eli_oat1@jacky it strikes me that a guy who works on react says that he doesn't have experience with a functional language…although i guess he does caveat for JS
iasai, eli_oat1, eli_oat, [Khurt], [asuh], XgF and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]from the Atlantic article: "everything I’ve built, my entire net worth, was just gone before my eyes" <-- why you don't built on someone else's "free" but proprietary platform, as has been previously reported many many times in the past.
[tantek]even this misses the point: “We’re playing on rented property,” said Goswami, “and that’s just so apparent now more than ever before.” <--- no you're not paying any rent, you're playing on "free" property! WDYT was going to happen?!?
Loqimetbril: jeremycherfas left you a message on 2018-08-31 at 7:50am UTC: I see youy're taking an interest in the Grav webmention plugin; I tried using it and in the end gave up because the data it returned were so inconsistent, depending on the source markup. Tried to get it to use XRay instead but my ability wasn't up to it then.
Loqimetbril: [tantek] left you a message 3 days, 2 hours ago: any particular reason you're deleting all these redirects? (assuming you're Robertvanbregt.nl) You're likely mistakenly deleting some. We have many redirects because someone linked to something somewhere (a post, a tweet etc.) that had a slight typo etc. so the redirects repair those links. Can you join the indieweb-meta channel to chat more?
metbril!tell jeremycherfas Thanks. I have not switch from WordPress but a working on that. If you have any suggestions, please leave those in the wiki? https://indieweb.org/Grav
Zegnat!tell metbril Getting IndieAuth providers on some well used PHP OAuth2 libs could definitely be interesting! Keep us posted if you do any of that. I haven’t personally had a usecase for that yet.
LoqiThe IndieWeb Community is largely based on principles (AKA tenets) such as own your data, scratch your own itches, build tools for yourself, selfdogfood, document your stuff, open source your stuff, UX design is more important than protocols, visible data for humans first and machines second, platform agnostic platforms, plurality over monoculture, longevity, and remember to have fun! https://indieweb.org/principles
Zegnat[nick], you need to be able to receive webmentions. I don’t think anything else is required for bridgy to work. Webmentions are post requests to a URL, so very like webhooks