[nealthom]I have a boring Wordpress site. I have been thinking about creating another with react and node and brainstorming ideas similar to indieweb without realizing it was a thing and I just stumbled on it this morning.
@kevinmarks↩️ Which push model is this? Indieweb has multiple ways to work, but includes a couple of webhook interactions (websub and webmention) designed to save on polling. (twitter.com/_/status/1043060555660046336)
[jgmac1106], ethanwinn16 and catsup joined the channel
AkyRhOQuick question - anyone using alltogethernow or another indieweb reader here? I'd be curious to know how you manage to follow your favorite silos through that (eg. twitter, mastodon etc)?
ZegnatSorry about that. But because of the spam waves Freenode has been having only people with voice (+v, often a + sign in IRC clients) can speak to others in the channel.
[jgmac1106]zenpress, sempress, or 2016-fork are recommended...only zenpress and sempress hooked into wp.org 2016.org you have to manually update from GitHub when @gwg changes it
[jgmac1106]though it isn't native...meaning the microformats2 aren't in your html, you can now pretty much us the mf2 stream plugin, with any WordPress theme,....it;s kid of a cheat for now
[eddie]!tell AkyRho adding new channels and feeds is something I’m working on adding. I’m planning on having those be available in the next update of the app
LoqiAkyRhO: [eddie] left you a message 39 minutes ago: adding new channels and feeds is something I’m working on adding. I’m planning on having those be available in the next update of the app
[eddie]AkyRhO: Unfortunately, not yet. I'm working on it a little bit at a time. When I get things more wrapped up I'll have a better idea of the timeline
GoOz27, friedcell, oodani, kalasmannen13 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes]!tell AkyRhO for following twitter feeds with microsub granary is great. You have to jump through a couple of hurdles but it generates great mf2 feeds. (They look great in Together at least :P)
LoqiAkyRhO: [grantcodes] left you a message 15 minutes ago: for following twitter feeds with microsub granary is great. You have to jump through a couple of hurdles but it generates great mf2 feeds. (They look great in Together at least :P)
[jgmac1106], Berge15 and Sleipnir joined the channel
@EatPodcast↩️ If you are into IRC (bridged with Slack) there are many helpful people in the #indieweb Wordpress channel. Manual is fine for sending but the plugins make it a lot more effective to receive. (twitter.com/_/status/1043177560882991104)
wolftune, [manton], Guest22174, [kevinmarks], iasai, swebb6, tantek, leg, IRCsum, KartikPrabhu, [eddie], nunatak, benwerd and nl67200 joined the channel
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-09-21.html
CoolWhip, iasai_, tantek__, guest3546, wolftune, [eddie] and tantek joined the channel