ZegnatHere is a thought: I am on a social network of sorts that makes it very hard to export my data/posts. How easy would it be to demand my data from them under EU law instead? Or should I wait for GDPR?
dgoldimplementation of the last Data Directive was very patchy, so in some states the right to data extends only to _personally identifying_ data, so wouldn't apply to social media posts
ZegnatAah. Cool. So when GDPR actually lands coming May (I believe) it might become a viable option for demanding a copy of our posts on any EU operated silo?
ZegnatWe went and asked for export options to be integrated: https://superthread.net/re/26610/ - if no answer comes we will try and request all our data through EU directive and see how they react :)
dgoldAny information related to a natural person or ‘Data Subject’, that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person. It can be anything from a name, a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer IP address.
dgoldPart of the expanded rights of data subjects outlined by the GDPR is the right for data subjects to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose.
dgoldI know that Faecbook, at least, have attempted in the past to stop people reposting data elsewhere, on the basis that it was a violation of their IP
ancardaHi everyone, I'm working on a WebMention implementation for my site. It seems like it's a good idea to save all mentions that have been received into a database. Are there any good limits on the length of source, target, and the overall POST body? I'm unsure how big to make the VARCHAR columns
dgoldthe issue is that the dataset isn't merely created from _your_ data, but from other users data, and is introduced into Facebook's hands without your consent
Anchakorhmm, what is more interesting to me is if GDPR would allow you federating/copying messages/posts addressed to you, ranging from PMs to discussion threads you participated in
ZegnatAnchakor, that might be a different issue. Because the other person would own the copyright. And even as part of a data request the silo cannot grant you a right to publish someone else’s IP, I think.
Anchakorit's a tough issue, because a format of a discussion software usually does disincentivises people for quoting parts of posts they are responding to
ZegnatBut, yeah, different jurisdictions are going to do different things. At least until the EU also sorts out copyright law once and for all (ha, good luck with that)
ZegnatI always find it interesting when EU YouTubers talk about Fair Use, parroting whatever US YouTubers said, forgetting they are creating there content on a different continent.