#indieweb 2018-06-08

2018-06-08 UTC
[cjwillicock] just reading your draft suggestions and loving them. If you are just a week into I would love to inverview you too as well for our UX research. You Aside is such an important point. First time I build a mf2 site I asked, “Do I have to link to something like a stylesheet, bootstrap or font awesome?
aaronpk, I just saw your message. I would come
oops [cjwillcock]
Sweet, know any place near Grand Central that would be good? I can search if not
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Not off hand
I haven't been to Manhattan since October
It would take me till 7ish to get there
I know a good deli on 37th and 8th, but not the right venue
well I found the history of how I made my “Naming Things is Hard” Zeega but the content is lost forever: https://writingwhilethrowing.tumblr.com/post/110125609988/a-walkmyworld-remix-play-zeega-by-greg
marclaporte, eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Microformats FAQ
snarfed1, AngeloGladding, electronicmaji and [cjwillcock] joined the channel
thanks [jgmac1106]. I didn't realize I would have a reader already - it's a work in progress 🙂
[cjwillcock]: gRegorLove left you a message 13 minutes ago: Some answers to your microformats questions: http://microformats.org/wiki/faq#Q._I_thought_one_of_the_main_goals_of_CSS_was_to_separate_data_from_presentation._Isn.E2.80.99t_this_sneaking_presentation_back_into_data.3F and the data- question below that
snarfed joined the channel
yeah wish we used the talk pages on wiki but once we all get some ideas drafted on our own subpages we can come together, agree on a common text structure, and build out the guides
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I'm up for an interview if you like (not immediately, but we can find some time for that)
yeah ping me anytime 3:30-8:30 pm edt hard for me with three kids, and weekends usually out but other than that I am good
I feel that difficult scheduling, five kids here. Tues/Thurs are my best days for free time. I'll ping you later on.
snarfed1 joined the channel
gRegorLove++ For background re: microformats2 conventions
gregorlove has 119 karma in this channel (240 overall)
cool planning my class noiw where everyone will be using an indieweb blog: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/join/582993e2-abab-4046-a954-dd639e6966b9 just my notes markdown file for now
yeah gRegorLove is an MF2 genius, it is a common question, like I said my first, and I didn’t know the answer
gRegorLove joined the channel
jgmac1106: more like gRegorLove has worked a lot on mf2 parsing and so knows more
sorry "genius" is a pet peeve
okay I will refrain from complementing people, what you are card carrying mensa member who takes offense?
lol! no it is the other way around ;)
kidding of course, from a feedback perspective your response makes people grow and calling them “geniuns’ hurts learning
jgmac1106: yes! :)
I'm definitely not a genius, but thank you.
[cjwillcock], if you have any more microformat questions, there's a group of us in #microformats
uh! that "yes" was for the second comment. I don't have any mensa card :P I do have a h-card though :P
cjwillcock++ for documenting your getting-started process on the wiki thoroughly
cjwillcock has 1 karma
Lots of good feedback in there. There are some outstanding updates to indiewebify.me which will resolve some of the rel=me link issues you ran into
somebody must have <a span=u-ahole>Mensa Member</span> in their hcard somewhere
snarfed joined the channel
karma cherry! thanks gRegorLove
eli_oat and wolftune joined the channel
A post about the design of my web site #IndieWeb #itches http://cathieleblanc.com/shorten/2
freescholar, renem, eli_oat, tantek__, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
@pfefferle Hello Matthias! Query: my web mentions were working for my last post on April 27, but now not. I’ve deactivated Wordfence but not change. Any ideas? Plugins: Bridgy, IndieWeb, Post Kinds, Semantic-Linkbacks, Series, Simple Location, uf2, Webmention, WP Related posts :)
@Reading "Practical Documentation: What the Indieweb Needs for WordPress – Brad Enslen" http://ing.am/p/4Zyg
electronicmaji and tantek joined the channel
"Design of My Website." @cathieleblanc talks about her emergence into #IndieWeb: https://cathieleblanc.com/blog/design-of-my-website/ #digped #OEP
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-06-08.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
ajft, Pierre-O, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
The IndieWeb Summit RSVP list is giving me major FOMO. Hopefully next year I'll be able to go and meet everyone! Small conference organizers, I think a public RSVP list may be a super effective way to promote your event. Of course, attendees can RSVP ... http://fionavoss.blog/2018/06/07/19264
barpthewire, globbot, cweiske, yoroy, jihaisse, [kevinmarks], anotheryou, markLaSort, pindonga, [pfefferle], adactio and swentel joined the channel
@cathieleblanc. I asked around in chat and @chrisaldrich sent me this: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/template-files-section/taxonomy-templates/#modify-how-posts-are-displayed. This is how we would edit the taxonomy pages for a photo ppost kind, or any kind, for that matter. #IndieWeb community is grabbing the attention of more… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3447-2/
[pfefferle], StryKaizer, nitot, Harsh1, [kevinmarks] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
hey hey jeremycherfas
how went your week?
How are things?
weather is nice
fruit and veg are growing
Still? It was wonderful in Dublin last week.
we need to earth up our potato plants at the weekend, and plant out our corn
↩️ I like the sound of this, but Web3 foundation sounds confusingly like @w3c we had a lot of web 3.0 meming about 10 years ago. https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/19/what-i-meant-to-say-was-semantic-web/ #Indieweb
markoong joined the channel
our tomatoes did not do well, sadly
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
morning all
jeremycherfas: hows things?
Good. Happier giving gardening advice than working.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
is the microformats wiki down for anyone else? http://microformats.org/wiki/h-event is just spinning for me
Very slow here.
Yeah, probably down.
Yes for me
yep, has been having issues on and off lately
jeremycherfas: haha fair, One garden related thing I wanted to setup one day is a timelapse camera to capture squirrel/fox/hedgehog/plants activity :)
I have a raspberry pi with a camera but I would need to weather proof it somehow
Camera traps are super fun. There was a great group for hacking the Canon Sureshots, which allowed you to snap a picture only when something in the image field changed. Much easier than beam interruption or timelapse.
ahh ok yes I think I saw some similar software for the rPi
I live in a hunting town. Wildlife cameras cheap to come by, not as fun as building one, but I resort to encouraging kids to pee around the garden and will use netting if birds get bad. I don't have enough land to shoot rascaly varmint
Cjwillcock++ for really excellent documentation of onboarding with WP
cjwillcock has 2 karma
Have dogs and that helps but nature wins and my tomatoes fail.
marclaporte joined the channel
huh. I appeneded my letsencrypt cert for a domain with pubsub. for XMPP; something started to immediately scrape the site via pubsub.domain
not surprising
Oops sorry for mixing up channels
people run all sorts of automated studies on certificate use etc, security people use it as scanning input, ...
hm - http://web3summit.com/ says to check their twitter account for details. Not exactly web
[wiobyrne], Pierre-O, markLaSort, Pierre-O1, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle], leg, marclaporte, lmorchard and [snarfed] joined the channel
looks like https://huffduffer.com has been down for 18h or so
lmorchard, snarfed, [xavierroy] and iasai joined the channel
Can anyone help me with some wiki shortcode, trying to figure out how to add submenus to the main menu her: https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com/getting-started-with-WordPress-for-beginners
nvm header levels do it automatically
electronicmaji and freescholar joined the channel
Die Kernidee des #Indieweb: Eigener Web Space für jede/n von uns. Das Uni-Projekt "Domain of One's Own" und der daraus hervorgegangene Service @reclaimhosting haben das konkret umgesetzt.
who is rammdev
who is raamdev
[cjwillcock] joined the channel
who is [raamdev]
@raamdev I am going through and writing documentation for #IndieWeb WordPress themes. Independent Publisher is awesome! I wanted to check if you are still actively developing Independent Publisher and if it should be included still be included as a 100%… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3456-2/
Looking for an way to start contributing to the @WordPress #IndieWeb community? No coding or theme editing necessary? We need help testing and recording different syndication tools for a few themes. Basically publishing a bunch of test posts under a… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3458-2/
↩️ Hey #literacies #doo #engchat #digped #edtechchat #edtechafterdark #ds106 the #IndieWeb @WordPress community is recruiting some volunteers. Great way for non-technical person to make first contribution. (https://jgregorymcverry.com/3460-2/)
wolftune and JHSheridan joined the channel
Just sent out issue #153 of TL;DR. This is titled "Deep thoughts about screentime." A little #OER #indieweb #socialmedia #highered & #fakenews YIKES!!! :) http://bit.ly/2M92RDW
jackjamieson, snarfed, swentel, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
In a recent blog post, Greg McVerry examines the challenges and opportunities of injecting some IndieWeb philosophies into Google Scholar, and other systems for tracking, citing, and identifying pu… https://wiobyrne.com/futures-of-digital-scholarship/
gRegorLove, tantek, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
Surprise! I'm in NY! Meet me for a popup #indieweb meetup tonight at Hofbräu Bierhaus near Grand Central! 7:30pm http://4sq.com/i9XQuQ
[indienews] New post: "Manually adding a new post kind to the Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress" https://boffosocko.com/2018/06/06/manually-adding-a-new-post-kind-to-the-post-kinds-plugin-for-wordpress/
aaronpk++ nice!
aaronpk has 553 karma in this channel (1643 overall)
snarfed joined the channel
[tantek] any luck on the microformats wki?
snarfed, KartikPrabhu and chrisaldrich joined the channel
jgmac1106, to my knowledge Independent Publisher is still being actively maintained. It's just hit a level at which it's become very stable.
It's one of a small number of themes that is so solid that WordPress.com actually forked it and maintains a separate version for WordPress.com users.
okay that is what I need to know, will include it in the descriptions'
[colinwalker], marclaporte, [schmarty], wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Zegnat: tantek left you a message 3 days, 20 hours ago: did you post your :thumbs-up: reaction to this comment https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/3837#issuecomment-394359165 on your own site somewhere and then POSSE to GitHub? Or only use the GitHub web UI? If the latter, would you consider posting it as a response on your own site, even after the fact, add yourself to https://indieweb.org/GitHub#IndieWeb_Examples
So, what did I miss by dropping offline to take care of uni stuff this weke?
misses by dropping offline to take care of uni stuff this weke too
marclaporte, markoong, nitot, [grantcodes], [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Loqi earning a degree ftw
tantek_ joined the channel
jgmac1106, luck on the microformats wiki about ... ? remind me?
Probably refering to the fact that the wiki is (still?) down?
tantek joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-06-08.html
eli_oat and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jgmac1106 Zegnat with regard to your academic reference project I wonder if this may be useful to you? https://twitter.com/yelperalp/status/870315565637918720?s=03
DID YOU KNOW that you can get bibtex from any DOI? `curl -L -H "Accept: application/x-bibtex" http://dx .doi.org/[DOI]` ...how cool is that?
My current problem is more with parsing BibTeX, [chrisaldrich] :( https://github.com/Zegnat/php-greg-cites/issues/3#issuecomment-394510720
[Zegnat] [According to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX#Field_types), multiple authors are always “separated by `and`”. But it all seems bit vague. I have also seen [documents](https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/~collberg/Teaching/07.231/BibTeX...
I've occasionally dabbled in some of the citation stuff out there since I often use LaTeX, but haven't looked at any of the standards before.
microformats server rebooted, seems very responsive now
thanks tantek!
On WordPress I've been using https://github.com/dsifford/academic-bloggers-toolkit for doing citations for a while. I've not delved deeply into his code, but it seems like one of the more flexible tools I've seen out there that's also opensource.
[dsifford] academic-bloggers-toolkit: Wordpress plugin providing an all-in-one solution for effective academic blogging.
Zegnat, I suspect you've looked at one or more of the BibTeX parsers out there to make sure you're not reinventing the wheel?
Generally big yikes on some of the stuff here, like the docs straight out say "the process will leak memory so we periodically kill it" like what https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/100169277500179278
[Eugen] Generally big yikes on some of the stuff here, like the docs straight out say "the process will leak memory so we periodically kill it" like what
I think I am using one of the two parsers I saw on packagist, [chrisaldrich]. If you know about more parsers, do open an issue with any resources you have :)
nitot joined the channel
Is newsletter 2pm or 3pm Pacific?
rushes just in case
Time moves too quickly and I keep forgetting to update that message for DST
i thought it was correct now tho
[indienews] New post: "Announcing indiebookclub" https://gregorlove.com/2018/06/announcing-indiebookclub/
yoroy_, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
greorlove has 1 karma
What is an incredible journey
It looks like we don't have a page for "incredible journey" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "incredible journey is ____", a sentence describing the term)
freescholar, swentel and nitot joined the channel
gRegorLove++ had a wonderful book conversation this morning. Congrats on launch
gregorlove has 120 karma in this channel (241 overall)
tantek_, tantek, wolftune and freescholar joined the channel
↩️ Two of my favorites are: @aaronpk: https://aaronparecki.com/ @adactio: https://adactio.com/ Not just for their content, but how they use them and the fantastic functionality they provide. #IndieWeb #commonplacebook
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-06-08.html
wolftune joined the channel
Nice work, schmarty: https://martymcgui.re/2018/06/08/170522/ That's quick turnaround for adding micropub /read post support.
[Marty McGuire] Thanks for this excellent service! As a developer, the debug info made it possible to quickly add compatible read posts to my site. Here’s my first one! Read along with me on indiebookclub.biz/users/martymcguire!
Thanks, jgmac1106. book conversation here in chat or elsewhere?
[colinwalker] joined the channel
gRegorLove++ nice work
gregorlove has 121 karma in this channel (242 overall)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove++ indiebookclub.biz is the reading micropub client the world needs / deserves
gregorlove has 122 karma in this channel (243 overall)
Awesome #dweb/#openweb meetups & #IndieWeb Summit coming up! June 13th: #DecentralizedWeb Meetup @InternetArchive 18th: Re-Decentralising The Web, London @WebStandards 26-27 @IndieWebSummit, Portland OR 29th: @OSBridge, Portland OR Links & tickets: http://tantek.com/t4uq1
!rt twtr.io/1ejnKwECsgh
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
snarfed and pindonga joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], [grantcodes], [cjwillcock], [kevinmarks], snarfed and AngeloGladding joined the channel