sknebelcould maybe generalize the "POSSE via webmention" mechanism so users can easily add a name/webmention-link pair? (if that isn't available already)
tonz@aaronpk Currently trying to get Quill to run locally on my laptop. Have it at localhost/quill/public but then all the links try to go to localhost/ not localhost/quill. Would that be a htaccess issue you think? Or a settings thing?
[tantek][sknebel], continued from meta, re: how to share bookmarks, did you check to see what /bookmark says on current approaches? (e.g. I know adactio POSSEs his bookmarks to a dedicated Twitter profile - adactiolinks IIRC).
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Pinterest but a prettier boomarking silo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pinterest but a prettier boomarking silo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]The only issue is my Jekyll based static pages don’t support dark mode. Looks like it’s time for me to finish fully migrating to my dynamic site lol
[eddie]petermolnar: yeah, I definitely COULD change my Jekyll pages but my goal is to get them switched over anyway, just haven’t gotten around to it. So I’m just gonna use the lack of dark Mode as another reason to finish it