[jgmac1106]I just put in an application to go to https://www.credcon.org/ other folks should try. Still say best tool we have to a credible web is to get more people online and in control. [manton] if I get a spot we should do an IndieWeb Mett-Up one night
snarfedalxd: my wordpress with WP Super Cache does that under the hood. it writes rendered pages to disk, and has Apache .htaccess rules that then serve later requests directly from those files, without running any PHP.
alxdI find myself not writing a lot of blogposts because it takes a moment to format them in Pelican (even when I use Markdown in Ghostwriter and so on)
alxdGoogle finds a lot of ones working for a very specific setup and requiring a very specific library version. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a good one
[jgmac1106]awesome nice shout out to micro.blog from @dancohen as well. Lee was supposed to go to IWC-NYC...thinking I need to go to Domains19 and get IWC-Denver going with Remi
[chrisaldrich]GWG, it would be nice to be able to massage the semantic linkbacks type of them as well so that they could end up as replies rather than mentions.
[chrisaldrich]GWG is there a way to put that meta field into the "edit" view the way it's done for Webmentions? (I notice the edit screen shows the SL meta data and the Webmention meta data, but just leaves out the dropdown box for the reply, mention, like, etc.
[roland]I will, thank you. I'm a bit worried about the security issues related to the Indie-plugins I installed. Are there any? If so, are there sensible precautions to take? I ask because my other personal website was hacked several times, making me a bit paranoid.
[jgmac1106]Hey [roland], the plugins are very secure, remember most require you to sign on with your own domain....you control that...BTW don't use the threads in SLACk it doesn't work well for IRC users
deathrow1aaronpk: you mentioned having checked out a couple of webauthn/fido libraries. you also mentioned they seemed to be of varying complexity. would you mind putting some links/comments on the issue? might be a good starting point
[wiobyrne]In a somewhat related strand... applied for some funding to pay hosting for several early career academics to mentor them in building digital domains and IndieWeb philosophies.
[wiobyrne]No, [chrisaldrich]... I haven't seen that yet. My experimentation went sideways recently after a bunch of pubs and working on a book proposal.
[chrisaldrich]That's alright. Life happens. I always forget to go back and add documentation to the wiki so it's easier for others to find it later. I sketched out some bits and added a few links.
[chrisaldrich]I'm tempted to approach Reclaim Hosting about setting up a mini-domains account to help host and maintain IndieWeb accounts. Perhaps a non-profit or a business (for the public good)?
[chrisaldrich]Or perhaps create a sub-business as a pathway for DoOO students to transition to when they graduate, so they can keep their domain and content up and running.
[wiobyrne]That's my concern. Paying for a year or two of hosting and then transitioning over users to pay for their stuff. Using Reclaim, so wondering about creating that model.
[chrisaldrich][wiobyrne] I recall Maha Bali touching on the economics of DoOO in the IndieWebNYC keynote recently. As a result, she encourages her (foreign) students to use the free wordpress.com platform, so they don't have the rug pulled out from underneath them.
[jgmac1106][chrisaldrich] I am sure Reclaim is just a bunch of Digital Ocean servers.. If you wanted nonprofit skip the middle person....though a Domain and 2 gigs for $30 is a good price IMO... But I don't worry about food and shelter security... Like my students
[chrisaldrich][jgmac1106] Reclaim also does some interstitial support work that I wouldn't want to have to replicate myself, so using them as a middle man with a slightly smaller margin would be okay by me.