Loqi[superfeedr] "Thanks!
So are you replying to this post to earn my book? I was more hoping to get somebody who is new to the IndieWeb ?" on 2017-10-13 https://keithjgrant.com/replies/2017/10/70793/
sknebeljkphl: on the Guest list page there is this "apprentice" thing again people didn't like in Düsseldorf last year and other camps don't use any more. mind if I swap it out?
Loqi[pfrazee] I've got some thoughts on solutions for this, plus a few things I want to mention.
### about tooling
We're developing some higher level APIs to help with this kind of work. The first is [IngestDB](https://github.com/beakerbrowser/ingestdb), whi...
[chrisaldrich]GWG that really sucks. Usually they verify email addresses with a email. I suspect there should be a mechanism for you to recover it. No?
[chrisaldrich]I suspect that Swarm->OwnYourSwarm->Post Kinds is a similar bunch of code and process you could test instead with the benefit of using Simple Location too. Though, naturally photos may be a bigger itch for you than locations. ?
[chrisaldrich]I think I saw someone mention a WP issue with OYS sometime in the last week as I was skimming logs... aaronpk mentioned a possible issue with JSON format/set up vis-a-vis the Webmentions plugin, though I recall anomalily had got things working at IWS.
[chrisaldrich]For a while I was actually preferring Swarm to my site (over Instagram) because it supported a bit more metadata (and uncropped photos) more easily than Instagram.
[tantek]Can you add those posts / examples to I think it's either /responses or another page where we're keeping tracking of IndieWeb posts with the most responses and thus good examples to look at for UI challenges / improvement opportunities.