[jgmac1106]is the indieweb map snarfed made real time? i was just thinking after seeing the demo of "likes" separated by one degree the same exact thing could be done for check-ins building a close to real time "where in the world map'
jeremycherfasI'm hoping so. Was it the cocktails, or just a too early start and no water or food? I'll never know, but I do feel OK now. I hope you are holding up OK and that the nachos won't trouble you further.
[jgmac1106][eddie] well my brain got spinning with GPS based games and what if indiemon monsters weren't placed in venue but were spawned randomly based on density of IndieWeb people.
ZegnatNot sure anything about location data is "simple". My new posting app does attach my position to everything, so I'd be helping to feed the algorithm
wolftune, jgmac1106 and snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106[zegnat] we used to do this pretty easily with twitter location data and google maps for a bunch of moocs…well I didn’t do it, but when people tweeted with location data we got the coordinates for each tweet and it generated an auto pin on a Googlemap
ZegnatSure, but it is relatively easy to do those things within a silo, compared to decentralised ;) Somewhere somehow you need to get the data from all separate websites into one map thing.
[jgmac1106]silly comcast, shut down my Internet when I was uploading the building block session to s3...will have to wait until I get home. Thought upload would be done when I got home
[kevinmarks]all these marauders map things only really work in dense urban places with lots of users. It was a problem when Google was trying to generalize dodgeball, and with Latitude
jackjamieson, [Rose], KartikPrabhu and [dougbeal] joined the channel
tonzI think it contains a pointer or two how the solution to deal with overhelm is not in the feeds, but in what you know about authors, their connections with themselves and you, and your current agenda of interests.
tonzanother thing, not mentioned in the posting is the notion of blogs as distributed conversations. You blog something, I respond / extend / build off it, others do to: an image of that emerging web of connections is a sign of a signal. Akin to the like relations you experimented with. There's some academic work on vizzing such emerging distributed conversations, but not recently. For me those type of feedbackloops / emergent patterns were key in keeping on
sebselI got a sense of that distributed conversation while reading your post and the ones it links to, indeed. It's all just a network of who thought about what somewhere else in an article. Weirdly enough it feels new to me, but it reminds me of things too.
tonzindeed, it has been / and still is. Friend of mine PhD'd on mapping her and my network's blog conversations about knowledge management and how it helped informal learning.
[cleverdevil], [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel