Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indieweb.org/notification
[eddie][cleverdevil] do you put your “on this day” posts in their own channel, or do you put them in “notifications”? How do you like the way you’ve set it up?
antoIt would be good if we had something that anyone could easily get deploy to a hosting space, fire up in the web browser, enter some very minimal initial configuration, and get started with publishing, without worrying about adding additional modules/plugins.
antoDrupal allows creating such "distributions". I used to work with Drupal 7 earlier, but that's a bit outdated and will get phased out. Will try to learn more about how we could get a Drupal 8 distribution rolling, supporting indieweb out of the box.
ZegnatI think ancarda might also like it a bit later. I have also thought of just letting it run longer. We'll see. I'll have a bit of a check in with everyone when I get back.
ancardaWell, there's like, 1 cm of snow on the tracks and my train was 30 minutes late for "severe weather". I think this is extra bad because the UK isn't very good at dealing with snow given how rarely it happens here
ancardaAnyway, there is one upside to this new job -- my commute is now North/South, so I can just get a different (usually faster/more direct) train to Brighton, so I can very likely start joining meetups there!
ancardaSo, I can probably get a bit more involved. Last few months, I've been basically idle here, dealing with my new job, learning Haskell, cleaning out my old place to hand the keys back. Nightmare
[cleverdevil]Interestingly, one of my favorite forms of blogging is to create a bookmark-of reference to an interesting article, with inline quotes pulled from the source, and my commentary inserted.
LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
[cleverdevil]In fact, I'd go as far as to say it should likely be *both* h-cite and in-reply-to in the event that I am responding to a post, quoting it, and contributing my thoughts.
LoqiA reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "timeline review" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "timeline review is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqiwall is the original name for a feature launched on Facebook which is a user's stream of updates shown on their profile page, similar to the main stream of posts you might show on your indieweb homepage, however with key innovations such as allowing your friends to "write" (create) posts on your wall, and also showing others' public posts that person-tag you https://indieweb.org/wall
LoqiModeration is the process of holding comments for review by a human, and sometimes a source of frustration when a comment is written on another site that the commenter has no control over https://indieweb.org/moderation
tantektimeline review is a feature on some [[silos]] (in particular [[Facebook]]) that is a form of [[moderation]] in particular to approve some (or all) [[posts]] by others both explicitly to your [[wall]] (timeline) and implicitly by [[person-tag]]ging you.
LoqiThe timeline briefly documents key IndieWeb (and influencing thereof) terms/ideas/concepts, implementations, specifications, events, and other achievements; people involved, and dates/URLs for each https://indieweb.org/timeline
LoqiYour homepage represents you on the web, typically at the top of your domain, with your name and an iconic representation, often marked up with h-card, and fairly commonly one or more streams of recent, topical, or most relevant posts marked up with h-entry https://indieweb.org/profile
[eddie][cleverdevil] I think one of the tricky things I have to ask myself is “is my post directed primarily at the author or primarily at my audience?”
[eddie]Hmm that presents an interesting thought. That is done because I’m using the “In Reply To” to not only change the presentation and it’s purpose but also kind of dictate the audience. Is there a better way to do that? I know aaronpk played around with an audience attribute
[eddie]Maybe that is a better version of how i’ve been using “Reply”. Where my post above could be considered a “reply” to that post. But my decisions on presentation and where I display it on my site and my feeds should maybe instead be directed by if there is an “audience” attribute or not. (The lack of an audience leading to a global audience assumption)