#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "ditchbook" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ditchbook is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#Loqi[cleverdevil] ditchbook: Move your Facebook data over to your own website using Micropub
#[cleverdevil]ditchbook is a toolkit for moving your Facebook data to your own website using Micropub
marclaporte, freescholar and marclaporte1 joined the channel
#sknebel[kim_landwehr]: I guess that depends of what part of Swarm you mean. We have checkin posts, and Quill can now do venue search when posting, but e.g. there's nothing aggregator like I think
#KartikPrabhusknebel: readers can display/"aggregate" checkins too no?
#sknebeltrue, I think together has some things for that already
#jgmac1106_[generativist] yes we have been kicking around since 2008 really..if you have to pick a start date
#jgmac1106_people aren’t 100% on their own domains, its a mix of open and close silos, not enough remixing of our resources, but an awesome group of folks
#jgmac1106_for other communities search twitter for #ds106, #clmooc, or go back historically and find older stuff like #CCK08, which many mark as the first class to adopt a distributed push/pull model for online learning
#jgmac1106_oops sorry I thought you had a /chat-name which allows us to ask Loqi for a profile
#[generativist]before finding you folks, I had started implementing an academic sharing site (I own falsifiable.com/falsifiable.org) on GAE for seamless Jupyter-notebook publication in the style of Medium, but now that I found this place, I don't want to do that anymore 😉
#jgmac1106_It is from a microformats2 course template I made with real simple html and real simlple instructional design to encourage greater remixing of oer among #IndieWeb academics
#[generativist]hrm. what's the time commitment? I'm finishing up my PhD and (trying to) be careful with overcommitment right now
#jgmac1106_plenty of people in -dev channel can talk you through adding all the #IndieWeb pieces you need for webmentions and micropub
#jgmac1106_It’s an open class, and the tech side geared to WordPress, no time committment none or all and anything in between
#[generativist]hrm. cool! I may have to do that when I wake up for three weeks then, thanks!
#jgmac1106_..well I have to get back to work, ping me anytime you want to talk IndieWeb and education
#Loqimanual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing https://indieweb.org/manual_until_it_hurts
#chrisaldrichgenerativist I've been contemplating a model in which academics could self-publish everything and then leverage a "silo" in an IndieNews or Indieweb.xyz way to create a sort of preprint server or speed discovery.
#Loqi[chrisaldrich] generativist I've been contemplating a model in which academics could self-publish everything and then leverage a "silo" in an IndieNews or Indieweb.xyz way to create a sort of preprint server or speed discovery.
KevinMarks, tantek__ and IRCsum joined the channel
#LoqiScalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online https://indieweb.org/Scalar
#KartikPrabhuafaik webmentions are not tied to microformats. You can parse any data that you want from a webmention
#[jgmac1106]I need to add to the scalar page, it has all the markup in like 734 vocabularies. Adding basic h-entry and an hcard at the page level should not be too hard.
#chrisaldrichkicks, you've got a great template with xyz, particularly with categories/topics. I suspect one could map your infrastructure directly on top of something like https://arxiv.org/
#chrisaldrichIt might need some infrastructure to tamp down "crackpot" submissions (or downvoting behavior) so there's still some sort of moderation to keep signal to noise under control.
#KartikPrabhuarxiv has (a weak form of ) moderation already
#chrisaldrichkicks, I'm also noticing you might want to add hentry in addition to h-entry for backcompat (especially for poor WordPress sites like mine). :) I still need to figure out how to shoehorn h-entry back in without breaking 20 other things.
#KartikPrabhueh the backcompat stuff should be in mf parsers not handled sitewise
#chrisaldrichKartikPrabhu, I suspect that early on the hurdle of sending webmentions may be moderation enough, but eventually it may be necessary.
#chrisaldrichKartikPrabhu, I agree that it should be in the parsers as well, but I'm not sure how Kicks is handling it directly. (And their site explicitly states h-entry and not hentry, though that may be nitpicking.)
#KartikPrabhuthe whole point of mf parsers is so that each site does not have to do it
#chrisaldrichThe fact that webmentions of things like /bookmark,/like,/read,/reply etc. with webmentions to an arxiv-like site could be used as upvotes is intriguing.
#chrisaldrichIn fact, each one could be given a different value of upvoting, so that peer-review with replies/comments could be encouraged over just "I think this is interesting and might read it" (aka bookmark)
#KartikPrabhuslowly steps away from internet "peer-review"
#aaronpkthis is #indieweb-dev, but if you're using an mf2 parser then it handles upgrading old markup to mf2 for you, no need to special-case support for consuming it
#chrisaldrichgenerativist: I've been thinking about the whole thing for several years now. I've just recorded a short microcast outlining some of it. Should post shortly.