#jjuranIn any case, France didn’t just come up with that name just to torment a poor domain holder. :-)
#ZegnatActually, reading this, Frydman seems to have the trademark for “france.com” in the US? But Web.com (who probably also do business in France with French customers) chose to heed a trademark ruling made in France... This feels complicated, as is often the case with international IPs/trademarks.
#ZegnatAlso, petermolnar, presumably you means “someone can just take” not “I”? ;)
#sknebelat least around here, the fact that aaron actually is named what his domain is would in general protect him from trademark claims if I understand correctly
[unoabraham], qu4ku, pindonga, snarfed and wiobyrne joined the channel
#klezhi all. should the h-card live on my home page or is it ok to have it in an about page?
#petermolnarklez: depends, what is your goal with the h-card?
#klezpetermolnar, I don't know, actually. The wiki doesn't make it very clear, to be honest. I think it should be used to have a machine-readable way to know various things about me. Is this correct?
#petermolnarpartially. H-card is used mainly for two things: to identify an entry (comment, post, etc) author, and to identify you as site owner
#petermolnarin the first case, it needs to be nested within a h-entry
#petermolnarin the second case, it needs to live in the page which you point the other entities, twitter, for example at
#petermolnarso it will identify you as a "rel-me" link
#petermolnarbut you are correct with being machine readable about you as well
#petermolnaryou just need to tie it to the context
#ZegnatThere is the “representative h-card” case. Which is basically the h-card that represents you the person. And it should be on the URL that represents you. So if your bare domain is meant to represent you, thats where a lot of IndieWeb tools will expect to find the h-card.
#ZegnatI think there are brainstorms about linking to a subpage for a (subjectlively) more complete h-card, but unsure if anyone is parsing that
#klezok, then I'll need to find a way to fit it somewhere in the homepage. I could ever remove the about page and move it to the homepage... let me think about it
#ZegnatSo if you do come up with any ideas, please document them! Actually, also document any issues you may currently have with h-cards on that page :)
#klezZegnat, I think I'll take a "it's not only a blog" stance and slap the content of the about page on top of the home page
[unoabraham], jgmac1106, EmreSokullu and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]either that or you have baked anti sportsball features into all indieweb tools
#Loqi[Greg McVerry] NHL draft lottery 2018 results: Philadelphia Flyers have the 14th and 19th picks - Broad Street Hockey var chorusInitQueue=[],volume_embed_h...
#jgmac1106@zegnat I know, I am also running a few builds behind. Not looking for a fix, just sharing what I see with folks trying out this stuff.
#ZegnatAaah, Sorry, interpreted the first “what happens” as a question!
#schmartyit took over a year before pronunciation issues caught up with me for this week in the indieweb audio edition, but i've had two mistakes caught in a few weeks (sorry klez!)
#schmartyklez++ for suggesting adding name pronunciation to homepages. i have often wished for this for unfamiliar names.
#sknebelsurely Zegnat has documented it somewhere when he added it to his h-card?
#ZegnatDidn’t have to, I think my h-card just implements what the microformats wiki says
#jmac[jgmac1106]: Was envisioning phonetic spelling, per how radio shows often say "And please tell us how to pronounce your name" when inviting written listener feedback.
#ZegnatLets see, I have at times dropped HTML comments in to remind me what I added to my monster h-card
#jmacI'm surprised at how often people will sight-read my last name as "MICK-in-tosh" even though, like, my name is pronounced exactly the same as a major computer brand, so you'd think that would be the default
#jgmac1106MickVerry or MacVerry think its more regional dialect differences vs right or wrong, but you can call me anything but late for dinner
#jgmac1106I am just glad I still carry the 1106 from my old Prodigy and AOL handles because jgmac and jmac would be too much
[kevinmarks] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]if you want an audio sample of Maciej saying his name , I probably have one
#schmartykevinmarks: Maciej's pronunciation audio sample linked on his about page, which i dropped in the chat above :} it was extremely helpful.
#JeenaI mean, come on, we all knew this day would come, I'm really just confused about why it took them that long to go this step.
#aaronpkI am honestly surprised, since custom domain hosting can be a big money maker for them, I mean look at all the large brands that have their sites powered by medium now
cdchapman joined the channel
#JeenaActually, even if I kind of like micro.blog, I'm not sure what would stop Manton to do the samo once the community is big enough.
#sknebelyeah, they stopped it quite a while ago, only now they've clearly said they won't in the future
#snarfedto be fair, indieweb doesn't say you have to find a single host who guarantees to always support custom domains, forever. we don't necessarily expect any host to do that. the point of having a domain is that you can (and will) migrate.
#ZegnatHow good is the micro.blog jekyll(-ish?) output to GitHub? Because migrating from m.b sounds as simple as pointing your domain at a GitHub repo instead of m.b and you are off the platform.
#aaronpkIIRC it uses actual jekyll with a few custom themes
#aaronpkand you can have it push to your own git repo
#ZegnatI wasn’t sure if it was full jekyll or not, good to know. Hopefully it doesn’t use custom plugins, so GitHub Pages can render it out of the box
jgmac1106 joined the channel
#aaronpki'm not 100% sure, but that is a good question for manton, and also would be good to document on /Micro.blog
#Jeenayeah, I didn't go to work today because tomorrow is 1st of may and today monday
#Jeenaso I have some free time suddenly, which I normally don't have
wolftune and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]@jeena when you have the much money to burn. No way they can get returns LPs want at $5 a month. This is like the 17th Medium pivot. The WordPress to Medium plug-in still works well
KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], jgmac1106, snarfed, todrobbins and [manton] joined the channel
#[manton]@Jeena Uhm... Do you mean if the Micro.blog community is big enough that I'd stop supporting custom domains? Custom domains is the whole point of the platform! I could never do that.
#[manton]Custom domains are really important. We must not be doing a good enough job of explaining that.
#tantek[manton] I think people have been burned so many times before that there's some fear from past experience
#tantekpast *before micro.blog* experience that is
jgmac1106 joined the channel
#[manton]Yeah, I understand that. I hear similar feedback from people who loved App.net and felt burned by that. (Sorry if I'm being a little defensive here... But seriously, custom domains are really important to me.)
#aaronpkI wonder if reframing it from "custom domains" to just "domains" might help. Make the bring-your-own-domain case the default, and also mention that you'll provide a micro.blog subdomain to be able to try out the service for free or something
#[manton]That's a good point. For a while I called it "personal" domain names, which wasn't quite right either.
#[manton]Now that I've helped a bunch of people figure out DNS, I realize just how far we have to go for regular people to register and configure a domain name.
#Loqiok, I added "https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/4/28/17293056/facebook-deletefacebook-social-network-monopoly?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&__indieweb_impression=true I’ve never managed to leave Facebook of my own accord. My year off Facebook was kind of my choice, but was really because Facebook temporarily banned me until I agreed to stop impersonating a Pokemon." to the "See Also" section of /silo-quitshttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=47307&oldid=46879