#indieweb 2018-04-25

2018-04-25 UTC
tantek_, todrobbins and [tantek] joined the channel; case1 left the channel
Aaronpk the fb api changes notes different treatment of partners (read: paid / biz dev), which eg we know is one way to post to IG
[jgmac1106], electronicmaji, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
Maybe we should adopt Google+ posse
wolftune joined the channel
[kevinmarks] I keep saying Google should rebrand G+ and make it privacy first. Maybe even try to sell it GSuite family plans which follow the ToS of other G suite users. Heck maybe tie in Blogger somehow. It's clear Apple wants to be the privacy company might as well undercut and mobile ad dollars getting scarcer
But didn't Google+ never have a good write API? I can't remember for sure but I remit not working with indieweb stuff... But that was three years ago. Long time
[matthilt], eli_oat, cdchapman, renem, wolftune and [snarfed] joined the channel
@jgmac1106 yup, never
The closest was the history api I think. Buzz had the opensocial activities api
eli_oat, [miklb] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Interesting post from Tom Woodward on working within social media spaces, but minimising the damage https://collect.readwriterespond.com/social-media-jujutsu-woodward/
To me, it touches on the challenges of Gen3+
Wondering how I would possibly add it to IndieNews? Other than adding my bookmark that is
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Enjoyed my time speaking with @jgmac1106 about starting to use WordPress and Indieweb. I hope it was some help.
@cathieleblanc What an amazing post and you give me way too much credit. I couldn't do it with out the great minds behind #indieweb. I am thinking more and more about the social web of academia and how we have a responsibility to protect the Commons and… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/25/cathieleblanc-what-an-amazing-post-and-you-give-me-way
freescholar, cdchapman, todrobbins, x07 and [eddie] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] the only way to add to IndieNews is a bookmark (unless you are the original author)
wolftune and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Oh, so [eddie] I have actually done all the hard work, just add the IndieWeb code to my bookmark? Easy
electronicmaji joined the channel
Instagram data export is nice, since the data is json its easily parseable for import into another service
[dansup] Instagram account import will be more than possible!
wolftune, AngeloGladding, todrobbins, htpfrj and cweiske joined the channel
Wonder if I can do something with ownyourgram to make it import your Instagram dump they send
thatll save me from having to crawl and scrape an Instagram account to get the history
people keep asking me if OYG will import all the old stuff
Harid, rosemaryorchard, snarfed, bhh, cdchapman, wolftune, leg1 and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I was wonder that. Definitely interested
[pfefferle], snarfed, loicm, snarfed1 and cweiske joined the channel
!tell cleverdevil extremely cool! I have been very curious about the specifics on setting up WSGI apps on lambda so I’m excited that you’ve done it with screech.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed, snarfed1, jihaisse, [kevinmarks], swentel, Pierre-O, anotheryou and gRegorLove joined the channel
jgee, gigitux and loicm joined the channel
good morning indieweb!
raboof left the channel
Good morning sknebel
[deeden] joined the channel
Morning indieweb 👋
catsup, tomasparks, kapowaz and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Looks like someone made a product from Aaron's clock https://twitter.com/mashable/status/989073279330734080?s=19
adactio and tomasparks joined the channel
I keep wondering why nobody made an AR Harry Potter game yet...
sorry, offtopic, should be in -chat
markong joined the channel
morning all
wjh, [jgmac1106], syamkumar and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
interesting extension to site-deaths? api-deaths? https://mastodon.social/@sikkdays/99886579468311102
[sikkdays 🎳] @kevinmarks Great link!I wonder if anyone is tracking features the big companies once had and are now dead. For example, before Twitter's current API there were tons of apps and things we could do. FB killed their email, and Google used to make open ...
wjh1 joined the channel
With the changes to the @facebook API I am hoping ethical news orgs like @ctmirror drop the use of the comment plug-in which requires write access (though I am sure facebook let's it live). Instead non-profit news orgs should adopt the #indieweb and use… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/25/with-the-changes-to-the-facebook-api-i-am-hoping
Picking up the Flickr conversation from the other day, I finally looked up an FAQ. http://blog.flickr.net/en/2018/04/20/together-smugmug-flickr-faq/
The emails are related to terms of service only. Flickr users will now be governed under the SmugMug TOS.
Everything else about Flickr will stay the same at the moment. They plan to keep the domain, branding, Pro and free plans, etc the same.
Yahoo accounts will be separated at some undetermined future time.
Great maybe I will finally figure out what all my Flickr account user names are, they got mixed in with fantasy football accounts
I still say that was one of the most valuable properties for Verizon with Yahoo acquisition, especially given Version's zero-rating deal with NFL
pindonga joined the channel
↩️ I like this idea - we can all take 2 weeks off social media for GDPRmas and party, then sign the new conditions next month? #indieweb
friedcell, eli_oat, [kimberlyhirsh], AngeloGladding, drkokandy, treora, reidab, todrobbins, rev_strangehope, Salt, Ruxton, rektide, sonicrocketman, rektide2 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
One month to go till GDPR Day. Hope you've all opened your GDPR Advent calendars! Enjoy it now, because in 20 days time everyone will be crying about how sick they are of hearing "The ICO is coming to town" on loop at Asda.
jacky, oodani, klez, electronicmaji and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Flickr change de main, j’en profite pour supprimer mon compte qui n’a plus de sens pour moi aujourd'hui. Peut-être un jour plus tard en POSSE https://indieweb.org/POSSE Entre temps… au revoir…
iasai_ joined the channel
@manuelflara @aaronpk Hi Manuel! We're working on getting some clarification on these changes. We'll follow up as soon as we have some news! -Dave
barpthewire, thrrgilag, [snarfed] and [matthilt] joined the channel; thrrgilag left the channel
↩️ @mxsash @KatiMichel Have a look at http://chat.indieweb.org - we try to keep discussion welcoming and have a CoC
snarfed, wolftune, Trillium1, KapiX, leg, [jgmac1106], radedwork, [tantek], kaushalmodi, todrobbins and [eddie] joined the channel
Regarding the Harry Potter clock above I love that there is a category called “Lost” haha!
i need to figure out that gear shaft in order to have mine support multiple hands
also that laser cut wood is really nice
Yeah it looks real fancy. I like it
iasai_ and jgee joined the channel
estimated delivery July 2018 😂
Lol yeah
bergie, kaushalmodi, strugee, ben_thatmustbeme, wagle, j12t, botka, brehaut, [matthilt], botka1, vhfmag[m], ballpointcarrot, eli_oat[m], inhji[m], iasai_, AngeloGladding, leg, [eddie], treora, drkokandy, reidab, rev_strangehope, rektide, Ruxton, Salt, rektide2, sonicrocketman, [tantek], loicm, dougbeal, todrobbins, jgee, XgF, endi, bret, mattl, jeremycherfas, jgmac1106_, cdchapman, wolftune, tantek, pepee, snarfed and hook54321a joined the channel
cdchapman and maingo joined the channel
↩️ It was great talking to you as well. Wonderful insight into the onboarding process used in the #indieweb WordPress community. Here is the talk: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Onboarding
blahblah, ballpointcarrot, plindner, eli_oat[m], M-mxuribe, pniedzielski[m], M-hotzeplotz, JulianFoad[m], garlox[m], wakingrufus[m], myfreeweb, ElMago[m], Salt[m], ishj1984[m], wjh1, CaseD[m], doubleloop[m], grantcodes, zoglesby, peterlawson[m], M-DzzzzzzR, afrogeek[m], crasch[m], M0x3F[m], aramiscd[m], damian11215[m], cuibonobo[m], camb[m], strk[m], schmarty, vhfmag[m], toomim[m], jaduncan[m], haha23[m], moredhel_[m], muhh[m], [kevinmarks], taravancil, jimpick and [matthilt] joined the channel
Are there any #ds106 heads who haven't tried #indieweb plug-ins on their WordPress site but were always curious? I am recruiting participants who would do a "cognitive lab" while installing the program. Think about reading "think alouds" I ask you to… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/25/are-there-any-ds106-heads-who-havent-tried-indieweb-plug-ins
↩️ Also if there are #ds106 peeps who do use #indieweb plug-ins I am also recruiting participants for user story interviews.
jgmac1106_ and cdchapman joined the channel
Are there any #digped heads who haven't tried #indieweb plug-ins on their WordPress site but were always curious? I am recruiting participants who would do a "cognitive lab" while installing the program. Think about reading "think alouds." I ask you to… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/25/are-there-any-digped-heads-who-havent-tried-indieweb-plug-ins
↩️ Also if there are #digped that do use #indieweb plug-ins in your WordPress I am also doing user story interviews. You can learn more here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Onboarding
singpolyma, KartikPrabhu, electronicmaji, botka, freescholar, tantek, jgmac1106_, sebsel, tomasparks, cweiske, sebsel_, pstuifzand, [kimberlyhirsh], kaushalmodi, renem and wagle joined the channel
my micropub endpoint is coming along; my Hugo themes have been updated accordingly... need to get syndication to Twitter going; and then maybe tackle webmentions.
tbbrown, swentel, [jgmac1106], snarfed, todrobbins, eli_oat, [matthilt] and electronicmaji joined the channel
snarfed, [miklb] and eli_oat joined the channel
The #deleteFacebook is just a hashtag until alternatives emerge that let us withdraw our attention and build traffic pipelines in a better way. #indieweb is promising. Investors in the know still advise investing in Facebook after data leak https://buff.ly/2Ke4zD2
thrrgilag, tantek, leg, seekr, freescholar, tomasparks, wolftune, [unoabraham] and pepee- joined the channel