[smerrill]oh look, it’s been several months since i last tinkered with my website. Time to get overwhelmed with analysis paralysis on ways to tweak it again!
[smerrill]i have a tiny little Vultr VM running irssi 24/7 connected to IRC, but i haven’t bothered to ssh into it in a long time. So I’m basically just throwing money away every month.
iasai, [tantek], [Vincent], seekr, [jgmac1106], aalmazan, [metbril] and snarfed joined the channel
[jdpinto1]Hello all. Newbie encountering some difficulties here. I’m trying to implement micropub using https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github. Everything is working great, but since my site uses Hugo instead of Jekyll, there are a handful of small tweaks I need to make to the front matter it adds to my posts. And I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make those small tweaks.
[jdpinto1]I’ve forked the repo to my own github account and have deployed it on Heroku. But I can’t even figure out which file to edit. I’ve tried making changes to `test/handler.spec.js` but it seems to do nothing.
[jdpinto1]My site is juanpinto.me. Anyone with experience using this Micropub endpoint that could point me in the right direction? The documentation provides no clues and I have such little experience with JavaScript.