jgmac1106@aaronpk @eddie @dougbeal @schmarty I just can’t shake the idea that the webring with indelogin is the layer that goes on top of readers to make semi-public and private groups
[schmarty][jgmac1106]: it’s one way of establishing group membership. Needs a lot more for moderation, aggregating posts, private feeds or whatever access control mechanism you want for keeping group-only posts from being public, ...
[Rose]In a former life I was a travelling English teacher in a new school every week. I am now at the stage where it is extremely unlikely I'll forget anything crucial - though I do have a checklist which gets generated for me.
[Rose]In my case, if I'm flying and not visiting my parents I need luggage scales should the trip be hand luggage only (e.g. this coming weekend), it gets added to my list for me should my trip meet those parameters.
tonzMy week will be more like a mad dash getting three different things finished, before running for the train on Friday noon. The result hopefully will be the same though, ending up in Nuremburg in time for IndieWebCamp
jgmac1106morning [bradenslen] I don’t thinkl I ever told you but the deep dive you did into blog search engines and history of webrings was quite the talk of thet town at NYC. Thanks for all the work
jgmac1106I was thinking Brad what if the ideas could be combined, could a webring become indexable, and then a directory of rings make a new blogging search engine,
jgmac1106yeah @bradenslen without getting to devy I am spending too much time writiing about how I am trying to get things working rather than just writing, I was choosing between three solutions, Known, perch runway, or Ruby,. I need to get to a place where things work, and being able to finally send a webmention would be nice
jgmac1106Decided to give Known a spin again as [mapkyca] and [benwerd] started developing again. I like micro.blog but I like to use html/css and want to use more post types than micr0.blog provides
[jgmac1106]Have to leave for school and then office but will share application later. Finishing this one tomorrow https://checkoutmydomain.glitch.me but that's just 50k...Still any local library could hop on for 5-7k
skippyi plugged Indieweb at the Ohio LinuxFest lightning talks. Saw a suprising number of nods, but didnt get a chance to follow up with anyone directly.
@morganknutsonNow that Google+ has been shuttered, I should air my dirty laundry on how awful the project and exec team was. I'm still pissed about the bait and switch they pulled by telling me I'd be working on Chrome, then putting me on this god forsaken piece of shit on day one. (twitter.com/_/status/1049523067506966529)
[Rose], wolftune, KartikPrabhu, benwerd, [pfefferle], [eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Loqifollow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/follow
jgmac1106_[aaronpk] [kiai] i need to take pics of the wordpress.com my sites/reader integration I do believe they have interesting tools where adding someone to your blogrool add them to your reader. Need to double check
jgmac1106_BTW @chrisaldrich, not for a few weeks but you have been conscripted to the Independent Publisher Update team, scroll through WordPress to catch up
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb dreams" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieWeb dreams is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]Yeah I woudn't expect that 🙂 the basic idea is you would fine the page with the posts you want (probably the timeline) and then click a subscribe button and it would present the options for you to subscribe to the timeline
chrisaldrich@jgmac1106: Technically, it looks like I provide 6184 different feeds. Admittedly there are a lot of them with only one item however and a large number of them are private.