#indieweb 2018-11-05

2018-11-05 UTC
[dave], sl007, snarfed, snarfed1, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
39/49 correct
sl007: That was fun, thanks! I'll share it around some more.
[dave] joined the channel
viaken thankyou!
renem joined the channel
!tell adactio I think I fixed OwnYourSwarm! It turns out Swarm *does* consider the text "with Aaron, Tantek" part of the "shout" so I just fixed that
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[chrisaldrich], sl007, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb!
aaronpk you're up early
cweiske joined the channel
So are you Zegnat. Safe travels.
[tantek], jihaisse, sl007, [schmarty] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; rknLA left the channel
swentel, sl007 and [Vincent] joined the channel
good morning Indieweb
Is ownyourswarm down at the mo? https://ownyourswarm.p3k.io I’m just getting a blank page. I tried sending a checkin to test and it also wasn’t returned
Good morning
Haven't checked, but aaronpk is up
I am getting a blank page too
uh oh
I thought it might be my connection
just tried wifi/4G to check and it looks down to me 😞
!tell aaronpk I suspect ownyourswarm might be down, if you weren’t aware.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Oh dear
!tell [Khurt] I did. Not fun.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Should be fixed now!
thats what I get for trying to fix things at 4am
lol, thanks! Just tested, it’s working again 🙂
[tonz] and [tantek] joined the channel
good morning
guten morgen
The critical mass of the g+ community came up with a "Fediverse Glossary" : http://tilde.town/~petegozz/Fediverse_Glossary - some stuff is missing, wrote to them
Good morning IndieWeb
jgmac1106 joined the channel
seems like webmention.io documentation is a bit stale... I tried to use their examples and it didn't work
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
do you have a more specific error?
[kisik21] #116 Examples in documentation not working
I hope it's me doing something wrong. I'm no JS programmer, may have done something incorrectly
Good morning IndieWeb
Ruxton joined the channel
gkbrk joined the channel
vika In your page in the browser what is the "id" value of the "<span data-webmention-count …" ?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
when I used the example from documentation - none. In my code it's equal to the permalink of the post - it's unique enough for my purposes.
Hey everybody Mozilla just launched their 7th cohort of Open Leaders: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/opportunity/mozilla-open-leaders/ be a good opportunity for either the tech track or culture track for an IndieWeb contributor
[sebsel], jgmac1106 and jjuran joined the channel
[pfefferle], eli_oat, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], snarfed and [markmhendrickso joined the channel
Hi all! I noticed this weekend that I missed the camp in Berlin 😵 I'm sorry to have not been there and seen everyone again
I've also been pretty dormant with this community since early in the year, and work on my project Neotoma has been on pause since the spring. I had presented it at last year's camp
I actually joined Blockstack in July so I'm tackling decentralization now with them as a PM in the blockchain space. If anyone's interested in the work we're doing, I'm available as a resource!
I don't really know how to best line up our work with the IndieWeb community but if any of you have ideas or feedback on our approach, I'm all ears https://blockstack.org/
In any case, I hope everyone here is well!
hey, congrats [markmhendrickso! big news!
[snarfed] thanks bud!
[pfefferle], jjuran, [tantek], wolftune, [kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
Congrats [markmhendrickson] !
Re feedback on approach - perhaps you could check and let us know how blockstack's approaches align (or not) with IndieWeb.org/principles
kevinmarks++ for https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1058661225431732224 - I need to followup on that noting how bad their false positives are
kevinmarks has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
@yoyoel Your own bot detectors have labelled me and @t bots, as well as many themed accounts, and because your process for reinstatement and appeal is opaque, have probably got a larger false positive rate than you realise.
frankmeeuwsen joined the channel
[tantek] Thanks! I'll post a quick blog soon regarding your suggestion above and link to it here
Completely client side makes a lot of indieweb linking models not work - is there a way for blockstack apps to serve html?
(looking at your first example)
[kevinmarks] good question and point, let me check
I know we are client-side rendering heavy in what we present, but we may have server-side tech that makes linking work more easily
Has anyone worked on client-side render processing tech that you're aware of? I could see that useful for JS apps in general
Similar issues with dat, in that they promote js, but do have html serving.
You end up needing an entire browser really. You end up with headless chrome, or the kind of "build your own dom" stuff like react
i'm kind of surprised a headless browser option isn't more common here
and that google still insists on server-side rendering
client-side rendering can be very user-privacy friendly since you can load an app separately than the data
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Its an HTML first, be human readable first, approach more than anything in terms of culture. If I click on source code I should be able to know why things do what they do
our approach is def HTML first, more just a question where it gets compiled, by server or browser
and how data is interlaced into the HTML of course
thanks, I am learning all this stuff
me too! it's complicated
but why is there a difference between HTML and data..why isn't HTML the data...says a person serving all his data from a database....
well off to class, time to go talk r-controlled vowels...may just make em all watch @aaronpk' "An R is vowel talk" and leave class
when it comes to this question of server vs. browser, the difference between HTML and data isn't important i suppose
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[kevinmarks] quick info back is that yes, blockstack apps can render HTML server-side – but only with public data, not private since that's encrypted in a decentralized fashion and needs to be decrypted in the browser using the user's private key essentially
I imagine public data is what you have in mind here for personal websites and the like, yea?
[tantek] joined the channel
At a minimum yes. There are methods for doing private posts server to server as well but we're now getting into IndieWeb-dev channel territory
Also #htmlfirst implies server side. Otherwise you're now actually serving HTML *first*, you're serving something else to the browser and then serving HTML second
See hashtag on twitter
makes sense
"There are methods for doing private posts server to server " <– i'd be interested in hearing more about this
wolftune, snarfed and [dave] joined the channel
bridgy traffic bump has levelled off over the last ~3w, but still 10-50x higher than baseline before. all real users in browsers, all direct, ie not search or from links (but could be from short url wrappers, eg tco). i still mostly don't know who they all are. best guess so far is [jgmac1106]'s evangelism to education/google+ refugees. fascinating mystery.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[snarfed] wow, that's quite interesting! It's also encouraging, regardless of the cause. It would be nice to know the source of the growth, but hey, growth is growth 🙂
[indienews] New post: "Bridgy traffic bump" https://snarfed.org/2018-11-05_bridgy-traffic-bump
eli_oat, jgmac1106, jjuran, wolftune, [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], sebsel, swentel, [dave], [kevinmarks], snarfed, [frank] and sl007 joined the channel
To germany : This week is the week of indie bookstores ! Support your local dealer. https://wub-event.de
snarfed, [dave], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], snarfed1 and sl007 joined the channel; sl007 left the channel
thanks for iwc berlin — nice meeting you all in person! learned a bunch, and reminded me that there's a bunch of stuff i need to work on on my website =)
some day i'll implement webmentions and whatnot to do it properly, but until then i'd be happy to at least lurk irc and perhaps connect on linkedin =)
sent connection requests to those i've met and could find easily on linked, but do send me a request if i missed you or you just feel like extending your professional network =)
[indienews] New post: "Owning my code snippets" https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/11/05/28/article/
jjuran and [eddie] joined the channel
I’m pretty excited about that one. Another step towards letting go of GitHub
ooh, nice!
[eddie] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (70 in all channels)
I think I’m gonna look through all my previous gists now and delete any that aren’t needed anymore and import that other ones to my site
[manton], [Khurt], [tantek] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
the internet's slow transformation from "one off websites and small communities/journals" to "blogging platforms" to "social media" is arguably a lot like gentrification we're tearing down the old neighborhoods to build fancy, new, (more profitable) "buildings"
mblaney, [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel