#Loqi[Ryan Barrett] Description
Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on one’s own domain using third-party clients. Web apps and native apps (e.g. iPhone, Android) can use Micropub to post short notes, photos, events or other posts to you...
#GWGsnarfed: A little later tonight. pfefferle's implementation came in so early in that I had to make modifications to bring it to the current specification. I'd love your input.
#GWGIs there another fully functional Indieauth Authentication server I can test this against?
#snarfedbtw GWG before sending new big PRs, consider sending me a brief description of what you plan to do. quicker to iterate on designs in chat first before writing code!
#[miklb]https://miklb.com/2017/12/2987/ is the note I posted (tweet quote) and the replies are in moderation. Now up to 5. Should I approve them all so can debug snarfed?
#Loqi[Michael Bishop] reminding myself to check back on the replies to this tomorrow. Already a trove of great ideas!
#snarfed[miklb]: sure, or just send me the source URLs
#ZegnatI think the people are awesome. I can build a blog without ever having heard of IndieWeb, but I would miss out on a lot of great people that way.
#tantektrying out the "best nine" sites for Instagram, and made me wonder if anyone has built an IndieWeb equivalent?
#Loqitantek: tomasparks left you a message 10 hours, 20 minutes ago: Re: export facebook data: I looked at that page
#tanteke.g. check all your photo posts from the past year
#tantekand create a grid of the top 9 posts by # of likes
#tantekfeels like the kind of thing aaronpk could build for himself in a few hours or less ;)
#tantektheoretically if you're backfeeding all your likes from POSSE copies across FB, IG, Twitter, Flickr, then an indieweb "top nine" would be more accurate than any silo-specific top nine
#sebselOne of the sad things is that Instagram only allows backfeeds from the first ten likes.
#tantekstill this could be built as a service where you just enter your homepage
#tantekassuming there's a way to navigate / crawl to your past year's worth of photo posts
#sebselYeah, you can get the count, so you can get it to work. You just don't get the names / pictures for all those likes.
#tantekand it could figure out how to read your /likes on each post, or, for extra credit, it could detect if you're using one of a few webmention receiving proxies (webmention.io or herokuapp) and call its API to check your likes for that post
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "best nine" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best nine is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantekbest nine is a popular aggregation and summary post practice on [[Instagram]], supported by services like https://2017bestnine.com/ which only ask you for your username then return a 3x3 grid of your 9 most liked photos.
#Loqiok, I added "https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/2016bestnine/" to the "See Also" section of /best_nine
#tantekbest nine << Brainstorming: It should be possible to build an indieweb version into your own site, or even a service that asked for an indieweb site URL, checked all [[photo]] posts from the past year, created a grid of the top 9 posts by number of likes. Advantage: more total likes from backfeeds and indieweb sites. Extra credit: detect if site delegates webmention receiving to webmention.io or herokuapp, call its API for likes
#Loqiok, I added "Brainstorming: It should be possible to build an indieweb version into your own site, or even a service that asked for an indieweb site URL, checked all [[photo]] posts from the past year, created a grid of the top 9 posts by number of likes. Advantage: more total likes from backfeeds and indieweb sites. Extra credit: detect if site delegates webmention receiving to webmention.io or herokuapp, call its API for likes" to the "See Also" section of /best_nine