#indieweb 2018-09-22

2018-09-22 UTC
Event: Homebrew Website Club SF! At: 2018-10-03 17:30 @MozSF RSVP: http://tantek.com/e/4wn1
t1|Mike24, renem, todrobbins, snarfed and smlb joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "When basil has gone to seed: contemplative pesto" https://matienzo.org/2018/when-basil-has-gone-to-seed/
muffindrake9, Terminus27, tantek, iasai, [eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
Not a mention of IndieWeb in that post
Yeah that’s strange
tantek__ and wolftune joined the channel
Accidental indienews syndication ? Wonder if there's something wrong with the wordpress plugin
Bonjour http://indieweb.me Bien dormi. J'aurai du temps ce weekend -dans la mesure du raisonnable- pour accueillir et aider quelques nouveaux venus. Je travaillerai sur debrief de ma formation d'hier (clientèle pro bâtiment) - Ménage sur les comptes de test pour (1/2)
↩️ sécuriser les identités. - Rédaction de propositions pour ébaucher un guide d'embarquement indieweb. Bon week end. xtof (2/2)
coffeeguy29, IHAVENONICK, Evie20, b-v-, gadams1, barpthewire, [kevinmarks] and jizzle joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@johnjohnston  in my rss feeds or in the post itself? been using Indigenous reader. Which uses bridgy to syndicate to Twitter as as well. Cant send webmentions, kind of pointless, but I like to try and pretend all the #IndieWeb stuff works (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7229-2/)
catsup joined the channel
At the @whiteoctober #indiewebcamp this weekend. Anyone know of a self-hosted review site? Like goodreads, imdb, etc but decentralised.
catsup joined the channel
WereWiking0 joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
↩️ Ok, zum @IndieWebCampDE also. Es gab mal Überlegungen für ein gemeinsames #indieweb-Airbnb. Ich wollte dazu heute eine Nachricht an alle angemeldeten Teilnehmer schreiben und ggf. Leute zusammenführen. Wenn du dich über Tito anmeldest, solltest du dann im Verteiler sein!
Just discovered @openbenches (http://openbenches.org), which tags the locations of benches with memorial plaques. If I could #indieweb webmention my checkins to them, I'd totally promote a new GPS game based upon them. #indieweb #indiewebcamp
↩️ Die AirBnB Idee ist nicht verkehrt! Diesmal werd ich allerdings definitiv ins Hotel gehen. Arbeitgeber zahlt Reise- und Übernachtungskosten. =) Nächstes Mal dann Gruppenkuscheln. ❤️ (soll ja nich das letzte Mal sein, dass ich A: nach Nürnberg und B: zu nem @indiewebcamp komme)
↩️ Den hätte ich auch gerne noch mitgenommen, aber da hab ich akut nich das Geld für und nunja… ich wollt seit inzwischen 3 Jahren mal zu nem @indiewebcamp =) Die Gelegenheit ist günstig.
Thinking I ought to book my place for Nurnberg. The airbnb I stayed in last time was really nice and quite near Tollwerk. Maybe I'll just go back there.
↩️ How tweets look using Bridgy is very dependent on which of the three IndieWeb @WordPress themes you choose. Picked 2016-IndieWeb because it seemed to syndicate to Twitter the cleanest. They each have pluses and minuses. Have to weigh options (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7258-2/)
sebsel joined the channel
Good morning indieweb :)
greetings human
Ooops. I'll be quieter now.
lol, at least I'm awake now!
dv`` joined the channel
↩️ Threw you an @ mention in #IndieWeb chat to ping @pfefferle he would welcome a second eye and hands on SemPress, especially someone with your skill and disposition (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7266-2/)
vivus joined the channel; vivus left the channel
@edent here's where you ought to start with developing a webmention endpoint in PHP: https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer
rodrigods7 and jonasl joined the channel
good morning!
hi sebsel, haven't seen you around in a while!
hi sknebel! no, I haven't been, but with the upcoming IWC in Nürnberg I thought it would be nice to work on my own site again for a bit :)
Also, I declared bankruptcy on my reader. I literally have ten thousands of unread posts. Want to shut the polling down today, because this is just wasting resources.
aaronpk++ for the software though. It's been running just fine for months without me looking at it :P
aaronpk has 45 karma in this channel over the last year (310 in all channels)
[johnjohnston] joined the channel
Heute in 4 Wochen ist es soweit: Das 2-tägige @indiewebcamp Nürnberg startet zum 3. Mal, wieder während der @nueww / in der @tollwerkstatt. Infos & Links gibt's beim Nürnberg Digital Festival https://nueww.de/festival/programm/2018/indiewebcamp-nuernberg-2018-41/ oder im Wiki. Wer Lust auf ein #indieweb-Airbnb hat, melde sich!
En #dogfood pour ma famille... serai ravi d'étudier avec @aymeric_ducamp@indieweb.me comment exhumer quelques images d'archives de famille (stock vielles K7 mini DV). Rien ne presse. J'aimerais bien faire une planche d'images d'une croisière faite en Corse avec (1/2)
Fancy hacking on your personal website? Planning to launch one? Join us during @nueww 2018 — we're welcoming a lot of international guests again! October 20th-21st #indieweb
urzds1 joined the channel
zacksh18 and anglophilic joined the channel
↩️ #FuckFacebook et les vieux sur leurs tablettes pour avoir des nouvelles de leurs gosses) A reformuler par @b@indieweb.me à son retour de voyage. (2/2)
fiyarburst25 joined the channel
Sketching out federation ideas, and helping @edent with his first @withknown plugin #indiewebcamp
swentel and seekr joined the channel
todrobbins, [jgmac1106], wolftune, blindcant22, bluez_20 and cecemel joined the channel
Dunno whether it is allowed, but we have a job offering for a company which strongly adheres to the principles of indieweb. Are we allowed to share it here?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Seems OK to me
joncfoo3 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
thx for asking
thanks guys!
doubleloop, acetakwas1, [tantek], beingjohnm15 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
That's the same link
the .com is not in the second one, that one actually works
Calling all hackers, engineers, computer science students, and techies! You’re invited to attend IndieWebCamp starting Friday, September 28, a weekend gathering where web creators hang out and brainstorm—without the corporate red tape. https://bit.ly/2peZXDr
barpthewire, SwK5, e0f29 and hsp12 joined the channel
Oooh, Omnibear is very nice
tantek, bylzz9, tantek__ and wolftune joined the channel
nice pics from IWC Oxford!
Sorry, you have to be listed on https://indieweb.org/irc-people before you can help retweet
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
lmorchard17 joined the channel
Merci de m'arrêter si je vais trop loin. Pas certain que @pif@indieweb.me aka mon régulateur d'allure soit disponible.... Et @b@indieweb.me est en Autriche jusqu'à jeudi. Parti pour un "Vol de Nuit" afin de raffiner la description de la mission à (1/2)
[manton] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune and [Rose] joined the channel
Hi everyone!
I just booked a hotel that was pretty close and seems nice 😄
[kiai] joined the channel
Hi [Rose]
aimerais déléguer mon fills @b@indieweb.me ou autre ? pour le recevoir ici comme un boss https://www.instagram.com/aymericducamp/ Je l'adore mais il m'a piqué mon casque :)
Regardé @a@indieweb.me : envie de le foutre dehors / impoli https://www.instagram.com/adrien_vonfeld/ les lettres primaires seront réservées à mes proches... Un point c'est tout.
Suspendu @a@indieweb.me : incapable de dire bonjour. Impoli. - compte @a@indieweb.me libéré.
Rêve de discuter avec mon ami #Antoine des règles d'attribution du compte @a@indieweb.me Un compte chéri.
finkata and Learath28 joined the channel
lol picking up from #-chat
I'm curious about the notion of audiences and private posts in the IndieWeb
and if anyone has working / active implementations today
hail the wiki
thank god people contribute to it lol
it's something people have played with, but there's a bunch of open questions
e.g. how it integrates with readers, webmentions (we've made an attempt at private webmentions, so you can privately reply or send a message to someone, and there's 3-4 implementations of those, but the approach we used isn't great), ...
I think if people had private posts, it's for now been mostly "you can login at someones page, and then see private posts there"
that's the only solution that seems to make sense (re: logging into someone's page and viewing them)
I don't know too much about readers
but I don't know if they could provide the ACL that one would want with private posts
or "direct"
(there's a bit of a difference there)
the idea with the reader (which I am much closer to being able to actually build now) is that you basically need a way for the reader to "act" as you when fetching someone's home page or other feed of posts
[eddie] joined the channel
Hi [Rose]! 👋
let me quickly read over the wiki pages on readers
so I don't ask repetitive questions lol
could WebSub solve this?
it seems like it has the right bits to do it
piro_26 joined the channel
not solve (IMHO), but it's a good point how that'd play together
and you could authenticate subscribtion requests
and thus send notifications for private posts to only the intended receivers
hmm this feels like one of those problems you can't think so hard on; you have to get into the dirt of it to try it out
FireFighter joined the channel
which is why now-ish with IndieAuth being properly written out and some more implementations, progress on readers, ... might be the time to start tackling it again
(now-ish since I distinctively remember saying roughly the same thing a bunch of months ago :D)
ishigoya1, todrobbins and wolftune joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Where Will the Current State of Blogging and Social Media Take Us?" https://jacky.wtf/weblog/where-will-social-media-blogging-take-us/
sknebel: lol that's cool