Loqi[snarfed] ruh roh. seems like instagram may have dropped individual likes from the web entirely. if you're logged out and open a profile page, eg , and hover over photos, you can see a _count_ of likes...but if you actually open one, eg https://www.instagram.c...
LoqiUniversal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/UGT
gRegorLove[jgmac1106], I'm referring more to the barrier of "all my friends are on X" I think it's a selling point to let people know they can POSSE to Twitter or Facebook and get their friend's comments backfed
gRegorLoveUsed to be decent FB backfeed via Bridgy, but now FB killed that, so getting someone off FB is going to be harder without getting all their FB friends off as well.
jgmac1106My question is what will it take to make people look for an Instagram escape hatch? If this isn’t enough…I worry about much more than a backfeed
jgmac1106I just think all the spigots will be turned off regardless eventually, here is to hoping for data portability and a system of constant downloading to posse, doubtful, but really stoked on getting back to the web, so bonus
Zegnat, Kaja___, sknebel, wolftune, benwerd and j12t joined the channel
jeremycherfasI just read that 20% of posts on Instagram are ads. That drive me away from the app, but there is a lot to do in order to see your stream in a browser.
kisik21swentel: can you make a build which would show me server I/O? Would be easier than adding logging, since I have nice tracebacks and stuff in the output
GWGI have a location question for everyone. If I automatically show the time using the local offset when location is set, should I still show it when location is stored but hidden?
ZegnatThat’s an interesting question GWG. I feel this might also be where you want granular control of how accurate of a location you share. (See discussion at IWC Nürnberg.) E.g. maybe the default is to publicly share country, therefor local timestamp is fine.
ZegnatGets more tricky if you actually allow things like a "published" dt value from the micropub client. That could also have a localised timestamp. Do you normalise it back to the default timezone? Do you keep it?
jeremycherfasHoping to get back to my Geo posts in Grav today. But first I need to work out why everything is frozen in treacle today. Which usually means reboot.
[jgmac1106]!tell jackjamieson here is a citation for the vita: McVerry, J.G., Jamieson, J. (2018). Open Pedagogy: Comparative Case Study of #indieweb and #ds106. A Paper presented at the 68th conference of the Literacy Research Association, Palm Springs, CA. finishing up paper now...need to pick journal for when it is done
[jgmac1106][cjwillcock] I want to do an auto ethnography of my learning. Wish I had my browser data from 2011 when I first started playing heavily with html/css
[jgmac1106]When we did our research comparing assessment on simulated web versus open web would have been clutch... Betcha lot of academic researchers would want it
[jgmac1106]We have connections to Wikipedia, @iamjessklein is their senior UX designer, busy redoing mobile editing now but long term have hopes of some kind of indielogin that either sends a webmention when someone edits a page, or a Micropub client to post a note recording the edit....
Zegnatpetermolnar: now please follow it up with an article on how to configre curl so this doesn’t kill your server when looking for a webmention endpoint ;)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "rate limit" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "rate limit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
kisik21I just found out about granary and it's awesome, so I'm building a channel of "friends on silos" that shows my combined feed on every silo except VK
snarfedif you want to plug your feed into a reader, you may prefer https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ . not as rate limited, easier to use, and gives you your whole feed instead of just individual profiles