2018-01-01 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
rrix and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:32 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Description
Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on one’s own domain using third-party clients. Web apps and native apps (e.g. iPhone, Android) can use Micropub to post short notes, photos, events or other posts to you...
# 00:32 Loqi gwg has 225 karma in this channel (298 overall)
# 00:33 GWG snarfed: I have another surprise for you
# 00:33 GWG I'm rewriting the IndieAuth plugin and will be adding options there to configure an IndieAuth server.
# 00:34 GWG So, both plugins can use the same option setting
[dgold] joined the channel
# 00:34 GWG I can grab mine if you want to jam
# 00:35 GWG snarfed: A little later tonight. pfefferle's implementation came in so early in that I had to make modifications to bring it to the current specification. I'd love your input.
# 00:35 GWG Oh, and no. Haven't written unit tests yet
# 00:35 [dgold] Feel if so,e neighbours can set off fireworks, then they can hardly complain at a prehistoric bugle..
# 00:37 GWG Is there another fully functional Indieauth Authentication server I can test this against?
# 00:39 snarfed btw GWG before sending new big PRs, consider sending me a brief description of what you plan to do. quicker to iterate on designs in chat first before writing code!
# 00:40 GWG In this case, pfefferle turned the plugin over because he'd stopped working on it.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 00:42 [miklb] hmm. Need to investigate why bridgy is backfeeding multiple copies of the same replies. This one I got 4 copies of same Twitter reply.
# 00:43 snarfed [miklb]: just multiple webmention HTTP requests? or separate source URLs?
# 00:44 [miklb] I don’t think so? I POSSE a note to Twitter and the replies come in multiples
# 00:46 Loqi [Michael Bishop] reminding myself to check back on the replies to this tomorrow. Already a trove of great ideas!
# 00:47 snarfed but it does show that your server is 500ing the wms, which is probably the problem
# 00:48 [miklb] weird. but they come through. Will have to debug tomorrow. Thanks for taking a look
# 00:54 [miklb] this is a fairly new thing I’ll have to investigate. Wonder if it has to do with the FastCGI caching I turned on earlier this week
[colinwalker] joined the channel
# 01:38 tomasparks I am having trouble getting omnibear working my server log is give 401 (unauthorised) when I try to post something
# 01:39 tomasparks when I use curl and a borrowed auth-code I can post something
wolftune, renem_, tantek and joshproehl joined the channel
# 03:59 tantek fascinating I just started getting emails from "JoinDiaspora" saying it's people's birthdays
DanC, wolftune, tantek, snarfed, snarfed1, nitot, pindonga and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 09:37 strugee this one I think doesn't have enough in the middle and the circles feel kinda weird. but at least it doesn't (ab)use the logo :-)
# 10:35 tomasparks how do I download/export my facebook data
# 10:54 tomasparks ancarda: I know about that option, but I at looking backfilling my website
# 10:55 ancarda Yeah it'd be nice if they gave a JSON file or something rather than an HTML file
# 10:56 ancarda (or maybe in addition, as you can open the HTML file directly)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 11:05 tomasparks I think I read about wordpress facebook importer, can anybody confirm?
tantek joined the channel
# 11:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:20 tomasparks !tell tantek Re: export facebook data: I looked at that page
# 11:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 11:24 [kevinmarks] The problem is not that it's an html file, it's that it's missing links and microformats
# 11:27 Loqi [cfinke] Keyring-Facebook-Importer: A Facebook importer for use with the Keyring and Keyring Social Importers WordPress plugins.
# 11:56 tomasparks f**k I hate how Facebook Developer needs a cell phone number
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and sketchess joined the channel
# 12:53 sketchess Good morning Loqi, good morning Indieweb. :)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 13:19 sketchess :))) You too, Zegnat. I am sure, 2018 will be fantastic. Today I am officially named 'student'.
# 13:19 Zegnat 2018 started bad with my failed IndieWeb commitment though :P
# 13:19 sketchess which kind of commitment?
# 13:24 sketchess Hmmm, looks interesting. I still do not understand the full case. Well, it's fine with me.
# 13:25 sketchess I think you are overdoing it a little by naming it a 'bad start'.
# 13:27 sketchess xD So, what are you really doing then, Zegnat?
kupad joined the channel
# 13:30 sketchess My self settled year will end in 5 month. I set a small goal for myself. A beautiful designed and ready to go first page. ;D
# 13:31 Zegnat Even if my commitment comes in a day late, I still think it is worth shipping it as fast as possible.
# 13:31 Zegnat Having a good first page is definitely important
# 13:35 sketchess Yeah. And a great journey to enjoy, too.
# 13:35 sketchess I think my studies will influence me alot and my creative work.
# 13:37 sketchess It already has.
# 13:39 sketchess Since IWC Berlin I understand the term 'selfdogfooding' much better. *thought
# 13:43 sketchess A moment of enlightenment. xD
# 13:45 sketchess If Indieweb has one thing to offer than the chance to learn from different ideas and point of views.
# 13:47 sketchess I think that is the best part of Indieweb.
# 13:48 sketchess What do you think, Zegnat?
# 13:51 Zegnat I think the people are awesome. I can build a blog without ever having heard of IndieWeb, but I would miss out on a lot of great people that way.
# 13:56 sketchess What do you mean by 'miss out'?
# 14:00 Zegnat So I think IndieWeb is cool because of the community.
# 14:03 sketchess Interessting how I tripped over Indieweb. I was searching for terms like 'how to start a social project'...... thihihihi
# 14:07 sketchess The past 2 years I have met 250 great people in person. Indieweb included.
# 14:08 Zegnat I don’t track meeting people. Maybe I should.
# 14:09 sketchess Oh I didn't track it too, Zegnat. It somehow just happend.
# 14:09 Zegnat I mean that I do not know how many people I have met, because I didn’t track and my memory isn’t good with people
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:12 sketchess It is amazing that I know 50% still by their names.
# 14:15 sketchess Hmmm, no it should not amaze me. I do things which are important to me. Very important.
# 14:17 sketchess Very well. See ya around. Still important things left to do.
# 14:18 sketchess Have a good morning Indieweb.
[xavierroy], KevinMarks, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:05 [kevinmarks] One for the WordPress support group? They want several things that bridgy and WordPress plugins can provide
[xavierroy], KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, snarfed, Pierre-O and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:21 aaronpk snarfed: webmention.io has received 20,023 webmentions that are not backfed from silos (bridgy and ownyourswarm)
# 17:21 snarfed is that easy to rerun? could you rerun it and include ownyourswarm?
# 17:22 snarfed (agreed, that's a lot of OYS backfeed, considering how new it is)
# 17:34 GWG aaronpk, I need to check-in somewhere to check coins displaying on my site
# 17:35 GWG Unfortunately, until this week, swarm coins weren't a stored property
# 17:37 GWG Is it strange I'm thinking of taking an unscheduled trip somewhere for that reason
# 17:37 GWG Maybe I'll drive to the supermarket
[pfefferle] joined the channel
KevinMarks, eli_oat, mrn and vivus joined the channel
AngeloGladding and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
AngeloGladding and tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:10 Zegnat Hmm, wonder who/what is being described there as “#indieweb”
gRegorLove and snarfed joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 21:41 tantek trying out the "best nine" sites for Instagram, and made me wonder if anyone has built an IndieWeb equivalent?
# 21:41 Loqi tantek: tomasparks left you a message 10 hours, 20 minutes ago: Re: export facebook data: I looked at that page
# 21:41 tantek e.g. check all your photo posts from the past year
# 21:41 tantek and create a grid of the top 9 posts by # of likes
# 21:42 tantek feels like the kind of thing aaronpk could build for himself in a few hours or less ;)
# 21:42 tantek theoretically if you're backfeeding all your likes from POSSE copies across FB, IG, Twitter, Flickr, then an indieweb "top nine" would be more accurate than any silo-specific top nine
# 21:43 sebsel One of the sad things is that Instagram only allows backfeeds from the first ten likes.
# 21:43 tantek still this could be built as a service where you just enter your homepage
# 21:44 tantek assuming there's a way to navigate / crawl to your past year's worth of photo posts
# 21:44 sebsel Yeah, you can get the count, so you can get it to work. You just don't get the names / pictures for all those likes.
# 21:44 tantek and it could figure out how to read your /likes on each post, or, for extra credit, it could detect if you're using one of a few webmention receiving proxies (webmention.io or herokuapp) and call its API to check your likes for that post
# 21:46 tantek best nine is a popular aggregation and summary post practice on [[Instagram ]], supported by services like https://2017bestnine.com/ which only ask you for your username then return a 3x3 grid of your 9 most liked photos.
# 21:46 aaronpk I have that data on my own posts easily accessible
# 21:47 Loqi ok, I added "https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/2017bestnine/" to the "See Also" section of /best_nine
# 21:47 Loqi ok, I added "https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/2016bestnine/" to the "See Also" section of /best_nine
# 21:50 tantek best nine << Brainstorming: It should be possible to build an indieweb version into your own site, or even a service that asked for an indieweb site URL, checked all [[photo ]] posts from the past year, created a grid of the top 9 posts by number of likes. Advantage: more total likes from backfeeds and indieweb sites. Extra credit: detect if site delegates webmention receiving to webmention.io or herokuapp, call its API for likes
# 21:50 Loqi ok, I added "Brainstorming: It should be possible to build an indieweb version into your own site, or even a service that asked for an indieweb site URL, checked all [[photo ]] posts from the past year, created a grid of the top 9 posts by number of likes. Advantage: more total likes from backfeeds and indieweb sites. Extra credit: detect if site delegates webmention receiving to webmention.io or herokuapp, call its API for likes" to the "See Also" section of /best_nine
# 21:51 tantek I think I'm going to do 100 days of positive posts again
# 21:51 tantek I have other 100d projects I want to do (deleting apps, deleting accounts), but I will start with 100dopp
# 21:53 Zegnat I am going to do the thing where I read at least 1 book / week this year.
# 21:59 Zegnat Sure. The challenge is finishing my Micropub endpoint in time for the first read post ;)
# 22:09 tantek hey that sounds like an extension to a 2018-01-01 goal! ;)
# 22:21 Zegnat Well, I documented failing said commitment already. But I haven’t stopped work towards it :P
# 22:21 Zegnat Guess my new deadline is the 7th? Otherwise I can’t post a /read post for this week.
# 22:35 tantek yes, give yourself an extension rather than a failing
KevinMarks, kupad, ben_thatmustbeme, [miklb], wolftune, tantek and CamB joined the channel
# 23:36 CamB Hi Idies. Happy new Year
tanlaan and deathrow1 joined the channel