[dave]That’s the whole idea so far. Maybe h-card instances are enemies or npcs or some mix depending on how theyre marked up, if they have rel=me vs friend or colleague or whatever?
[dave]Might be a good project to fork off of a microformats detection chrome extension and just use that to power a new UI, then start adding features to keep track of discoveries and inventory and score and such.
LoqiXFN (XHTML Friends Network) is the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indieweb.org/XFN
[jgmac1106]Yes there was a long discussion about making start and finish generic so they could apply to any activity rather than something like read-start or eat-start
[jgmac1106]Would the publishing of an activity have enough of a unique ontological net to consider them different than an h-entry? They aren't events as we are usually referring to verbs rather than nouns
ZegnatI am really happy with the posting interface I built in Nürnberg. But now I want to add a few features and I can see the amount of taps it takes to do things grow exponentially. Not what I want.
ZegnatI haven’t yet ... I’m thinking tabs, maybe. Have a top bar for switching to views with the extra options. That would add only a single tap to go there.
ZegnatThe idea of making all activities timers for one. Though I think I can fit that in the current interface. That’s what I am playing with right now.
sknebeli.e. would you rather record a default time, or the fact that you didn't enter a specific one. if you can fit it in your current UI it could mean less taps, if it requires tabs or other things to tap it might not
[jgmac1106]or it is one start and stop button for every activity? Hit Start>Choose activity>Hit Stop>start, stop, and duration recorded. On stop you get any additional fields and then publish
[jgmac1106]maybe be a website from the nineties...I could get a piece of cardboard have a bad iframe stick outside the div, get somekind of animated boutton, and autoplay music, just walk aroudn with 8 bit sounds in my pocket
[jgmac1106]yeah too bad my kid broke my printert (again) I would print out three images and attach them to a shirt andadd a gif...might need to hit library
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@robhorning"authentic" = "nonstrategic" or "spontaneous"; insisting on "authenticity" is part of FB's commitment to behaviorist framework, in which what FB records as data is treated as automatically "true" (twitter.com/_/status/1055867169702060033)