#indieweb 2018-04-12

2018-04-12 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
swentel no problem, I thought I pushed one crash report but will do them all. Did you let [kevinmarks] give a shout on TWIG? That is a crazy stress test.
snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I didn't mention it, I just plugged indieweb generally
[unoabraham] joined the channel
I'd love an invite too, a@brah.am.
leg and maingo joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Chris Aldrich" by Chris Aldrich on 2018-04-12 https://boffosocko.com/2018/04/11/reply-to-chris-jones-on-twitter/
↩️ I like @jgmac1106's general idea, but having less overhead to manage and administer appealed to me a lot. Here's some thoughts on what I ended up doing: http://boffosocko.com/2016/12/18/rss-feeds-a-follow-up-on-my-indieweb-commitment-2017/ @mrkrndvs may have some insight too. [more...]
eli_oat and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Links for the Day – April 11, 2018" by Ryan Gallagher on 2018-04-12 http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/13030/8831165
renem, wolftune, j12t, j12t_, jdp, j12t__, todrobbins, [miklb], snarfed and tbbrown joined the channel
↩️ Es una aproximación, recuerda a Medium y es un modelo que también veo relativamente agotado. Me parece mejor alternativa seguir refugiándose en nuestras propias webs/blogs, después de tantos años. Generar contenidos desde nuestra propia plataforma. #indieweb
↩️ Ich breche eine Lanze für die eigene Domain als Platz für den eigenen Kram. Und dann halt Inhalte in die Netzwerke syndizieren, wo sie im Malstrom der Eitelkeiten verbrannt werden können, aber vlt doch jemand zur Seite leiten. ❤️#indieweb
cweiske and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning indieweb!
raucao and tantek_ joined the channel
guten morgen
nonsense indieweb principles, you could have paired devices stored to select from. Steam's backup feature is kind of always thought pipe people were terrified by my competence.
swentel, jeremycherfas, AngeloGladding and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Mornin' all
rise and shine!
markong and catsup joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and tantek_ joined the channel
^^^ aaronpk, per the profile bio https://twitter.com/xandy_ebooks, that's a bot, feel free to block
[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], daeng, pindonga, Pierre-O, eli_oat and XgF joined the channel
ok, I added "http://anouska.net/2018/02/blogging-and-why-its-important-to-bring-it-back/" to the "See Also" section of /principles https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=46833&oldid=46807
“Instagram is a public platform.
We do not own it. We never will. We cannot control it. So we need to accept that.
But our blogs are OURS.
We have spent years building our brands from the ground up, and it all started with our blogs. It is our very own personal space online. We control it. We decide what content goes up. We decide if we want to make changes to our website. There are no algorithms. There is no fuckery.”
eli_oat and [kaushal_modi] joined the channel
Dat nieuwe 'sociale' Hyves wordt toch wel iets decentraals dat aansluiting zoekt bij het sociale web van #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Diaspora, #Hubzilla en andere op #ActivityPub en #Indieweb gebaseerde platformen? Toch @OrigenInstitute?
[superfeedr] "@mrkrndvs Most of my subdomains or for up MOOCs or pop-up learning events. I have found since so many users are new to Wordpress trying" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-12 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/12/mrkrndvs-most-of-my-subdomains-or-for-up-moocs-or
eli_oat, jgee, leg, tantek_, KapiX and [eddie] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "What exactly is #indieweb and how can we talk about it?" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-12 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/12/what-exactly-is-indieweb-and-how-can-we-talk-about
yoob5 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
feel free to critique or offer edits. At the edges of my technical capabilities in some of those discussions. Just trying to turn dev documentation into stuff for the rest of world.
todrobbins, barpthewire, benharri, wolftune, [kevinmarks], swentel, markong, tbbrown, margeas and [eddie] joined the channel
Hyves is back?
↩️ As a note just wanted to share I am more of a consumer of #indieweb tools rather than a producer. Been trying to apply the principles in my #highered classes with a bunch of other #digped folks tracing lineage to #ds106 and #rhizo15 #rhizo16 Hopped… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/12/as-a-note-just-wanted-to-share-i-am-more
[superfeedr] "As a note just wanted to share I am more of a consumer of #indieweb tools rather than a producer. Been trying to apply the" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-12 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/12/as-a-note-just-wanted-to-share-i-am-more
kaushalmodi and [kaushal_modi] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "An Introduction to the IndieWeb" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/note/2018/01/an-introduction-to-the-indieweb.html
[superfeedr] "Why the Indie Web movement is so important" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/note/2017/07/why-the-indie-web-movement-is-so-important.html
[superfeedr] "App.net is another silo who is shutting down" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/note/2017/03/appnet-is-another-silo-who-is-shutting-down.html
[superfeedr] "À propos de ce site Web" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/a-propos.html
[superfeedr] "IndieWeb, Make your social media posts open first" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/note/2016/11/indieweb-make-your-social-media-posts-open-first.html
[superfeedr] "Indieweb in a nutshellown your identity domain website content uiux" on 2018-03-27 https://hugo.soucy.cc/note/2016/05/indieweb-in-a-nutshellown-your-identity-domain-website-content-uiux.html
[jgmac1106] and markong joined the channel
Whoah ... sorry about the noise ... I was testing https://websub.rocks/
I didn't know the consequences
I'm not quite sure how that happened either. WebSub.rocks isn't explicitly connected to Loqi
That's my content with the Indieweb keyword in it... And my Atom Feed is connected to superfeedr ... <link href="https://bridgy-fed.superfeedr.com/" rel="hub" />
<link href="https://pubsubhubbub.superfeedr.com" rel="hub" />
Ah that makes sense
[superfeedr] "love the twitter aggregator!&#8212; Zach Leatherman (@zachleat) April 12, 2018 Indieweb and webmentions. Posts originate on my site, then syndicate to Twitter. I&#8217;m replying from my site to your tweet now. 🙂" by Michael Bishop on 2018-04-12 https://miklb.com/blog/2018/04/12/3726/
↩️ Indieweb and webmentions. Posts originate on my site, then syndicate to Twitter. I’m replying from my site to your tweet now. 🙂
hadn't seen this sequence - the iframe share button as "collecting data" https://twitter.com/Matthijs85/status/984458621697314816
Zuckerberg admits he's collecting medical data on people that are on the internet whether they’re Facebook users or not: 'for security purposes’ https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/984118196952322050/video/1 Security? Yeah right, security of his funds.. 😏
Of course it's collecting data. That was the whole point of it
yes, but getting that on the congressional record is useful.
eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ I’ve flirted with the idea of getting it working with @eleven_ty using my prior efforts in Jekyll liquid templates. https://github.com/miklb/jekyll-indieweb
wolftune, AngeloGladding and bkardell joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
snarfed joined the channel
Morning Zegnat!
snarfed, maingo, KartikPrabhu, swentel and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Hello Zegnat
Any exciting developments been happening in IndieWeb? :)
Gargron and kaushalmodi joined the channel
So how about we start a Homebrew Website Club meetup in Gent to share ideas, work on projects (#drupal module!) ... every two weeks ? Who would join ? I could do a #indieweb 101 introduction first to get started! See https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
[superfeedr] "“You can use this with Micro.blog, Known or any other Micropub compatible server” This is a perfect way to put it for the average user." by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-12 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/12/you-can-use-this-with-microblog-known-or-any-other
vivus and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
And the Web is the sea, the platform they and we all depend on, without thinking about it. #indieweb https://twitter.com/adamsconsulting/status/984483896686329856
Hullo, IndieWeb! I've been traveling and quite busy this week. Hope I haven't missed too much 🙂
[cleverdevil] and [eddie] joined the channel
FYI all
Yeah, I saw that. I wonder if [manton] made it support Micropub for publishing as well?
It does
I can't wait to try it.
I've been tinkering with the idea of a microcast for a long time. I was considering getting a separate domain for it, though, so I could conceivably use Micro.blog for that.
(Might actually be a smarter way to go, honestly).
Wavelength publishes via Micropub and micro.blog microcast Hosting will support any Micropub requests
[manton] joined the channel
Clarification: actually 1.0 does not support other servers. It uses Micropub but only to Micro.blog.
Ohhh sorry :) thanks for clarifying [olebrussels]
Oops slack autocomplete fail
No worries, I wouldn't have expected to support that at 1.0, honestly 🙂
There are a couple reasons, but the main one is if you publish somewhere else, you have an audio file but not a podcast. You have to do something else to get a podcast feed. So we wanted to start with Micro.blog since it does everything for you.
Makes sense
It does use Micropub (the media endpoint and `audio` param) for publishing. You just can't point it somewhere else yet.
So other clients could definitely be built and use Micropub to publish audio files to Micro.blog too. And we'll see where things go from there.
Cool. I think I will instead buy a separate domain and use that for just my Microcast.
Then use Micro.blog for it.
I think its good to have it separate from my site.
Yeah, that is one thing I'm really curious about. For me, I like it separate too. But I could see some people just wanting a podcast feed of occasional audio clips they post to their main site.
Yeah, I’m more of the audio clips within my regular posts
I think known puts the podcast incantations into its feed if there is audio.
I think a separate domain makes sense when you have a specific branded microcast/podcast that you want to have its own identity
My plan is to have some different microcast “categories”. One about tech, one about personal life, one about fiction writing. When I want to microcast I can do it on any topic, but then people could subscribe just to the categories they like
Known definitely has rudimentary support, but I am almost positive its not been tested much in the wild 🙂
Yeah, that's a good point, [eddie].
I have been noodling with the idea of creating a podcast at work for talking about Cloud / AWS / GCP / Azure.
Hmm. I thought that would be just the audio posts.
That’s awesome [cleverdevil] I’d listen to it!
I think my personal one may focus on open source stuff that I am doing, etc.
It changed to audio from streamingmedia
So [manton] you could try it on known.
[kevinmarks] That's cool! I didn't realize Known did that. That's good.
I remember Ben grumbling about all the arbitrary properties at the time.
Yep, it's kind of annoying that iTunes requires its own RSS extensions before it will accept a podcast. I wish it had reasonable fallbacks so that any plain RSS feed would work.
ha! Apple's gonna Apple
Tantek and I went to explain that to them in 2004
One of my itches is an h-feet to iTunes-valid RSS feed.
h-feet lol!
I have about half of that in unmung, but it is a bit of a hack
manton++ this is effing rad!!
manton has 40 karma in this channel (43 overall)
What is Wavelength?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Wavelength" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Wavelength is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ooh i can't wait to try this out
KapiX joined the channel
tho i really can't wait til it can post to an arbitrary micropub endpoint ;-)
Apple engineers: "why are all these people so angry about RSS? It's xml, so we added our own extensions"
wavelength is a property of waves characterised by the distance between consequent crests or throughs
Me and Tantek look at each other.
is also looking forward to trying Wavelength once it supports other micropub targets
[kevinmarks]: that is a valid argument from the XML point of view
[kevinmarks], to be fair, they are correct there. It is exactly where the XML extensibility comes into play ;)
Oof, sniped by KartikPrabhu :)
phew phew
Okay, inspired by [manton], I have just purchased cleverca.st
Ooo, nice domain.
Haha that’s awesome
Now I have no choice!
11 bucks on promo
I’ll subscribe for the clever BBQ tips, [cleverdevil]!
Have you seen tryca.st
clevercast has 1 karma
[manton] should I create a totally separate Micro.blog account for this, or can I have one account manage both my hosted Microcast and my externally hosted site?
Hmmm I was gonna set up cast.eddiehinkle.com with my micro.blog. I’ve been holding on to eddie.today not sure what to use it for.... I wonder if that is what I’ve been missing. eddie.today being my microcast domain 🤔
The only thing I dislike about the .today extension is the pressure of having it be published daily 😄
Haha that’s what I thought about
[cleverdevil] You can have one account that does both. The main reason to create a separate account is if you want a separate @username. (A single account can have multiple hosted sites with different URLs or external sites, but they all share 1 username.)
I think I don't want a separate username. I definitely don't want to deal with the trouble of logging in and out.
eh my .today is basically monthly right now
In other words, if you want @clevercast, create a separate account. But if it's enough to just publish to a custom domain name, no need to create a separate account.
quick poll: how many domains do you own?
at least 15?
I think around 15-20?
Only like 5-10 for me
My favorites are handsome.af and 🐷.ws
I should at least make mormonbartender.club redirect somewhere
ok off to #chat
And sell some subdomains on mixes.house
we should host a virtual domain swap soon maybe https://domainswap.xyz
handsome.af is awesome
i rly like itsreallynot.com and nothavingthis.com
emoji domains are hard to type on a lot of machines still:(
OH: "Regulations requiring pasteurization are based on a poor understanding of cheese science. I'm concerned we're about to pasteurize social networks."
I have decentralised.wtf too
tilde.team is still one of my favs
what's the client at chat.indieweb.org?
it's just itself
a little bit of javascript and html
ahhh ok, just a log of the chat? source of truth is irc tho, right?
IRC is ephemeral, so we consider chat.indieweb.org the source of truth
Ok, makes sense
(Which really just means Loqi is our source of truth. Pray AI doesn’t take over.)
eli_oat joined the channel
1. People who are focusing on Mark Zuckerberg's testimony to Congress are missing the point. What happens to Facebook in Europe is far more important - and the stakes just got far, far higher this morning thanks to a legal decision in Ireland.
Pierre-O joined the channel
@attacus_au You're way too kind. I add custom utm's that mess with tracking instead. 😂
tbbrown, j12t, Pierre-O, nitot, todrobbins and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Sweet, got my microcast site set up. Micro.blog makes this so much easier,
[manton]++ for making IndieWeb accessible!
manton has 41 karma in this channel (44 overall)
Now, I just need to wait for DNS to propagate for cleverca.st so I can map it.
[cleverdevil]: what do you use for your ttl?
Well, it has propagated already to all of the DNS servers I use, but I checked too quickly on Micro.blog, and now its not letting me do the mapping. Probably has it cached.
swentel joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Information literacy needs to include creation and ownership." by Kimberly Hirsh on 2018-04-12 http://kimberlyhirsh.com/information-literacy-needs-to-include-creation-and-ownership/
↩️ @zachleat I use IndieAuth to log in to my website using… my website! https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
[tantek], yoob5, renem, davy__, KartikPrabhu, kaushalmodi, Calli, snarfed, oodani, tantek_, j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
Wow Wavelength does a great job of making audio production easy!
todrobbins, KartikPrabhu and [eddie] joined the channel
Yeah, it does seem very easy, doesn’t it!
I was playing around with it a little bit as well
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Sweet, cleverca.st resolves now. I should be able to post my first microcast tomorrow 😀
wolftune and AngeloGladding joined the channel
I will subscribe!
Awesome! I’ll take a look tomorrow!
snarfed joined the channel
Because of US gov't spying, Facebook's data centralization violates European privacy laws. If they'd used their vast resources to work on federation, they'd have no problem. https://indieweb.org/ https://gnu.io/social/ https://joinmastodon.org/ https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#abstract all did!
[miklb] joined the channel
... ironically, not tweeted via my WithKnown site
[cleverdevil]: You too?