#indieweb 2018-10-11

2018-10-11 UTC
rhiaro, snarfed1, Ruxton, jmac and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] you undersold at call by not mentioning gRSShopper was on tap....
lmorchard and mlncn joined the channel
we are building the badging platform for Downe’s elearning 3.0 class.
By individual badge files you mean a new page for each user? Why not one page per badge on one url? Unless you're doing custom badges per user it seems like a lot of extra work.
for one
even though it’s open I still believe in a bit of privacy when it comes to assessment
I think I would be covered by FERPA but if people take class for credit….
If that's the case you'll need all the pages to be private and private Webmentions, n'cest pas?
I can explaiin in -dev, but have a simple be ready right away…and a goal of building the platform as we go and testing along the way…this would bethe whole shebang
darn gRegorlove been using word all day now\
That's alright my phone is dying... ;) can't wait to see it though.
we use a disclaimer, fokls know they are taking a MOOC, big biz quotes Dave Cormier wrong all the time. The M in MOOC modified Open, as in Massively open, it was never meant to refer to size of class. It took VC money to make that definition.
but there will be a disclosure about open data. More personal philosophy, that one url, represents one person, represents one badge.. and you just don't mix up people with measurement even in open classes
j12t joined the channel
Google+ will remain for G Suite for Edu customers though for educators who use their google accounts those will be gone
[tantek] joined the channel
what is FERPA?
It looks like we don't have a page for "FERPA" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "FERPA is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hello from HWC MV!
[dmitshur] joined the channel
Hello, too. MV = Mountain View CA
hello to Mountain View from East Haddam Ct
showed recent events (IWC Oxford, NYC), and announced upcoming events (IWC Nuremberg, Berlin), and briefly explained my 10min atom feed delay that I built last work
Emma is working on getting IPFS working on a raspberry pi
What is IPFS?
IPFS is short for InterPlanetary File System, potentially a static site storage method using content based addressing https://indieweb.org/IPFS
wow that sounds really cool
Kumango from a random Godilla movie, Sonm of Godzilla I think
discussing the alternative of using ServiceWorkers
even per post
renem joined the channel
I am just working on some writing. I owe [jessklein] a thank you for keynoting so writing a post in my UX of parenting series. This one compares tetthing to the pain of having to add new data processing servers
then going to make a page dedicated to my generic webmentions so they don’t point to my about me page
eli_oat joined the channel
Hey everyone.
welcome emceeaich!
took a photo
next HWC MV on 11/21!
here is my next UX of parenting post: v
Photo uploaded from hwc MV. Going home
[eddie] and wolftune joined the channel
[Rose], [pfefferle] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
This is what I made during today’s HWC in NYC:
(Just a simple form. The backend isn’t completely ready, so it won’t work at this time.)
[dmitshur]: this is to createa new repo on your site?
I also start by creating simple HTML forms first and then doing the backend :)
Previously, I had to create them manually. Which included like 4 steps (create bare git repo, create issue tracker for it, subscribe myself to its issue tracker, post a “repo created” event to my activity stream). So I wanted to automate it under a single button press.
The backend is like 95% done (from a few days ago), just not 100% yet. :)
chrisaldrich, [tantek], [asuh], [xavierroy], jihaisse, swentel, [pfefferle] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb! I caught up on the logs again :)
swentel joined the channel
good morning!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Good morning
good morning
Hi [jgmac1106] :) I might pen a response to your picture/photo blog post, see if I can shine some light on the tech side :)
Thx, I got some feedback on mixing up consumption and posting
And I do think itvis driven by how I do photos. Which is still print them.. Takes a lot in my mind to elevate a pic to photography
[dmitshur] here is a Google Drive version a friend is working on https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dCBkoBkdSlFNkM5ESXMnPqvysoD5JiLu/view?usp=drivesdk
Shared your demo with him. May connect sometime
swentel and [chegalabonga] joined the channel
Oh gosh I really want to hand roll my own site but WordPress with plugins is doing the job well enough.
[chegalabonga] I think I am going to do a halfway approach. Use static pages for content and throw a Known blog on a subdomain... WordPress never worked for me
[Greg McVerry] Finally realized why educators fell in love with Google+ It was webmentions before we knew what webmentions were. We all had GAFE, we all had Hangouts, we all used Blogger. I posted on my blog and it went to my network. Someone commented on my netwo...
Finally figured out why us teachers fell in love with G+. It was near perfect learning network
[jgmac1106] Ah k. Interesting. I had a laravel-based one couple years ago and for whatever reasons i moved to WP and lost that codebase. Classic me
I love the idea of building my own and implementing these protocols, but know its gonna be a long process.
Yeah people talked me out of it at IWC NYC, I really wanted to give Perch Runway a spin
[Rose] and @petermolnar talking about getting a Grav project going
Rose and jeremycherfas are both already running Grav websites
Yeah @zegnat without getting - devy they want to make tools for others. May have been Jeremy and not Peter
For the most past, [chegalabonga], whether you are rebuilding in Laravel, sticking to WordPress, or anything else. If you are running your own website you are plenty part of IndieWeb already :D
[eddie] joined the channel
jgmac1106: the whole store from my side is that I maintain friends/family WordPress sites, and I fear the coming changes - it'll break their familiarity and a hell lot of the plugins. As a result, I started looking at other CMS systems again - initially I did that for myself, when I considered getting off WordPress the first time. At that time grav was without a GUI; it now has one, so I though it might be a very good start for homepag
e-like sites, and it could be made indieweb-friendly with not much work.
it's not the most ideal site for streams, though it can do it.
[Rose] joined the channel
I quite like Grav, we're implementing it at work for documentation
btw, I remember the reasons why I changed from my own CMS to WordPress a decade ago; interesting to see those reasons fade away from it and manifest themselves in another CMS. (Easy to extend, simple, obvious to use)
[pfefferle] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
good morning jeremy
[chegalabonga], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], renem and wolftune joined the channel
of those who use webmention.io for handling webmention: what do you do with pingback spam, that slips though?
It's one of those things I haven't considered: I'm storing incoming comments as md+frontmatter as well, so if I want to mark it as spam, I'd still need to keep some information about it.
[xavierroy], [Rose] and tonz joined the channel
prepping for indiewebcamp Nuremburg I made a list of things, I might work on https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2018/10/indiewebcamp-potential-list-of-things-to-do/
of course now the challenge is to pick something halfway doable :)
Just reading that, your tweet was mirrored to #indieweb-meta :D
I know for a fact there will be some people interested in discussing point 10
Also, tonz: thanks for updating the wiki with arrival time on Friday! We are leaning towards making it a late dinner so the late arrivers can get some food into them
@zegnat you're welcome! Discussing point 10 would be great. It's one of my longstanding wishes for social media, self-run granular access/sharing.
woo yeah, would love to discuss that more!
we seem to always make progress on that front at the german IWCs
Clearly Europeans <3 Privacy control ;)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
interesting rant about static site generators https://fvsch.com/static-site-generators/
interesting position paper from Google (leaked via a less attractive site) https://www.scribd.com/document/390521673/The-Good-Censor-GOOGLE-LEAK#from_embed
Not sure anything scribd every qualifies as a “better link”
snarfed, [jgmac1106], [adamprocter], j12t and [tantek] joined the channel
What is Scribd?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Scribd" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Scribd is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[grantcodes], dgold, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Had the most wonderful discussion with [eddie] about how the private post could work. Excited for public group and private group like spaces from out own domains
@tonz I am not great with PHP or Perl, by not great I mean know nothing, but I am poking around gRSShoper as it is an rss reader with native webmentions.
snarfed, jackjamieson, [tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] #495 Support for Microsub servers
jackjamieson, [pfefferle], [asuh] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
@jgmac Is gRSShoper open source, a third-party hosted service, or both?
@kevinmarks, thanks for that Brizzly note. I remember it fondly from the early days of Twitter. Hilarious to see how it's been repurposed.
jackjamieson and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I saw Jason at xoxo, which was nice
[eddie] and tantek joined the channel
@kevinmarks, any chance that Jason might consider making Brizzly a micropub/microsub client? Given it's history as a multisite posting client (and codebase) and it's current state, it might be a worthwhile project and it certainly had a nice UI to begin with.
[chrisaldrich] open source, I think I forked it yesterday.
If not I will building all my template webmention badges in there
What is gRSShopper?
gRSShopper is a personal web environment that combines resource aggregation, a personal dataspace, and personal publishing https://indieweb.org/gRSShopper
jgmac1106++ for the definition
jgmac1106 has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (66 in all channels)
I have no idea how it works but webmentions are native
Jacky Downes will make up words without knowing if those words mean something in the dev space
I mean that word feels new and familiar at the same time lol
It almost sounds like gRSShopper could be a micropub client too....
[chegalabonga] joined the channel
Yep but above my skill set
[Downes] gRSShopper: gRSShopper is a tool that aggregates, organizes and distributes resources to support online learning
Feel free to add to article
Reclaim going to make it as close to 1 button install as possible
They can't put it into cPanel but all the Perl modules will be available and already tested
Should be fun class
snarfed joined the channel
I'm going to have to get a Reclaim Account just for the fun of it.
@jgmac1106, you could whisper the idea into Downes' ear and maybe he would make it so... ;)
[tantek] joined the channel
Whisper what? We are planning together read through my blogging through chat on dev yesterday
Want manual till it hurt webmention badge at launch and a full micropub badge creation, ledger, issuer by the time we get to recognition module
wolftune joined the channel
Though he doesn't care if it's microsub/micropub wants it to work in gRSShoper first or be a third party which publishes to his site (micropub.. Shhhh)
snarfed joined the channel
We should try and see if Greenpeace likes IndieWeb to organize their global campaigners
[asuh] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I've been using Granary or Instagram-Atom for a while now on Instagram, but with the latest revelation regarding their tracking garbage on iOS, I may just be deleting...
I don't really want to though. In spite of themselves, I still like content from my friends there.
[cleverdevil]: if you delete, you could still follow individual people's IG feeds in your reader
Good point, [snarfed]... except for private accounts.
What's the trick for that?
(Following individuals)
It hard. I miss my family and friends content on facebook
(Intagram-atom is totally broken for me at the moment... maybe error on my end, tho)
misses my family and friends content on facebook too
[cleverdevil]: just type their username into https://granary.io/?site=instagram
Maybe I'll do that, less fiddly than session cookies that get revoked silently.
[Rose] joined the channel
What are we feeding Loqi?
It looks like we don't have a page for "we feeding Loqi" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "we feeding Loqi is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gives Loqi a cookie
loves the cookie
Rose1 joined the channel
steals Loqi's cookie
Worth failing to connect to IRC for a cookie 😛
wolftune, tantek, [tantek], swentel, [tmiller], [chegalabonga], snarfed and [grantcodes] joined the channel