nitot, jjuran, sknebel, yar, tantek, tyler-android, kupad, snarfed, curve25519, pindonga, friedcell, nitot_, AngeloGladding and barpthewire joined the channel; tyler-android left the channel
[xavierroy]Is there a way to get the HTML for what Quill sends? I have issues getting Micropub to work on my site. Till then, I thought if I could get a html copy of the request that Quill sends to the Micropub endpoint, I can just copy the html and post manually.
MuchospanishSorry I only came asking for help but: I put: <link href="" rel="me"> in my header and got an unsupported message
gRegorLoveAhh! Sorry, I follow now. Yes, you'll need to use one of those options to log in to Bridgy first, but that's separate from the backfeed of comments from Instagram.
ZegnatOh. I get it now. Yeah. Bridgy can only be set-up after logging in as a user to Bridgy. And Bridgy uses for logins. Doesn’t matter what service you use to log in, you can always bind Instagram afterwards
gRegorLoveYeah, with a syndication link that points to the instagram post. Bridgy polls your site for h-entry and keeps track of those, then periodically checks your instagram and sends comments back to the original.
wjh, Guest96010, snarfed and leg joined the channel
Zegnat“To better understand the entire IndieWeb-thing I have installed WordPress again.” ¶ “So far everything just looks silly.” ¶ “Still not sure what the advantage of post types/kins is over categories or tags.”
tantekthough the criticism of "not sure what the advantage" can be valid if the only thing the plugin does is under the covers / plumbing (not saying that it is, but a good reason for every plugin to have a *noticeable* user feature that results in something visibly new and useful)
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.
tantekI mean I didn't blog about adding @-domain support to CASSIS auto_link but I still thought it was worth mentioning because of its indieweb-centric nature
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "advent calendar" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "advent calendar is ____", a sentence describing the term)
strugee!tell [kevinmarks] yo! if you _do_ end up trying to run lazymention on Glitch, let me know! and please feel free to file bugs if you run into roadblocks for some reason :-)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "homepage mentions" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "homepage mentions is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "person mentions" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "person mentions is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA person tag (AKA people tag) is a person mention that is also a tag on a post that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tagging action by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card / or @-name, autocompleted or not