#indieweb 2018-05-10

2018-05-10 UTC
eli_oat, marclaporte and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg I fly bdl to pdx didn't book yet
[jgmac1106]: Ah, BDL. Fun airport.
Some of my coworkers went up there a lot
Then they need a new definition of fun.
There was a mean lady at the snack bar once who was entertaining.
eli_oat joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I have some collectible socks from there
[eddie] joined the channel
wow, mblaney. Cool!
thanks gRegorLove! feel free to tag me in a post if you want to try it out :-)
"Log in" link still appears underneath the bar at the top when I log in.
[gRegor Morrill] Payment of $10 made to Malcolm Blaney Testing indiepay.me
woohoo thanks!
I used the micropub form, but forgot my micropub is under development so the posts aren't public. Probably kept indiepay from tracking it.
thanks the log in link was just static content on the page. I just removed it because it's confusing.
I'll try linking indiepay and re-sending the webmention
aah I think your micropub endpoint didn't check for categories? that's where I put the link.
The person-tag of you came through
but I should also be able to add a link to my reply, and indiepay.me will discover your post... will try it out.
yup the person-tag was in the content.
(will move to #dev if this gets more technical)
I added the link to indiepay.me and re-sent the wm, now it's showing up on my dashboard. Sweet.
renem joined the channel
Whoa this looks like fun
oooh nice I'm glad that worked!
eli_oat, yoob5 and [miklb] joined the channel
camerongray and eli_oat joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and camerongray joined the channel
@gwg does that mean I have to dress for a sock off?
[jgmac1106]: I've never worn them
camerongray, ajft, chrisaldrich and camerongray_ joined the channel
what is loqi
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
camerongray, [eddie], ajft and kupad joined the channel
↩️ Sehr cool. Ich habe die gleiche konstellation, allerdings ist mein blog nicht privat und ich bin keine kleinunternehmerin. da muss ich wohl nochmal ran. was hast du zu indieweb herausgefunden?
snarfed and tomasparks joined the channel
has anybody hosted their website on different networks like zeronet, Ipfs, freenet?
i am think of doing that
camerongray, wagle, kupad, ajft1 and snarfed joined the channel
tomasparks: interesting, do tell us how that goes!
I hear quite a bit about ipfs
snarfed and camerongray joined the channel
I cant use webmentions.io, zeronet has internal comment system, freenet has message boards like system
KartikPrabhu, wagle_, wagle, wolftune, ajft, camerongray, loicm and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
swentel and tglobe joined the channel
Good morning! Today is a holiday in Sweden, time to do some programming!
holiday in belgium too
but I'm working heh :)
Waarom ik me waarschijnlijk niet zó druk hoef te maken over de GDPR en hoe ik mijn statistieken software heb dichtgetimmerd, data-privacy-technisch. GDPR en het Indieweb (deel 2) https://buff.ly/2KO8tTu
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
@tomasparks mine is on dat
marclaporte1, KooBaa, KartikPrabhu, KapiX and pindonga joined the channel
What holiday is it?
@jeremycherfas Feast of the Ascension
muhh[m], eli_oat[m], crasch[m] and frankmeeuwsen joined the channel
I thought that was on Sunday. Or do they give you an extra day?
Good morning
good morning
Just a quick coffee and network-check before I finish a paintjob in our house
@jeremycherfas some countries don't have the exact day as a holyday but 'moved' it to Sunday (according to Wikipedia) just found out about that though
@frankmeeuwsen hi!
So this thursday is the “exact” day?
A lot of Swedes will take an extra-extra day, jeremycherfas. They have a concept of “klämdag” (squeeze day): a work day between 2 free from work days, and will almost always take it off. I basically assume all Swedes to start their weekend today
tglobe, good to know! I only know stuff is closed...
In Belgium it's more or less the same, most companies/shops and stuff are closed
ancarda_ joined the channel
Good to know tglobe. In Italy the same concept if called a ponte, a bridge between two non-work days. But being Italy, if a holiday is on a Wednesday, they take the whole week off with a ponte at both ends.
↩️ Erst einmal ist die #DSGVO eine katastrophale Nachricht für das #Indieweb der unzähligen Liebhaber & Nebenbei-Webseiten, zu denen auch sehr viele Seiten gemeinnütziger Engagierter ohne Web-Expertise zählen (z.B. der Secondhand-Laden der Dorf-Arbeiterwohlfahrt) .
AngeloGladding and jeremycherfas joined the channel
↩️ Sehr dialektisch könnte man mutmaßen, dass auf diese Weise die #Indieweb-Seiten der eigentlichen Webkultur wieder sichtbarer werden, was einen Neustart einleiten könnte.
frankmeeuwsen and plindner joined the channel
Ich habe ein Video zu einer @YouTube-Playlist hinzugefügt: http://youtu.be/se0gKY0Lp-M?a IndieWeb - indieweb building blocks - workshop -
loicm, [kevinmarks], catsup, Pierre-O, JulianFoad[m], M-mxuribe, Salt[m], pniedzielski[m], wakingrufus[m], M-hotzeplotz, ishj1984[m], ElMago[m], wjh1, myfreeweb, ballpointcarrot, grantcodes, afrogeek[m], crasch[m], zoglesby, eli_oat[m], garlox[m], M0x3F[m], M-DzzzzzzR, doubleloop[m], cuibonobo[m], damian11215[m], camb[m], aramiscd[m], schmarty, strk[m], muhh[m], toomim[m], moredhel_[m], jaduncan[m], klandwehr[m] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
mornign all
Für @heibie und @jademond Punkt 9 "Indieweb" ergänzt: http://dasnuf.de/dsgvo-wordpress/ #DSGVO #nichtsgenauesweißmannicht
markong joined the channel
After 5 extraordinary, sunny days in Düsseldorf I'm heading back into rain and fog. Thanks @indiewebcamp, thanks @btconf, thanks so many of you — I had a blast! 🌞 (... and miss you already!)
pindonga and marclaporte joined the channel
eli_oat, aquarius_ and tglobe joined the channel
@protohedgehog Keeping HTML template simple. I am going to add a #microformats2 and other #indieweb support so one day we can all hook into an #OpenScience reader or just connect our #OpenScience feeds to some of the cool readers I know will be emerging soon.
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: ah, I miss Italy, and mediterranean culture in general
holiday midweek? that's a week then.
holiday on a thursday? Long weekend! Take the next monday while you're at it
They do say that there's a certain affinity between Italy and Ireland.
aye. I remember when I was first in .nl, i thought "these people are _lazy_!"
now... not so much
nitot and snarfed joined the channel
You thought the Dutch were lazy? :P
↩️ Und genau darüber haben wir in der #politicalParticipation session beim IndieWebCamp am Wochenende gesprochen. Aber wie ändern wir das ? / @nebu @webgefrickel et. al
snarfed and thom_m joined the channel
↩️ The suggestions you’re getting are along the lines of chat rooms and social media (closed-communities). I’d recommend taking a look at the IndieWeb movement. Honestly it feels more trouble than it’s worth, but I guess I’m a big enough nerd to keep reading. Links to follow:
↩️ https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started_on_WordPress This one is pretty meaty. There seem to be a lot of mechanism to set you up as independently publishing, but also sharing to other communities. Example community: http://micro.blog This guy is an example of the above: https://phoneboy.com/2018/01/13/a-self-hosted-wordpress-blog-with-micro-blog
frankmeeuwsen joined the channel
↩️ I have two rough ideas: 1. One site with multiple authors. Except unlike a wordpress or shared blog, maybe using IndieWeb, it can be configured that each person’s OWN blog gets double-published to this central blog. Ergo, collection of people writing.
loicm joined the channel
Morning all
sounds like Rob wants a planet. Thos worked so simply well for me
freescholar joined the channel
yep [aaronpk] exactly whta he wants
↩️ @robrogan The Indieweb movement is kind of what got me interested in this idea in the first place. I like your idea of automatic publishing.
freescholar joined the channel
Hi iamjeffperry
Ooops, no. That was loqi. He was asking around on MB.
↩️ There is an awesome Indieweb Slack that helped me out a ton with getting my site set up for microblog. But I eventually just formed over the $5 a month and got a hosted plan
leg joined the channel
↩️ @iamjeffperry @robrogan Rob I think what you want is already possible. @aaronpk shared this with me: https://stream.indieweb.org/
😂 "For younger viewers, blogs and forums were where we talked on the web before everyone gave up and piled inside a load of walled gardens." https://youtu.be/jC4NNUYIIdM?t=3m4s Also this is a great explanation of the black dot bug and why unicode is hard. <⚫️> #indieweb
tglobe, KapiX, wolftune, barpthewire, marclaporte1, snarfed, loicm and jhsheridan joined the channel
↩️ I think people mentioned the #indieweb Slack channel (really an IRC bridge) not as an exemplar but as an invitation if you want to stop by for help or questions as you build your vision. Though it is a model #OpenSource community.
Hello indieweb. I've been dabbling with Indieweb for a while, and I've finally dedicated the time to setup my wordpress website. Is this an appropriate place to ask some technical questions mostly regarding a few hold ups I'm having going through indiewebify.me?
maingo joined the channel
@hannahkane Are you going to the #IndieWeb Summit in Portland?
jhsheridan: welcome! for wordpress-specific questions try asking in #indieweb-wordpress so that your questions don't get lost here
awesome, thankyou
jhsheridan and AngeloGladding joined the channel; jhsheridan left the channel
Not sure why it took me so long to stumble across the @IndieWebCamp movement….this is everything I’ve been feeling about the web lately: https://indieweb.org/why
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Moved to self-hosted bookmarking in 2009 after getting burned by Ma.gnolia service losing years of my data. Now getting motivated to dust off my personal domain and get my own file/photo sharing site up and running. Thanks https://indieweb.org & https://owncloud.org
what is Magnolia?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Magnolia" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Magnolia is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Magnolia was a [[bookmark]] service that shut down in 2010.
camerongray joined the channel
pinboard.in, ftw
indieweb, ftw
[schmarty], snarfed and yoob5 joined the channel
bookmarking seems like a good gateway drug for indieweb. lower footprint, less overhead than other content types.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
https://medium.com/@jamesturk/reclaiming-time-with-twitter-as-rss-202073a39f0a “if there are other decent RSS readers that can do Twitter integration let me know and I’ll add them here.”
sebsel joined the channel
i would much rather consume twitter via RSS. Are there other viable Twitter-to-RSS readers?
https://granary.io will convert twitter feeds to RSS/Atom/Microformats
I have a bunch of them added to my reader
more end user friendly
is it? I like that granary.io doesn't require that the user get twitter developer credentials
...but granary.io's UI is way worse for non technical users who just want an atom feed
oh yeah i guess it takes a few clicks after you authorize twitter
also for non technical people it kinda makes no sense. does this do what i want? what are these text boxes? how do i add this thing to a reader?
(making a twitter app is hard ish too, granted)
i'm a little sad that Miniflux 2 only supports PGSQL. Miniflux 1 supported SQLite, which was just fine for the volume of feeds I (used to) consume.
oh also newsblur supports twitter natively
marclaporte joined the channel
I think Feedbin also added Twitter support
j12t joined the channel; leg left the channel
feedbin does list twitter support.
renem, frankmeeuwsen and j12t_ joined the channel
I haven’t tried it, as it would lock me to them if I use such a vendor-specific feature
camerongray joined the channel
yeah, i'm not thrilled with jumping into that situation, either.
[manton], leg and marclaporte1 joined the channel
KapiX and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich], marclaporte, snarfed and [schmarty] joined the channel
anyone know how I can `cancel` my wm.herokuapp account?
I have no more need to use it, and I'd like to free up a space
ah, never mind, found the teensy-weensy [Remove Site] button when logged in
there - now 3 open slots at voxpelli's service
KartikPrabhu, [tantek], snarfed, vivus, [kevinmarks], [schmarty] and Salt joined the channel
↩️ @Digidave 🙋What you gain in convenience probably isn't worth what you lose in control. These guys know what's up: https://indieweb.org/
[chrisaldrich], jigawatt, eli_oat, snarfed, kupad, ajft, PFMurph_, [kimberlyhirsh], markong, wolftune, pindonga, rivercat_, [schmarty], mblaney, [kevinmarks], leg, KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel