Loqi[snarfed] i noticed this recently too. >1k requests in <45s, >25qps. not a disaster, my site handled it fine, but still, noticeable. small thread on it here: https://mastodon.technology/@snarfed/100119606571241751 , cc @ashfurrow @neekz0r.
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[schmarty]slvr: I once had a single-user mastodon instance but I dev-oops’d it into oblivion too many times on accident. One day I’d like to have my site support AP-style follows and notifications but for now I am satisfied with supporting h-feed/atom/RSS and websub 😅
[jgmac1106]HipHopEd is a very active community of progressive educators and I think the digital divide is too often translated into bias of low expectations. Want to do all I can to let communities shine on indieweb
[jgmac1106]@slvr now you got me thinking IndieWeb is HipHop, minus all the white dudes, the url as tagging identity, remix culture not only KLF could be proud of, but the Kingston Deejays throwing speakers in the back of a pick up truck,
@nitinthewizIndieWeb folks - I want to use the IndieWeb plugin to make both linkblog and normal posts on my WordPress blog. Do I just need the Post Kinds addon plugin? Can someone guide me? (twitter.com/_/status/1039739399544680448)
nitinkhannathat I create a 'bookmark' or 'reply' and the WordPress post 'type' is Standard. It seems to work, but it's got a big space for the title of the post. But if I change the WP post type to aside, it shows better, but the URL stops working...
GWGnitinkhanna: Post Formats, the feature you are thinking that uses "Standard" and "Aside"... Post Kinds is meant to replace that with Indieweb Kinds. But like anything else, the theme would have to be aware. To protect for themes otherwise, Post Kinds sets the format automatically based on the Kind.
nitinkhannaGWG - if I may stress the point - what 'type' are IndieWeb post kinds to WordPress database? Are they a new type of post altogether? Or are they a subtype of Standard?
nitinkhannaand if I create a bunch of Articles and bookmarks and then uninstall the indieweb plugins, they downgrade to Post Format or remain as Post Kind?
LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indieweb.org/note
nitinkhannaSo what should I set in the "Default Kind for New Posts". I want to use the WordPress Standard, but the IndieWeb Reply and Bookmark (for linkblogging)
nitinkhannaIf that's the case, please don't spend time on this explanation. But if more people ask you about it, then yeah, explaining it in comparision to WordPress Post Formats would be good...
@swentelThe #Drupal #IndieWeb module is now able to send micropub requests to Aperture on incoming Webmentions to my site, which allows me to create a 'Notifications' channel. One step closer to killing the Twitter client! (twitter.com/_/status/1039829498676563968)
jgmac1106morning [zegnat] Wed are teaching days for me so I will backseat it, I made great progress on my Following page yesterday….need to finish the education group and indieweb groups and then add all the feeds to apeture
ZegnatThe call to add a feed I don’t think is the problem. It is the setup required (getting the endpoint, getting a valid token)
friedcell, timkrueger, hadvanx7, dougbeal|iOS, jgmac1106, jgmac1106_, wolftune, Lauven, barpthewire, aalmazan and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
@xtof_party#POSSE à partir de ma nouvelle instance personnelle mastodon #indieweb vers twitter et instagram.
Note à moi-même xtof_party https://moa.party ne sait plus créer les réponses et mentions sur twitter. Tous les textes sous la forme 'utilisateur' postés sur Mastodon (1/2) (twitter.com/_/status/1039901843680153601)