchecks logs to see if anyone posted about the AIM news
#tantekrMdes_ totally sympathize with that. if there's anything I or anyone else here in IRC / chat can help with - wiki editing, etc. - please reach out! :)
#tantek!tell rMdes_ if you can share with me the dates (and preferably links too) of the announcements / events (on any site / silo) for the three HWC.brussels meetups so far, I can make sure they're documented on the wiki so we have a record of the meetups no matter how small! 2+ people counts!
#rMdes_I don't think we created an event for it but I'm going to confirm with Nico
#tantekrMdes_++ thank you! I'll make sure they're all documented on the wiki
#Loqirmdes has 4 karma in this channel (9 overall)
marinin joined the channel
#tantekfor any future events, if you can post them at least a week in advance (to the wiki, or have someone help you do so), then I can make sure they're announced in the Mozilla Monday Morning weekly project meetings (publicly broadcast on air.mozilla.org).
#rMdes_that's great, that's our plan for upcoming events: make them part of the indieweb larger community & comms
#schmartytantek: the old oscar AIM protocol would sync your buddylist to your client each time you connected, it was up to clients to cache this info or not and make it exportable or not.
#jjuranI’m not sure what you mean. I have some buddies whose only contact info I have is AIM. To reach them, presumably I’d use AIM. :-)
#tantekjjuran - that's the point. script your AIM client to auto-send to all of them on AIM a message like "hey since AIM is shutting down, you can reach me at ..."
#tantekI mean the AppleScript only worked with the old iChat client so I have no idea if it works with any modern client - but perhaps it would be useful? or a starting point to update?
#Loqi[chrisaldrich]: dgold left you a message 2 days, 2 hours ago: Hey Chris, your checkins show up in my woodwind with a GIGANTIC svg 'pin' graphic
#Loqi[kraftbj] As an aside, I haven't written this up yet for internal discussion, but I would like us to evaluate the "modern" open web standards that are coming out -- webmentions, websub (formerly PubSubHubbub), jsonfeed, etc -- and see how we/WP.com could play ...
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-10-06.html
#tantekoh hey nice photos in the newsletter everyone!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#BBNZOn the Post Properties Wordpress plus-in, this doesn't seem to respond to almost any URL I enter in the field. I guess that's because the site at the other end has to be configured in a particular way. What do I need to look for before I CAN refer to a post this way? No offence, but this plug-in's documentation leaves a lot to the imagination
#BBNZLoqi: that's the problem, right there. Odd thing is it WAS working for a while, but I've only recently noticed that it stopped working. I can't identify which code changes stopped it from working.
#GWGBBNZ: Documentation submissions are always appreciated.
#GWGRE the Post Properties retrieval thing, I have an open issue on that one I need to trace down.
#GWGI was working on the Facepiles thing, which regrettably didn't work for you, and the H-Card Widget, which broke some people's sites due a PHP version issue.