snarfed, [unoabraham], benwerd, benwerd_, eli_oat, renem, [jgmac1106], tantek, deathrow1, KartikPrabhu and daf joined the channel; tantek left the channel
Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1]
jackytbh I slightly optimized it for tiled windows / desktops - the only thing I keep maximized is really Konsole/iTerm or Kontact/(officeware stuff for macOS)
ajft, wolftune, AngeloGladding and [unoabraham] joined the channel
jeremycherfasI did! Last night in a mammoth long-distance debug using Omnibear locally, I was wondering about using shpub instead. But when I tried, it just seemed to hang with a > in terminal.
@EwoutWolff@ncilla hi, ben benieuwd hoe je het internet ziet ná Analytica.
Indieweb, blockchain, federated web, etc staan nog in kinder schoenen. Benieuwd welke je kans ziet maken. Lijkt mij boeiend. (
@mxstbr↩️ Been wanting to go full indieweb for so long, still haven't taken the time to dig in... Should really do that! How long have you been tackling it? (
@jackyalcine↩️ lol! hopefully you won't have to - a lot of work is in the works to get people going.
you could even start with playing around with tools like to see what ideas in terms of federated services people have for the IndieWeb (
ZegnatInteresting way for a hosting company to get more user guides for setting up things, crowd-source the guys from the community on GitHub:
friedcell, [kevinmarks], Pierre-O, catsup and adactio joined the channel
@jgmac1106↩️ If you are of the WordPress ilk we are recruiting folks for #indieweb onboarding studies.
Basically you think aloud as you try to set everything up. (
@calum_ryan↩️ Likewise would be great to have your input on this on IndieWeb slack/irc.
A couple of people joined in interested in knowing more about the features available for sending/receiving Webmentions on static sites. Noted jekyll-webmention_io by @AaronGustafson as one option for Jekyll (
@jgmac1106↩️ based on your Twitter stream you are well on to your way to building a strong network.
Do you have a site of your own yet? If not I can help.
If you do we can work together to make sure it's connected to #indieweb.
It is a community that shares your vision (
friedcell and marclaporte joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
@jgmac1106↩️ #EdCampCT & #Indieweb makes sense. Time for movement to evolve & connect with other #edcamp across the nation using ethical tech on networks that reflect our values as open educators.
Values of owning your data, a domain of your own, and community should flow through #edcampct (
ZegnatI just realised I maybe shouldn’t be inviting people to Slack, because I can’t greet them when they join. As they will not show up for me on IRC.
[philhawksworth]I also suspected that perhaps this community might be more active on irc than slack, but have to admit that these days I'm more likely to have a slack client open
@frankmeeuwsen↩️ Er zijn al meer geluiden over een non-profit die de kar zou kunnen trekken wat betreft Indieweb en het uit de developershoek kan halen. Er is nog wel een slag te slaan ja. (
KartikPrabhu, [eddie], camerongray, KapiX, snarfed and klandwehr joined the channel
[shurcool]Hi. Something I wanted to ask about... how common is it for indieweb people to host/own their contacts (aka address book)? Instead of using something like Google Contacts ( or iCloud Contacts, etc.
[shurcool]I know contacts are usually quite closely tied to email, so if say you're using gmail and not keeping your contacts there, it will be pretty annoying having to copy/paste email addresses from your own place
[shurcool]at least there's a well defined protocol for it (WebDAV/CardDAV)... I'm starting to fear it'll go away if not enough people use it and get replaced by proprietary corp protocols, which would be bad
aaronpkAlso the WebDAV/carddav protocol is a nightmare so every time I think "oh I'll hook it up to sync with my website's contacts" I try and then run away screaming
[shurcool]well, it relates to my identity. and if I had my own contacts, i'd probably have a UI to view/manage it on my personal site (only accessible to me)
[shurcool]kevin: heh, sounds like things were working as intended, but people weren't educated on how to actually make use of the system... so it it was a poor user experience.
[shurcool]it reminds me of that time iOS added Facebook integration (around iOS 4 or so), and it added all the facebook contacts (imagine people with 500 fb friends... all suddenly in their phone's contacts). there were tweets like "there are DOGS on my phone now. I mean literal dogs"
[kevinmarks]Every time I go to call Jolsha (my local Indian restaurant), Google auto-suggests Jolie O'Dell's number, and I really don't want to phone her by accident and ask for curry.
[shurcool]I feel like indieweb could be a perfect hobby for those people who manage to get financial independence early on. there's so much interesting stuff to do, but it needs a lot of time. doing it part-time limits what you can get done.
[jgmac1106][shurcool] but a lot of folks trying to break into junior roles often find an extensive open source contribution provides them with a GitHub profile that goes beyond their code camp or CS program
ZegnatI was just looking at today and give that a try for contacts. They are also working on CardDAV support. I wonder if the CRM model for private contacts is any good.
arush and [eddie] joined the channel; arush left the channel
[jgmac1106]@kartikPrahbu but I love seeing how other people mark up a same page I am reading. I know that isn't the exact fragmentions use case we are discussing (I think) but it's nice
[jgmac1106]like could a proxy be written that would show all the fragmentions on a page from a bunch of different users? I have no idea but that would be neat
sknebelKartikPrabhu: what exactly do you mean when you say "using fragmentions for annotations"? That you display received ones as annotiations? that you create posts meant like that? ...
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "hypothesis" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "hypothesis is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqifragmentioner is a Javascript utility by Kartik Prabhu which gives a pop-up link with the fragmention URL to a piece of selected text
tantek"Loqi: Fiddlesticks. I am at a loss for what is x. Should you feel inclined to craft a definition, you may do so by entering the following: "x is ..."
[jgmac1106]@kartikPrabhu and a reader with fragmentions is what I was talking about I can subscribe to each perspn feed through rss but if I could pull in all the quotes my students highlighted in a reader it would be neat
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "uncanny valley" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "uncanny valley is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106]Sebastian's piece still getting much play. I thought Loqi was now sending out a specific tweet to point to more information whenever the feed picks it up
[kevinmarks]Well, exactly. Google engineers think like that, not like the people that their robots will be phoning and distracting from their real jobs
[kevinmarks]The uncanny valley is between Cupertino, Mountain View and Menlo Park; it is where product designs that only help very privileged employees of big companies come from.
[jgmac1106]and I am done, today was the last day for drop in help in my #edu106 class where folks build their first webpage and start up their blogs ( Miller Time
frankmeeuwsenI finally made my userpage on the Indieweb wiki. A first step in a more active involvement in what's happening here. I hope. Still a Padawan.
frankmeeuwsenWell... one of the questions I have, how can I delete a webmention on my site? For instance, the last webmentions on are from a test. I want to delete them but where and how do I do that?
frankmeeuwsenThanks gRegorLove. Missed this when I first started with webmentions. This was the first service that "just worked" so I sticked with it. But now it looks like it doesn't fully support various features.
gRegorLovefrankmeeuwsen: I've never used myself, so I'm not sure the state of development. I don't think I've seen the author (voxpelli) around here in a while, but maybe I've just missed them.
ZegnatYou can actually resend webmentions you received from others “on their behalf”, frankmeeuwsen. A webmention is just a `source` and a `target` link. So you can recreate the ones they have send you by setting source to their URL, and target to yours, and then sending it to your new webmention endpoint
schmartyfrankmeeuwsen: a webmention is an HTTP POST to a webmention endpoint with source= and target= parameters. if you can get a list of source and target URLs stored at your current provider, you can feed those same mentions through the new provider
ZegnatHow did you move all the bridgy wms in the end dgold? I was just checking all wms wm.heroku is storing for frankmeeuwsen’s website, and saw the twitter source links, and remembered that was a problem
Zegnatfrankmeeuwsen, I’d be happy to have a look at what it takes to move from wm.heroku to something else tomorrow! Hit me up if you want to discuss :)
[jgmac1106]I can offer up a room space if my university funds the entire trip, will know in a day or so if you know folks traveling on their own dime with empty pockets
ZegnatSo many great musea in the Netherlands, and I ended up not visiting any of them in a whole year, apart from when I was showing other people around :( If I end up moving back to NL, I am getting a museumkaart and see how many of those 400+ I can visit
[jgmac1106]For ever I kept Facebook locked away from professional circles so I could still be an ass but eventually got sucked in, made great connections and then quit again
[kimberlyhirsh]I was trying to figure out where youth librarians even talk to each other anymore, because the listservs are dead, the division blog post comment sections are dead... I think there must be some corner of Twitter or Tumblr that I'm missing.