jeremycherfasI asked some about that directly, and he said that the chapter limit helped him be concise and that more than a thousand people had read it. Deaf to my points about shareability and permanence.
[Rose], snarfed, [tonz], sl007, [eddie], sebsel, [tantek] and [Vincent] joined the channel
[frank]Finally ordered a switch at home so I could turn on my NAS again. I had to few networkports in my new modem. So now I can start backing up all the stuff from the past months. But I also realized I now have an extra testserver for all sorts of webmention/micropub and other stuff. Nice....
tglobe, wolftune, [Rose], sl007, [Tilley], gRegorLove_, eli_oat, [frank] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks]principles << “when you publish HTML to a server that you control; that's fucking powerful. Autonomy and independence are central to the web. We can't forget that.”