#indieweb 2018-04-07

2018-04-07 UTC
↩️ @xor @codinghorror @discourse @edsu Because of @aaronpk's static crawler spiderpig, I have called it "spiderpigging" before now #Indieweb
This month, one of the more storied and beloved Mastodon instances is shutting down (the reasons are complicated and beyond the scope of this tweet). The "freezing" feature I suggested a year ago would be nice to have around now.
wow the drama
I'm wondering about the ethics of publishing my spiderpigged copy of the toast
what is the toast?
It looks like we don't have a page for "toast" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "toast is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Given that I originally crawled it in response to the 2 editors asking about how to backup it
pindonga joined the channel
The toast is the-toast.net - a web publication beloved by librarians storytellers and other humane folk. It stopped updating in 2016 and is now offline, apparently temporarily see https://web.archive.org/web/20180127061045/http://the-toast.net/
looks like witches.town is shutting down on 2018-04-30 according to https://twitter.com/maverynthia/status/981051350124519424
@thalestral The instance is going down the 30th anyways so everyone is trying to find a new place. :| Problem is to find a similar instance
That is a classic one.
Mastodon is hard to pickle though, as it has a lot of private posts, and also looks different to each user.
site-deaths << Upcoming: 2018-04-30 witches.town (a popular [[Mastodon]] instance) is shutting down per https://twitter.com/thalestral/status/980849208532938752 and follow-up https://twitter.com/maverynthia/status/981051350124519424
So apparently one of the so progressive instances on mastodon that I was advised to join (I didn't) is shutting down after the admin went on a transphobic rant against non-binary folk 😑 If you're on http://witches.town I advise moving ASAP. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZytJ1zVoAAu3h7.jpg
ok, I added "Upcoming: 2018-04-30 witches.town (a popular [[Mastodon]] instance) is shutting down per https://twitter.com/thalestral/status/980849208532938752 and follow-up https://twitter.com/maverynthia/status/981051350124519424" to the "See Also" section of /site-deaths https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=46686&oldid=46683
[kevinmarks]: that latter aspect : "looks different to each user" is something indieweb has assumed for ages
[uneventeor] Because @TheSupreme is shutting down this very #WitchesTown #instance by the end of this month, you folks need to #export your data by going to settings >> export data:https://pentacl.es is the new witch now.https://scifi.fyi also welcomes you.https...
I remember seeing this announcement
a lot of friends are like 'scattered'
fragmented identities
bear joined the channel
homeless is a dirty word? start saying "displaced persons & economic refugees- most are working people/families! stop the hate now- do what the UN does in the Media- homeless= displaced, even in America - #AffordableHousing #BetterSmallBizPolicy #IndieWeb
renem joined the channel
how is that indieweb?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[miklb], KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, unicron, reidab_, jalcine, initrd, jacky, tantek, drkokandy, AngeloGladding, barpthewire and Pierre-O joined the channel
↩️ #IndieWeb also has some useful advice and help in these areas. They use things like POSSE, backfeed, and webmentions that allow site to site interaction that helps to solve the "bring folks to our sites" problem. https://indieweb.org/
[superfeedr] "@sophiaarichter @floatingtim #IndieWeb also has some useful advice and help in these areas. They use things like POSSE, backfeed, and webmentions that allow site to" by Chris Aldrich on 2018-04-07 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/sophiaarichter-floatingtim-indieweb-also-has-some-useful-advice-and-help
AngeloGladding, friedcell, seekr, loicm and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Would anyone (else) be interested in the (mostly) hourly 🌤🔋 updates of https://twitter.com/cn_solar brought to the IndieWeb?" by Chris Neale on 2018-04-07 https://definitely.cn/2018/would-anyone-else-be-interested-in-the-mostly-hourly-updates
Pierre-O, tantek and sl007 joined the channel
catsup and KapiX joined the channel
↩️ @lightcoin @Dymaxion Long live the Indieweb movement! I think that ActivityPub has some potential as it works more like email.
tantek, pstuifzand and loicm joined the channel
↩️ @PatriHorrillo @Storify Necesitaremos una alternativa basada en las ideas del movimiento IndieWeb. Descentralizado, federado y sin lock-in.
cout joined the channel
Hi, I'm reading through the Getting_Started page on indieweb.org, and it seems a lot of the recommendations are self-hosted software. How do you balance the obvious benefits of hosting your own site against the effort required to keep up-to-date with security updates?
cout: it's a balancing act, to be sure. not a lot of hosted solutions provide all the functionality yet. See https://indieweb.org/IndieMark and https://indieweb.org/content_management_system for some more info.
I think micro.blog is the most feature complete hosted option, right now?
I haven't heard of that one
what is micro.blog ?
micro.blog is an indie microblogging service started by Manton Reece, which supports microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub https://indieweb.org/micro.blog
So it's like tumblr but following the indieweb recommendations?
margeas joined the channel
to an extent.
you can create new content there; or you can use it to get your original content from your site out to the world through it.
i'm still a little fuzzy on all the ways to use it. :)
I've got a self-hosted wordpress blog that I'm trying to decide what to do with; I'm pretty sure the software is out of date security-wise, so I can either update it or move to something else
depending on how old, the built-in WP upgrader is pretty sophisticated these days.
and the upgrade path has always been pretty robust for WP. Worst case: backup your database, upload the new PHP files, and go to your admin.
cout a lot of people also chose to go with a managed/shared host, so they do not need to keep the server software itself up-to-date. Leave that the hosting companies.
it seems the trend these days is toward static site generators, which seem nifty except all the commenting options seem less than ideal
it seems I like the word seem today
skippy: does WP have an automatic upgrader?
it does. no idea when it was added.
"This feature was added in 2.7"
oh cool, so I can one-click update from 3.3 to 3.7 or newer, then get automatic updates from there
then I just need to figure out how to do HTTPS
I'm really stuck in the dark ages :(
I can't recommend Caddy enough for a web server that handles all the Lets Encrypt SSL stuff for you: https://caddyserver.com/
i really, really, really like Caddy.
my updates dashboard is blank :(
I've got too much custom apache config to migrate to anything else without significant effort
cout: unless you have a ton of plugins, or a super custom theme, you might just be able to upload the latest code from wordpress.
I think that's what I have to do; it looks like WP doesn't work on whatever version of php I have installed (so it's amazing the site even renders at all)
pindonga joined the channel
skippy: what do you use?
i host a WordPress multi-user set up for my kids; and I've been playing with Hugo static site for myself. https://skippy.net/
Scott Merrill
it's a been a work-in-progress. adding all the indieweb pieces is a bit intimidating.
so i'm also literally trying to install Known right now on a different domain, just to kick the tires.
what is Known? I only just read about it today.
Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/Known
I read the indiweb page and the known front page, but I still don't get it
known is like wordpress, with all the indieweb bits built into it already, loosely speaking.
you can add indieweb stuff to wp with plugins, but it's very much a work-in-progress.
↩️ @janole 🤔 time to support something like indieweb stuff or w3c Micropub & webmentions? https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/
loicm joined the channel
@jkphl @webrocker @bastianallgeier Was ist denn so die einfachste Indie-Methode, Twitter Retweets/Likes/Kommentare unter ner statischen(!) Website anzuzeigen? #indieweb
leg joined the channel
↩️ Bausteine, mit denen das prinzipiell geht: 1.) Webmentions https://indieweb.org/Webmention 2.) Evtl. https://brid.gy, um dir Social-Media-Signale bequem in Webmentions an dich übersetzen zu lassen 3.) Schließlich: Guck dir mal @AaronGustafson's https://www.aaron-gustafson.com/notebook/enabling-webmentions-in-jekyll/ an
skippy: I guess it only took me an hour and a half to upgrade wordpress
not terrible. :)
I think I should be using something else, but at least I'm up-to-date
meanwhile, I've forgotten the root password I set on my MySQL install!
oh no!
silly me.
why mysql instead of sqlite?
i probably used a random string.
It's a Docker container. I could use SQLite, I suppose.
i mean, I have MySQL there, might as well use it... if i could ....
is it stored as a salted hash or is it something you could crack?
or just change it
i could take a WP backup, then re-build the container with a root password i remember, then import the backup.
that would work too
I thought there might be a way to just change the password if you mount the container's filesystem
[jgmac1106] and aramiscd[m] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@jeremyDbond asks what do we do? The approach I like to take is using the #indieweb model. The #posse model helps to protect your privacy" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-07 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/jeremydbond-asks-what-do-we-do-the-approach-i-like
@jeremyDbond asks what do we do? The approach I like to take is using the #indieweb model. The #posse model helps .. http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/jeremydbond-asks-what-do-we-do-the-approach-i-like
@jeremyDbond asks what do we do? The approach I like to take is using the #indieweb model. The #posse model helps to protect your privacy as you decide where your data goes. #tech4all
[miklb] joined the channel
With the traction #indieweb is getting in the wake of Facebook and Twitter’s malfeasance, I’d like to cast my vote for . . . indiefitness! Would be nice for us Apple Watch users to get back into the office Fitbit step competitions
*whew* Finally reset root password on my mariadb container. Got Known installed.
[superfeedr] "Thinking about making an IndieWeb Reader for ..." by Zach Oglesby on 2018-04-07 https://zach.oglesby.co/2018/04/07/thinking-about-making-an-indieweb-reader-for
aniruddh and barpthewire joined the channel
skippy: \o/
oh, brilliant, 500px went full pinterest: full page overlay to join, blocking further scrolling
leg joined the channel
nah, ok it's dismissed once clicked outside of it, but I couldn't find a close button
summary: it comes back every ~3-4 endless scroll load; there is a tiny, light grey on white close x on the top right, and it's really annoying
congratulations to the designer who graduated in dark patterns
leg joined the channel
pinterest is annoying like that. And google remove their "exclude domain from search" setting a decade ago now. Too bad -- pinterest would be one of those sites I would exclude for sure.
wolftune and [miklb] joined the channel
yeah, now you have to manually exclude a domain in your search params
[gRegor Morrill] Add -site:pinterest.com, e.g. “cookies -site:pinterest.com”
it really is nice being able to find stuff on your own site 🙂
snarfed, cout and davy__ joined the channel
fe.tt is available to register at nic.tt. I'm surprised no one has taken it yet, so they can have boba@fe.tt
oh, because it's $200 a year. that's probably why. :)
unicron, friedcell, tantek, Pierre-O, AngeloGladding and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Conducting a mini impromptu Homebrew Website Club for two with Denise @msippi and of course Wil @wiljames is more than welcome to join us, and Bill @billboules can join us when he decides he wants a real website. 😛
friedcell, jgee, loicm, KapiX, [snarfed], [miklb], KartikPrabhu, kaushalmodi, j12t, AngeloGladding and leg joined the channel
IndieWeb for Drupal, IndieWeb for Business, and Foodspotting going under. It’s your ~10 minute update on the #IndieWeb community! This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for March 31st - April 6th, 2018. https://martymcgui.re/2018/04/07/191218/
j12t and eli_oat joined the channel