deathrow1aaronpk: ping regarding indieweb hack week! i live in berlin and might be up for some hacking during the week, as i'm not sure how much time i have during the weekend. am flexible but need to synchronize with work.
Loqisl007: Zegnat left you a message 5 days ago: that rel-me article has been doing surprisingly well... Gun to hear it is crawling up in Google's ratings. (No SEO necessary.)
ZegnatI have done TOTP implementation on websites before. Pretty straightforward. (Though not sure if I recommend Google Authenticator, how did it handle backups?)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Google Authenticator" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Google Authenticator is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiThe Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) is a mechanism of generating a one-time password from a shared secret key and the current time, often used for two-factor authentication
[Rose]Because honestly with what's in there they will be able to get into the account anyway and I'd never be able to regain access, if they just use the existing credentials then the chances are higher that I'll be able to get back in because they won't change the recovery details to something outside of my control.
ZegnatI have seen pros and cons for those on-the-fly password generators. I believe we ended up not recommended them on PRISM Break, but I don't recall exact issues right now
AkyRhOsince this weekend, i can't publish to my blog from anymore. Error is " There was an error making a request to your Micropub endpoint. The error received was: " - nothing more, anyone experienced the same issue or is it on my end?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "no platform" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "no platform is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "no platforming" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "no platforming is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrichthanks kevinmarks. I also recall a recent NPR related story about some related history going back to journalism in the early 1900's related to racism.
deathrow1Zegnat: yubico (yubikey) is a swedish company — i ordered a nano straight from their website. also, they gave me a free blue key variant for attending a meetup in sthlm a few years ago =)
aaronpkI don't have a plan yet, other than my usual rough plan which is to find coffee shops with wifi that don't mind me camping out there for hours. i'll probably be working from coffee shops most of thursday and friday.
sknebelthat place rebranded and from the one visit there I had I think has gotten better, but don't know how they're during the day (they're now big breakfast stuff during the day, vodka bar at night)
sl007swentel - are you the one in Gent ? - I'll sponsor a 5 days IndieWebCamp in Vlissingen 28th Jan. - currently in mail contact with and SOLID people. Will add it to the wiki in some minutes. Want to co-organize (help a bit)?
Zegnatdeathrow1, I have literally attended 0 tech things in Sweden myself, so haven’t been in touch with Yubico here. If they do sell within Sweden that would definitely be an option I should look into. (If aaronpk doesn’t drop a key in my lap.)
ZegnatAll post from outside the EU gets blocked by Swedish Posts. Have to pay extra administrative fees, they do VAT checks, etc. This has also put them way back on packages so has led to big slow downs in deliveries.
ZegnatNope. New Swedish policy. Every non-EU item gets checked to make sure VAT has been collected. They also lowered to minimum price to 1 SEK (~10 euro cent)