Loqichrisaldrich: Zegnat left you a message 3 days, 11 hours ago: have you thought about just publishing a backup of all articles from AltPlatform? (Also by others than you?) I think everything had a CC licence?
chrisaldrichI've been tempted to set up an indieweb multisite and manage it for some friends and family, but have not done much multisite work in the past.
[miklb]there’s a flag you set in your wp-config and then a page under tools to run to start it up. Biggest thing to have to worry about is htaccess rules or nginx config
chrisaldrichGWG: Scrolling back to see what he's got new on his site in the last two weeks. (Takes minutes to see the hundreds of changes he's made to hundreds of sites...)
chrisaldrichWe definitely do versions of the first (though I'm not sure if anyone has done it in webinar format); we don't focus so much on the latter.
LoqiA portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "hobbyist developer" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "hobbyist developer is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[xavierroy]is there a difference between a movie 'watch' post type and a "television" watch type? And then how do you mark up something like the Dr Who Christmas special 🙂 ?
nitot_, nitot, tantek, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and [miklb] joined the channel
ZegnatI organise the virtual one on European evenings. Went well. aaronpk and tantek attended. Worked on some new year’s commitments and discussed some silo concepts and how they might work on the (decentralised) IndieWeb
ZegnatI believe aaronpk said Portland would start again in the new year, yes :) Hope you can attend! Else there are always some virtual ones, both on EU and US times.
@seananmcguireWe operate under a complicated layer of non-disclosure agreements, promises, and publication schedules. Frequently, your question will have one of three answers: * It's on my website * I don't know * I can't tell you (twitter.com/_/status/946118898759254016)
Loqi[Author Chris Aldrich] It’s the holiday season and I’ve already gotten dozens of letters, emails, and calls for support for a variety of charities. Also in the wake of Patreon’s recent attempt to change their payments structure, I’ve recently seen some people attem...
sgregeri have an interesting backfeed experience right now: over the holidays, i received an hourly "like" on my latest tweet, leading to an insane increase of "likes" in my backfeed :D
sgregerdgold: well, i got it under control by disabling the automatic "no spam" handling for the bridgy backfeed in my wordpress for that account - but is an interesting edge case for backfeed
LoqiThe IndieWeb Community is largely based on principles (AKA tenets) such as own your data, scratch your own itches, build tools for yourself, selfdogfood, document your stuff, open source your stuff, UX design is more important than protocols, visible data for humans first and machines second, platform agnostic platforms, plurality over monoculture, longevity, and remember to have fun! https://indieweb.org/principles
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "peer to peer" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "peer to peer is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekvivus, the indieweb approach would be to split that up into seperate pieces (distribute the problem itself as it were), like do you have your own website with a resume (h-resume), and perhaps an aggregator site that could collect them / show search results of tags etc.
tantekkevinmarks the erosion I have seen (maybe dilution?) is that hashtags like # dweb and the term "decentralized web" is used for things that are not web at all
vivuswell the idea is that the content would exist on your mobile phone via vCards and then perhaps synced up to a server with those cards acting as hcards
tanteksounds like yet another piece, an offline capable progressive web app that acts as a "resume reader" of sorts that caches people who you are "following"
tantekther's a bunch of folks showing up recently who want to work on updating their personal portfolios using their own site, and that sounds like it could be the first building block toward a "distributed linkedin"
vivustantek: well my focus is not on h-resume, but on the 'networking' part of professional networking. I see phonebooks as a better alternative to a professional profile (like linkedin)
sgregertantek: this is the first time i even thought about spam likes as an issue. triggered some thoughts though: i could verify likes by checking whether a twitter user is less than, say, 3 degrees away on my twitter social graph.
vivustantek: the part I am struggling with is the issue of 'failure' concerning the project. For some reason, there is a startup-like mentality that a project is "dead on arrival" if it's not getting 50K signups a week
LoqiThe monoculture antipattern is best described as, if only everyone would install and run this one open source project then we will be good https://indieweb.org/anti-patterns
Loqiantipatterns are anithetical to a diverse and growing indieweb, often times the opposite, or at best a distraction from indieweb principles and building-blocks, yet persistently repeated despite their tendency to waste time and cause failures https://indieweb.org/antipatterns
LoqiMonoculture refers to the antipattern of one piece of software dominating (or trying to dominate) its field, often by being limited to communicating with other instances of the same codebase https://indieweb.org/monoculture
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "americano" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "americano is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "edit war" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "edit war is ____", a sentence describing the term)