#indieweb 2018-04-24

2018-04-24 UTC
snarfed, eli_oat, iasai, wakingrufus[m], tantek, x07, todrobbins, [miklb], AngeloGladding, electronicmaji and renem joined the channel; wakingrufus[m] left the channel
as a call back to the infographic of 7 Deadly Sins the discussion missed the whole point. And I did the same thing with the shark, dolphin pirhanna..."Well you know that's a freshwater..." It's like the new grammar police.. pointing out visual or metaphorical discongruities in our multimodal lives... Discussing whether Netflix fits the definition of a "silo" misses the salient point that these technologies draw upon our base instincts in ways th
behavior society has long abhorred.
eli_oat, [mrkrndvs], [chrisaldrich], wolftune, todrobbins, chrisaldrich, cweiske, [pfefferle] and tantek joined the channel
good evening #indieweb
AngeloGladding, jihaisse, nitot, [unoabraham], nitot_, anotheryou and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
good morning
pindonga, Pierre-O, swentel, [kevinmarks], catsup, [unoabraham], adactio and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Morning all.
stardot[m] left the channel
Good morning jeremycherfas :)
Hello zegnat
hey hey
Wotcher dgold
schmarty1, [pfefferle], jjuran, loicm, [xavierroy], markong, [jgmac1106] and hs0ucy_ joined the channel
Morning all
We need an IndieWeb glossary page.
[unoabraham]: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 week ago: That's the bit I wrestle with. My different domains reflect different aspects of me, but not all of those aspects have an identity on a silo. There's only one of me on FB and IG, and two on Twitter. I still don't know how best to organise things.
Morning all
[unoabraham]: feel free to start one :)
what is Glossary?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Glossary" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Glossary is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^^^ there
hs0ucy joined the channel
I can't get my head straight on whether Loqi has a list of jargon words to remind people not to use. If so, that would be a great starting point for a Glossary.
How I Set Up My Indieweb WordPress Site - 2018 Edition - https://di5.us/b/XR
jeremycherfas: it was proposed, but doesn't exist yet
Ah. Thanks.
Glossary is an alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[unoabraham]: what would you use a glossary page for? (what does it do differently than looking something up in the wiki?)
Anyone can point me to how Loqi works?
Who is loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/User:Loqi.me
[aaronpk] Loqi: Loqi is a friendly IRC bot
but parts of it is secret knowledge for which the custodian is aaronpk
@sknebel - It would help. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around micropub and microsub.
and how would a glossary page help?
As a quick reference and bookmark.
I agree that the introduction at /microsub is not clear, at least not to me. Will have a little play.
iasai joined the channel
[unoabraham] I am doing some initial research about Wordpress users and indieweb stuff. Definitions are tricky as they do need more technical documentation for stuff like MicroPub. Going to make more useful stuff for gen2 and gen3 audiences (though while I know we are referring to product conflating users with generations is a bad idea)
I would love help on the project, for now athe gloaary is the wiki just query the term in search
[jeremycherfas] If you want to hold off for a week or so I can try and include each plug-in the cognitive labs with users (they have to activate each one anyway)
or if you send me the repo I can take a try at rewording it for a user audience rather than developer audience
I think jeremycherfas would put him self right into the non-technical audience, so I am interested to see what introduction he can come up with :)
yes, the initial definitions on the wiki should always skew towards easy to understand, even on technical topics
Sorry [jgmac1106] but this was about /microsub not a plugin and I just couldn't wait any longer.
just watching my first video for example, the indieweb plug-in installer (I would actually change the name of the plug-in) has a getting started instruction page. I think with a bit of clean up that can help a bunch
[xavierroy], skvist, nitot and pindonga joined the channel
oops wrong channe;
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I'm getting micropub microsub and WebPub mixed up now and I have been doing this stuff for years.
The names aren't distinct enough
then you mix in micro.blog which uses the word microblog, as it was intended, but ispowered by micropub which has nothing to do with length
jihaisse, tantek, Pierre-O, electronicmaji, klez, tomasparks and [snarfed] joined the channel
has anybody got a activitypub setup that I can look at?
todrobbins joined the channel
[kaushal_modi] joined the channel
What is gen2?
It looks like we don't have a page for "gen2" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "gen2 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106] ^^ gen2 gen3?
What is generations?
Generations in the context of the IndieWeb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the IndieWeb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/generations
Mastodon does AP, if that answers your question. also https://fed.brid.gy
[kaushal_modi]: ^^^
sknebel++ thanks
sknebel has 32 karma in this channel (94 overall)
I am trying to understand by example the "Followers Collection" and "Following Collection"
but think about the terminology. You then have to refer to a new user who joins the community as a gen2 meaning they will know they aren't a gen1. Generation as a chronological meaning, nothing to do with different user personas or skill levels IMO. It's okay just not totally inclusive or inviting
Folks will know they don't have the coding skills of people in this room but that doesn't mean they may not want them. Can a gen3 user become a gen2 user or a gen1 user or is that a badge of how long you have been contributing to the community?
Also comes down to what is open and what is open and broadcasted. As an open community didn't have to think about perceptions as much as the open channels weren't as public, less broadcasting, as community grows much of what never left the open spaces (jargon, etc) becomes more public
jondashkyle and snarfed joined the channel
though arguing about defintions is a great way to stay busy without building. I think I can see the value in looking at waves of users as generations of product users as well
DenSchub_, [miklb], ancarda, iasai_, leg, wagle, wolftune, alex_mayorga, cdchapman, cweiske, kaushalmodi, KapiX, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks], cweiske_, anotheryou, tantek, todrobbins, snarfed, [jgmac1106], dougbeal|iOS, maingo, [unoabraham], rosemaryorchard, swentel and Pierre-O joined the channel
Indieauth isn't signing me into the wiki anymore. I did just update my Wordpress indieauth plug-in
[jgmac1106]: you might need to click "refresh" on the indieauth.com proimpt
in Chrome I got a timeout error
try again? I can see your auth options just fine in a browser
bought and hooked up a new bridgy.org domain, as a hedge in case guyana ever starts mishandling .gy like .ly and .io have been already
also there's a new "IndieAuth" button there thanks to the new wordpress plugin!
snarfed++ good idea
snarfed has 307 karma in this channel (378 overall)
no but when I go to indieauth and try to authenticate there I run into no problems
trying to authenticate to indieweb.org not onto my wordpress site
I noticed this too this morning, I authenticate but the home page of indieweb.org still asks me to login. But as soon as I navigate to another page in the website, I'm actually logged in
klez: i think that's a caching bug on the home page specifically
[jgmac1106]: which part specifically is timing out?
I get to authenticate with twitter or indieauth the runs then on Chrome it timed out. On FF it just brought me back to indieweb.org but not logged in
need to go talk in #wordpress though as I lost my indieauth log in on wp-admin
hmm sometimes, indieweb.org doesn't reflect the authentication immediately
going to a subpage then and then it's ok
oh, that was already mentioned
nevermind :)
tantek, rosemaryorchard, [chrisaldrich], [matthilt], romangeeko, nitot_ and leg joined the channel
i had indieauth endpoint and not local endpoint checked. Just blindly went through without thinking and checked anythign that said indieauth
freescholar and pepee joined the channel
was able to log into wiki, still no endpoints on wordpress, but that's a wordpress problem
electronicmaji, endi, KartikPrabhu, tantek, cdchapman, [tantek], rosemaryorchard, KapiX and jgmac1106 joined the channel
okay signed back into my irc client…..and now I realize where all this debate on the word client came from, an IRC hold out
it's actually from spec terminology, "clients and servers"
not a good term for user-facing stuff, but is more explicit when talking to developers about specs
though I am using “colloquy” and how do I join the different channels is each a seperate chat room?
jgmac1106 left the channel
usually if you type /join #indieweb-dev in the text box the irc client will join the new room
oops he left
he's on slack too :)
jgmac1106 joined the channel
!tell jgmac1106 you want to /join #indieweb-meta and then ask further questions there :)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jgreene7 joined the channel
one day I will figure out difference of indieweb and indieweb-meta, didnd't think I was talking meta about indieweb
snarfed joined the channel
RSVPs dead today, posts dead august 1
"The publish_actions permission will be deprecated. This permission granted apps access to publish posts to Facebook as the logged in user."
"Developers currently utilizing publish_actions are encouraged to switch to Facebook's Share dialogs" 😱
wow that's insane
i'd say it's a relief, but most of my work keeping up with their API changes has been on the read side, not write, so meh
Perfect business response to a crisis, let's use this opportunity to solidify our position
swentel joined the channel
checks https://twitter.com/buffer/with_replies to see if they're also freaking out about this
buffer managed to get a deal with instagram to be able to post photos directly
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Silos gonna silo.
En el #WCMadrid, @ciudadanoB nos asignó una misión: sanear la #Web de nuevo a través de blogs, resucitar la #IndieWeb. Aquí va mi reseña de la @WordCampMad: https://blog.virgulilla.com/wordcamp-madrid-2018/ Cc/ @esterlegaz @rociovaldi @javig @albero
aaronpk i'm trying to find when you said if you lost facebook backfeed (or publish?), you might just delete your account altogether :P
(no luck so far)
[aaronpk] if bridgy stops being able to backfeed facebook responses i might just stop using facebook :P
there we go
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
for real tho, I'm probably going to add something to my facebook bio now telling people other ways to follow me
aaronpk: is there a way to follow twitter in monocle/aperture?
yeah via granary.io
works pretty well!
well ideally https://twitter-atom.appspot.com/ ...but sure granary too
why ideally?
eh, it used to have better hardening for volume, abuse, etc...but now granary does too, so i dunno
oh cause it would use my twitter API keys instead of the shared ones?
ah yes still that. also decent UI for the actual use case
thanks snarfed!
dgold: also i have my own little streaming twitter search running and it writes the tweets directly to aperture channels, so that's always an option (not an easy option)
snarfed++ ; I looked at twitter-atom.appspot.co months ago, but didn't have a good interaction model then
snarfed has 308 karma in this channel (380 overall)
yeah granary/twitter-atom are way more useful now that i can add them to an interface where i can also reply to the posts!
[miklb] joined the channel
i was looking at a fever<->microsub bridge idea, but there's just too many points of difference
unless... I could mark each microsub channel as a _feed_...
dgold: oh interesting. i don't have fever on https://snarfed.org/microsub-bridge#list , but i'd love to add it!
En el #WCMadrid, @ciudadanoB nos asignó una misión: sanear la #Web de nuevo a través de blogs, resucitar la #IndieWeb. ¡Somos la #ResistenciaWCMadrid! Como primer paso, aquí va mi reseña de la @WordCampMad: https://blog.virgulilla.com/wordcamp-madrid-2018/ Cc/ @esterlegaz @rociovaldi @javig @albero
snarfed: twitter-atom - to use the list feature, does the list have to be public?
cdchapman and [pfefferle] joined the channel
nvm - it appears to work
tantek, loicm, kaushalmodi, jackjamieson and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I use Martin Hawkseys TAG explorer to back up tons of Twitter searches to gSheets.
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
But Bridgy hasn't lost Facebook backfeed yet? That's definitely what will drive me away, too.
[kevinmarks] and leg joined the channel
snarfed: sadly, fever's api is woefully inadequately specc'd
tantek joined the channel
to watch "Decentralized Web Summit 2018: Global Visions/Working Code" on July 31-August 2 #indieweb @indieweb https://decentralizedweb.net/
PFMurph_ joined the channel
KapiX joined the channel
cdchapman, KartikPrabhu, freescholar, pepee- and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
!tell [schmarty] I am going to use `screech` in a presentation for a meetup next week, FYI! I've deployed it to Lambda as a good example of how to run any off-the-shelf WSGI app on AWS Lambda.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
snarfed ouch re: RIP BP for FB
yup. think you'll go back to manual?
good q
I am using FB much less this year than last
"using" as in reading / checking etc
still haven't checked notifications since I got back from Costa Rica (3+ months now)
my notes have been POSSEd via Twitter to FB as private-only since then too - and I haven't bothered switching them (manually) to friends-only
I've been POSSEing photos just by default, all interactions on FB have been dropping
my peer group / friends are using it less and less
this is too bad though: Deprecation Effective today, allowing an app to RSVP to a Facebook Event on behalf of the viewer will be deprecated.
snarfed, the most interactions I'm seeing come from Instagram posts
everything else is 1/10th that
then FB if it's a photo
then tweets
then other FB posts
snarfed and todrobbins joined the channel
@aaronpk Great question, Aaron! No, these changes won't affect our ability to post on your behalf; that'll be a-ok to keep working :) -Daniel
now to go see if buffer has an API...
snarfed joined the channel
electronicmaji, cdchapman, tantek, tomasparks, snarfed, vivus and eli_oat joined the channel; vivus left the channel