#indieweb 2018-04-23

2018-04-23 UTC
eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ @RobDrimmie @tonious Gonna spend some time researching the #indieweb, feeling more and more that this is needed
electronicmaji joined the channel
I am inspired, after seeing a conversation about the indieweb, to say that I am thinking about what the ideal website for photos should look like. Want to self-host; support for reading/displaying EXIF data; gorgeous templates; easy & secure uploads; support for microblogging.
[eddie] and freescholar joined the channel
↩️ The nice thing about static site generators is that the maintenance tax is decoupled from keeping the site up. You may encounter it when you add a new post #Indieweb
renem joined the channel
snarfed, electronicmaji, endi, freescholar and todrobbins joined the channel
ajft, snarfed, AngeloGladding, KapiX, [eddie], wolftune and nitot joined the channel
Good morning, I'd like to get in contact with https://david.shanske.com/about/ but I have no idea on how to do it without using Twitter/Facebook or other silos.
There is no email address and I have no idea if a webmention to his domain will show up semewhere where he can see it
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Just finished listening to IndieWeb Podcast #002
cweiske, jihaisse and tantek joined the channel
At @TheWebConf today or Tuesday? Do you post to your personal site? Find me for an @indiewebcamp sticker! https://t.co/A1bhXJN40R
Hehe and it's not that easy to find out his IRC name either, you have to go to the irc-people page and open the source code of it and ctrl-f for his website there and then read the HTML to find out that it's GWG!
!tell GWG I commented on your podcast and listed some bugs https://jeena.net/notes/926 the webmention didn't show up (yet, perhaps you're moderating them?)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Jeena] I love the podcast, I didn't know that it was needed that badly but just listening to people talking about IndieWeb technology and questions I realize that it's so much easier for me to listen to long ass podcasts for hours than read pages and pages ...
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Jeena, GWG does receive Webmentions and will surely read the logs here to catch your note in the morning when New York wakes up.
It's odd how we often identify people with screen names sometimes and not their real names and thus don't know who they are by the alternates...
barpthewire joined the channel
If you're desperate for the other episodes I've got feeds available at http://boffosocko.com/tag/an-indieweb-podcast/ or specifically at http://boffosocko.com/tag/an-indieweb-podcast/feed/
I know he/we have been dogfooding audio posts while doing these episodes
tantek joined the channel
who is GWG?
David Shanske is an Indieweb enthusiast from New York, working on Indieweb WordPress plugin development https://indieweb.org/User:David.shanske.com
who is david.shanske.com?
hmm I thought that worked
Would be nice to have reverse lookup...
[pfefferle] joined the channel
who is Matthias Pfefferle
who is pfefferle
[pfefferle]: for the "who is" to work you need an h-card on your User: page - e.g. GWG's page has an h-card
or is dfn
maybe both?
try both :)
I think I'm using a variation of a template gRegorLove made.
Who is Chris Aldrich?
who is chrisaldrich
Chris Aldrich (photo) Chris Aldrich is a talent manager, producer, and publisher who lives in Los Angeles, California. He tinkers on (read: breaks) the IndieWeb in his spare time. http://boffosocko.com Elsewhere: @chrisaldrich, /chrisaldrich, GitHub, ALL the rest https://indieweb.org/User:Boffosocko.com
there you go
who is pfefferle
Matthias Pfefferle is a Webworker from Germany, working on several IndieWeb plugins/themes for WordPress https://indieweb.org/User:Notiz.blog
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
GWG should probably just introduce himself on the podcast with his IRC name as well
I think I have always tagged my IRC handle to my introductions at IWC. Makes sense to me. And I will happily respond to people using my IRC handle in real life.
It sure seems painful to need to register one's podcast feed with dozens of services to get it listed in them for easier subscriptions.
I would think on mobile that there would be something that could recognize a feed and register it to your preferred app automatically somewhat like the way subtome works.
I wonder how Adactio managed things for multiple listings within Huffduffer?
adactio puts links for different podcast apps for every huffduffer feed.
tantek joined the channel
I do now wonder if any of those work for my podcast app
Non of those names ring a bell, are they all iOS podcatchers?
Interesting. The “Subscribe in Podcasts app” works for Pocket Casts on Android.
Yes many of those are ios specific
Not only does the "subscribe in podcasts app" work but it maps to your default app for that.
At least on android
Where is that documented? As I am seeing Android apps all need to register their protocols.
AntennaPod specifically registers for both itpc (iTunes) and pcasts (Podcast App) schemes: https://github.com/AntennaPod/AntennaPod/blob/9d3d92cc9d98a908a5e2147aee0c6d5cb6b4db47/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml#L322-L323
What is podcast?
A podcast is an episodic series of audio and/or video posts that can be subscribed to and downloaded for offline listening/viewing https://indieweb.org/podcast
It would be nice if one could be more easily listed on things like stitcher, tunein radio, pandora, and Spotify, especially since Amazon echo and Google home use many of those for allowing voice controlled listening and potential discovery.
I'm using antenna pod as my app of choice currently.
Pierre-O joined the channel
I used it for a while but never got used to it. I think Pocket Casts is very polished and does a great job
Rev_Illo joined the channel
also uses antennapod
I've used and liked both. I do wish I could sync data across both/many so I could pick and choose depending on my need at the moment.
Perhaps something microsub will solve eventually...
Wasn’t gpodder trying to solve that?
Not sure...
I use gpodder to sync play positions to the tablet
nitot joined the channel
I'd be more functional if I weren't on my mobile right now. Thanks Zegna!
Probably time to sleep anyway. Good night all!
Have a good one [chrisaldrich]!
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I think antennapos registers a regex against all urls to look for likely feeds too
Maybe I'll do more with subscriptions for my listens/faux-cast now too https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/08/podcasts-of-things-ive-listened-to-or-want-to-listen-to/
Rev_Illo joined the channel
Haven’t seen straight up regex, [kevinmarks], but they sure register against a lot of things. mimeTypes, URLs ending in frequently used file extensions for feeds, anything hosted on feedburner, and the list goes on
DenSchub, adactio, pindonga, schmarty1, catsup and markong joined the channel
stitcher & tuneIn aren't Podcatchers, though
they're podcast platforms, and they inject their advertising into _your_ audio
jjuran and Jack joined the channel
Working on #IndieAuth for my new #IndieWeb site. Had to completely delete the web site from my Twitter profile and then add it again in order to get the rel=me to be recognized by IndieAuth.
Cathie joined the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
The problem with #IndieAuth signin for #IndieWeb was that I had mismatches between http and https. Need to be consistent!
eli_oat, [jgmac1106], DenSchub, Guest59568 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Feels like indieauth should flag that
swentel joined the channel
"I found an URL that looks very similar to the URL you gave me"
Is there a common #indieweb bumper folks use for podcasts and tutorials?
what is bumper
It looks like we don't have a page for "bumper" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "bumper is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I released a couple of Perl modules over the weekend that implement a couple of IndieWeb core concepts, allowing me to “backfeed” reactions from Twitter and elsewhere onto my blog posts. Still digging down that rabbit hole. #🐇🕳 http://fogknife.com/2018-04-22-announcing-two-new-indieweb-modules-for-perl.html
[dgold] that 5-10 seconds at start of video with a brand and occasional jingle
DenSchub and jihaisse joined the channel
↩️ Précis of my next IndieWeb post: This years-old group, with multiple W3C recommendations to its credit, is really onto something. But it labors in near-complete obscurity. None of my web-nerd colleagues had heard of it before I did, this year. I want to help raise its voice.
jgee and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Hello IndieWeb
Some recent weirdness on instagram/ownyourgram. A photo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh4rNaUBcQ8/?taken-by=eatthispodcast came back to my site https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2018/what-was-i-thinking with the single word "Array" in the caption. Title was fine. I know there have been changes in the API at IG, wonder whether this is part of that.
Hello cweiske
that is strange jeremycherfas
has your Known site been updated recently?
I agree; that is why I raised it here. There have been no changes in Known.
on ownyourgram.com check the "micropub settings" at the bottom of the dashboard. i'm guessing that's set to "JSON" right now?
A photo posted the previous day does not show the word "Array".
Interesting; I had been signed out of OYG.
[jeremycherfas] my Known instance was throwing similar error when I tried photo uploads this weekend
Micropub setting Multipart Upload.
Multiple photos, send all photos
But that was through Indigenous on Android so probably unrelated
electronicmaji joined the channel
jeremycherfas: looks like Known found the photo caption and put it as the title of the post, i'm guessing that "Array" is from the instagram hashtags? did the previous photo that worked have any hashtags?
Aha! It is definitely linked to the presence of hashtags.
But I had never noticed it before. Goes back at least a month, and feel like I would have noticed it.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Nice reminder on how to start blogging again. Your first step on the #Indieweb? https://twitter.com/ashleyscorpio/status/988393594812882946
iasai joined the channel
^^^ deleted this one, I acted too early not reading the whole article
good morning.
good morning
It looks like some wag immediately tested my blog's new manual-webmention form by pasting in the post's own URL and then watching in satisfaction as my blog proceeded to eat its own head. (Yes, I see the line in the Webmention spec I missed, now...)
raises hand
thanks buddy
also take care of #anchors
in urls
Yeah, I saw the #foo. :)
mostly gets you around the uniqueness-check
Time for some good old fashioned fixing-in-production
like bash fork-bomb
Do I understand correctly that a webmention with source "http://example.com/page-1" and target "http://example.com/page-2", all things being equal, is not automatically invalid?
("hey, I mentioned myself, and again, look again....!)
jmac: correct, I webmention my own pages all the time
my blog also mentions my blog on deployment
jmac, why an infinite loop? I don't understand that
cweiske: Beg pardon?
you said fork bomb
No, petermolnar did
ah, right
I'm sitting here rewiring my dumb off-spec module because you looked at it funny, no time for jokes
srs bznz
snarfed, [grib], todrobbins, [snarfed], anotheryou, [pfefferle], KapiX and freescholar joined the channel
Updated, and credited cweiske in changelog. :) https://metacpan.org/release/JMAC/Web-Mention-0.3
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ @getIndieBill indieservices indiecontent indieweb
peaks.... does it support vouch jmac?
What is vouch?
The Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention https://indieweb.org/Vouch
ben_thatmustbeme: This is the first I've heard of it, so nope!
very interesting
I was thinking about that recently
I create comments sometimes
"How do you prevent spam though?" was one of my first questions about WM back when I first found it a couple months ago
but they are moderated always
and just allowing by author name is a bit dangerous I guess
well, allowing by URL should be fine
KapiX joined the channel
but yes, mostly thus far it has been all whitelist / blacklist or manual moderation for people
Vouch may have been mentioned to me, but the consensus answer was closer to "Webmention is still young and rather obscure so it's not really a problem... yet"
true, but making sure underlying tools support the needed pieces is good for when it does become an issue
has received 1 vouched mention
↩️ Some proposals so far (make it known if you love some of them! :) ) : IndieServices IndieContent IndieWeb IndieBiz Indieclips IndieBob IndieStore
This wiki page could use some examples of valid vouch-y wm requests
[kevinmarks] and leg joined the channel
So the idea is that the receiving website would have a private, permanent store of domains that it accepts as vouch-values?
↩️ @getIndieBill Indieweb is already taken, so would confuse people even more.
↩️ There is a thriving community of web developers called IndieWeb (visit us at http://indieweb.org!), so maybe not take that name? We love independent websites. I would love to see more independent adult entertainers run their own sites. But lets not compete in branding! ❤️
Woops, [kevinmarks] beat me to it
yours was better Zegnat :)
wolftune joined the channel
↩️ Oops, @kevinmarks beat me to it! If you wondering where we are all popping up from, mentioning IndieWeb gets your tweet into our chat.
That’ll do. I don’t like giving the impression that we all suddenly swarm in to protect our brand.
Ha. I have been applying for jobs recently, and I see they are hiring. Maybe I should shoot them an email!
[miklb] joined the channel
@dshanske Any chance of an update to this post? Specifically, how plugins work together to get your content across other services like Twitter and Instagram. Have you automated everything? > How I Set Up My Indieweb WordPress Site
[matthilt] joined the channel
OK that was trippy.
We call it magic ;)
I believe you.
I assumed it was because I posted a link to his site from mine, but it was because my site put it on Twitter.
The more you know...
superfeedr might find the original later
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, wolftune and bkardell joined the channel
↩️ Are you familiar with https://indieweb.org ? There's a group of people there actively working on this problem; it just needs more attention.
tantek, rosemary, snarfed, [grib] and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
↩️ @getIndieBill Indiestore or indiebiz or IndieWeb. These sound the most professional.
protip: maybe search around a little bit to see if a name you're considering is already in use
in soviet indieweb, names search you
[miklb] and electronicmaji joined the channel
also in "unique names are hard," https://github.com/wagoodman/bridgy 😄
[wagoodman] bridgy: cloud inventory + ssh + tmux + sshfs
(started july 2017)
wolftune joined the channel
I'm still pondering Vouch. It seems to me that a website could not insist on Vouched webmention and have a manual-WM form at the same time? (Unless you want to have *two* textfields, the second for "And now, just to be safe, give me a URL that links to that first URL you pasted in", which, lol.)
pepee joined the channel
↩️ There's a number of ways of doing this typically under the titles of POSSE or PESOS. Some for WordPress are documented here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins#POSSE_Plugins Specifically for Instagram, I think the majority use OwnYourGram. Typically the more control… http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/matthilt-theres-a-number-of-ways-of-doing-this-typically
Hmm. I guess you'd wanna mitigate that by sending vouch-failures into an approval queue for a human to review, but insta-approve vouched-for mentions
And thus gradually build up permanent allow & deny domain-lists
jmac - I think you could support vouch and still have/start with a manual WM form - let's take this to #indieweb-dev for how
cweiske joined the channel
I've started using TripIt, and now I really want that on my website
snarfed joined the channel
case1 and swentel joined the channel
why is netflix a silo?
it's not user generated, it doesn't even have "basic" social network features
petermolnar it is a silo for /want lists to watch movies & TV shows, and /like posts of movies & TV shows
feel free to add that to /Netflix#FAQ if you like :)
I disagree here, netflix is just a content provider, not a silo
petermolnar, no it is both
it's a very thin silo, but still a silo
oh also of /watch posts of movies & TV shows
since it keeps your viewing history
i have a *lot* of history in netflix and i would be very sad if it went away
i've exported the web page that shows all the history a couple times as a backup
saying "I disagree" does not dispute the facts of my argument petermolnar - do you have a substantial counterargument?
thinking how to put it into words
ok, I accept it; silo it is; the initial argument is mostly a "why it's on the same list as social media", and I got lost in silo/social media distinction
what is silo?
A silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) https://indieweb.org/silo
yeah there is nothing social media about Netflix AFAIK
there was at one point - you could see what your friends liked
rosemary joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that's a nice UI - would love to see something similar for https://indieweb.org/timeline - perhaps with different rows and color coding for the various types of timeline events (C, T, E, I, L, S)
btw petermolnar if timeline documentation interests you, take a look at https://indieweb.org/timeline#Needs_Dates_and_incorporation_above and see if there are things you can quickly add to /timeline - definitely a lot there to document, and every incremental item added helps!
oh god, that looks like proper archaeological work to do
some of it is very easy, especially the recent stuff and stuff published on W3.org
(like clicking a few links deep and copy pasting date-specific URLs)
feel free to pick the easy ones :)
I will pick a few, but certainly not today
do we have the chatlogs in a downloadable format somewhere?
no problem - whenever you feel like it! especially if there's a technology or event etc that you're particularly familiar with or appreciate
I believe they're all in github
especially the ones I don't have from before 2013? 2014?
thank you
tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
why not make a timeline in timelinejs and embed it? They look super nice
i think that deviantart one *is* timelinejs
just slightly restyled
what is js;dr?
js;dr is JavaScript required; Didn’t Read https://indieweb.org/js;dr
Indie Web sounds like a platform cooperative to mw
snarfed and [matthilt] joined the channel
I know there is a #bridgy channel, but it looks like its all build info. Should I ask a Bridgy question there?
rosemary and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Probably #indieweb-dev if you have technical questions.
Maybe asking for help in #bridgy would work too, don’t know who is there
#bridgy is fine, I know snarfed will see stuff there
it's all build stuff cause nobody has asked a bridgy question there in a while :)
OK thanks guys.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all before asking what might be a dumb question.
matthilt - no dumb questions, only insufficient documentation :)
what is bridgy
Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed and POSSE as a service https://indieweb.org/bridgy
what is Bridgy
Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed and POSSE as a service https://indieweb.org/bridgy
that's a great line
really? I was thinking it sounded a bit too jargony and was wondering how we could make easier to understand
i mean the line about insufficient documentation
oh ok :)
even insufficient doesn't quite capture it, because it could be documented but too jargony, or too wordy to read (tl;dr). will have to think about a better way of expressing it.
i think "too jargony" falls under "insufficient"
"insufficient" doesn't have to refer to just quantity
gwg has 230 karma in this channel (334 overall)
snarfed joined the channel
Jeena, I may be down to Gothenburg a couple of times in the coming weeks. Any interest in a HWC some day?
Yeah totally! I'm in Berlin this week but back on friday, after that I can basically every day after work
Exercise Good Digital Hygiene #indieweb #teachtheweb http://youtu.be/SO2zVkCOMW0?hd=1
Tell me once you know then I'll organize one and add it to meetup.com where many are signed up but it was a long time ago we had one because I don't have that much time over.
Gothenburg is usually just out of my way too much. But there are no IT companies I can apply for work to here in the outback, thus I am travelling Southwards a bit more. I’ll send you an email when I know about the next time I’m heading down!
Cool, what kind of work are you looking for?
Any? Ha. You know what, I’ll mail you about that too! Maybe you have some ideas :)
snarfed joined the channel
sure, do that!
wolftune joined the channel
Jeena! Any chance of making it over for IWS in Portland in June? (could chat in #indieweb-meta too)
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk and tantek: Speaking of netflix, I have been steadily manually creating watch posts on my site based on Netflix watch history
j12t and case1 joined the channel
I should look into YouTube watch history again. I really don’t like how they removed that from their API
snarfed, [kevinmarks], tantek and freescholar joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, Trillium1, sebsel, tantek, j12t, [jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
tantek, sadly not really this year, but I should plan it some time, I'd love to go back to portland again, I just need to plan it well so I can join something like that there.
Jeena, perhaps remote participation?
Yeah, that might be possible, absolutelly.
But I also should plan it for next year, together with a long vaccation on the US west coast, perhaps get a motorcycle or something :p
Btw. yesterday I gave a talk at the scandinavian Free and Open Source conference called foss-north, I spoke about automating your home with Home Assistant, I published the video here https://jeena.net/fossnorth2018 if someone is interested in that topic.
leg joined the channel
[Jeena] foss-north 2018 My talk on home automation
It's kind of a beginner level.
leg1 and leg2 joined the channel
Home Assistant looks so neat, but also so overwhelming.
[chrisaldrich], markong and chrisaldrich joined the channel
skippy, I started with one light bulb ;)
freescholar, [miklb] and electronicmaji joined the channel
↩️ I'll send along special thanks to simple open web standards and the IndieWeb community for vastly improving my online communication. http://boffosocko.com/2018/04/23/9000-comments-and-reactions/
Did someone say Home Assistant?
GWG: Jeena left you a message 15 hours, 47 minutes ago: I commented on your podcast and listed some bugs https://jeena.net/notes/926 the webmention didn't show up (yet, perhaps you're moderating them?)
I use it and integrated it into my website
wolftune joined the channel
@johnbrayton Adding Microsub servers would be an excellent addition to Unread! Microsub is a client-Server communication spec that allows for people to host their own RSS feeds and use different clients to see the data: https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec
[eddie], [jgmac1106], electronicmaji, [miklb] and [tantek] joined the channel