[wiobyrne][chrisaldrich] I start my students off with free WordPress, but have been conducting small scale studies to see if students care whether or not they pay for (or have it paid for) their own domains. I need to work on the guidance leading them from free to hosted WordPress...and (possibly) back again.
[wiobyrne]But, there tends to be some interest in some individuals in having their own space that they control. Especially with WordPress and ability to have more plugins...and select your domain.
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
sl007petermolnar I know that Sir Timbl calls "Linked Data" the "next internet" - Inrupt was founded by Sir Timbl and says "Inrupt’s here to help drive this next stage of the web. " - what is so wrong if they just want to create an OpenSource community for that ?
jgmac1106[sl007] I agree we should try our best to make criticism’s snark free as possible. Linked Data is a trigger word for many…and did XHTML work out as the next web?or did we have to waste time before we got to HTML5….
petermolnar(next internet... I keep thinking about a certain Person of Interest episode where a local crime org. reused old analogue roof antennas to make their own mesh internet - now, that's next internet, right there ;) )
jgmac1106my reference to XHTML is Berners-Lee has tried before (and failed) to rewrite the web,…luckily we got HTML5…but I am not speaking from a place of deep knowledge
jgmac1106though I want to investigate this more. Had good conversations with [grantcodes] and [benwerd] that HTML really isn’t the future, I want to explore this vision more even with my bias towards HTML first
jgmac1106though I think Ben is more on the…users don’t need to see HTML and Grant is more all in on json as a better way forward…but it was too late into a meetup for me to truly understand…liquid confusion mixed with poor comprehension
jgmac1106[sl007] though please keep pointing out articles you believe we slant or snark too much…IMO it isn’t purpose of wiki,…we have been stripping much of the snark directed at other solutions
jgmac1106[petermolnar] That is AWESOME!!! except nobody can talk to facebook but facebook, solid should theoretically interact with other theoretical products that also do not exist yet
petermolnaryo, I got the link yes, but I remember jquery when it popped up and replaced prototype.js and the new shiny, I haven't been following it since
@RubenVerborgh@dietrich Don't confuse my clumsiness with "the project" 🙂 I'm a Solid volunteer and got shamed by @jensimmons for asking for help, which I'm sure I deserved. But Solid—like the Web—is for all. Talk to Mitzi from Inrupt, she's there. Also ping us with technical worries, happy to discuss. (twitter.com/_/status/1056474384808972288)
jgmac1106yeah an LP is going to want a 10x return which usllay means a 3x valuation of revenue…which means commercialiation and either an exit or an IPO
jgmac1106….plus the future of the web isn’t launched on medium and fast company…future of the web launched on a bunch of tiny little websites by individual pieces
sl007jgmac1106 sorry, but maybe confusing two things - if you have a Server ("POD") at Inrupt, not sure, but if you host SOLID e.g. https://github.com/solid/node-solid-server yourself this is perfect FLOSS.
jgmac1106[petermolnar] but I think what [sl007] was saying for transparency sake -chat is not on record nor archived, thus his wish to have convo in this channel
sebsel[kevinmarks] When I post a like of a photo (on Instagram for example), my site actually downloads a copy of that photo and stores it with the post. It's just not published. But that's a nice way of keeping an archive of these things ;)