#indieweb 2018-12-30

2018-12-30 UTC
[nick] joined the channel
[Jacky_See] I'm not worried about "auth" to my site. cause i've already got it covered. BUT auth from bridgy to my site...
ie some TTL JWT or something...
looks like someone already wrote a django app for webmentions
[easy-as-python] django-webmention: :speech_balloon: webmention for Django projects
so everyone who's got an `app` tag in the Slack app are connecting over an IRC bridge?
is that correct?
[bear] ronkyuu: 論及 ronkyuu - mention, reference to, touching upon
though that is just python functions and not a django app
eli_oat joined the channel
sweet thanks
other question... so I'm trying to verify some of the microformats
and I'm on the h-entry page
i'm not sure why that's not picking up my microformats?
rEnr3n, eli_oat and [asuh] joined the channel
[nick]: yeah; I'm connected via IRC
[nick]: checking that page out now
I wonder if the HTML's not valid somewhere
ohh I see
you should move that <article> out more
either move it out
or put "h-entry" where you have the "post" class
[nick]: ^
does that make sense
because <article> isn't ever closed so it's dropped
Good catch.
Thanks. Will fix.
fixed thanks
and the post type of your entry shows up correctly under x-ray!
wolftune joined the channel
Gotta get my “stream” posts updated and images.
And make it a bit faster.
yeah I'm still trying to figure out how my stream should look
design isn't my thing
I started this project a year ago cause I wanted to stay "connected" but not use traditional social media
i use a telegram bot I wrote to post my stream posts... like twitter
and post pictures like instagram
makes the usability really great
if you need ideas on streams; the wiki has a few!
what is composite streams
It looks like we don't have a page for "composite streams" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "composite streams is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is composite stream
A composite stream is a stream that interleaves multiple types of posts, such as notes and articles https://indieweb.org/composite_stream
[indienews] New post: "? Watched: “Future of the open web and open source” by @webdevlaw and others" https://www.customerservant.com/%f0%9f%93%ba-watched-future-of-the-open-web-and-open-source-by-webdevlaw-and-others/
barnabywalters joined the channel
ahh i like the composite stream idea...
I was thinking about doing that... but opted to separate things into their own "object"
I could... just make an ugly query to bring them all together... pagination would be shite...
maybe I could create a wrapper object... that just FK's to everything...
I took a pretty hammer approach to it
sorting a bunch of mf2 properties to a JSON file and doing some post-type detection to pick the right "template" to use
what is post-type discovery
Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
[tantek] joined the channel
ahh that's helpful
soo all the likes comments and reteweet stuff is actually a "post" object from the hosts site...
and not some data aggregated on render from somewhere else
I was curious how that worked
correct. every like, comment, retweet is a /response post with its own permalink
well I'm glad I didn't architect myself into a corner then :)(
should be pretty simple to implementing something
[asuh], eli_oat, wolftune, jigawatt, [relapse], todrobbins and [tantek] joined the channel
when you've got a bunch of posts or drafts of posts queued up / in progress, what's the best way to post them? in what order?
by date? topic?
[nick] joined the channel
hmm like to view them in a drafts list?
you already have them in a drafts list, now how do you decide which you wrap up / finish ans post first?
have some ideas, gonna sleep on it.
so fwiw I'm doing my site in Django, and django handles a lotta the "admin-y"/CMS-y bits for me.
SO when I have a post I wanna leave as a draft I just leave the check box "DRAFT" checked.
i can also (haven't built it yet) but filter by posts that are draft only still. To do that it's not really any code but more just a configuration I make to an `Admin` class
ahh I usually just pick one at random
choices like that freeze me up
I like to think about it until I have a system that makes sense
[nick] this is more about the conceptual prioritization (from the author's perspective) rather than any implementation details
jacky, pick one at random, post, iterate could be such a system 🙂
(Last in, Random Out)
[relapse], barpthewire, strugee, rEnr3n, loicm, catsup, calumryan and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
anotheryou and jjuran joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb!
[relapse] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], jgmac1106, swentel, loicm, strugee, [Khurt] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[relapse], loicm, jgmac1106 and [habari] joined the channel
Hey guys just installed the IndieWeb Plugins on my WP site. Thinking of using primarily for microblogs. How best to go around that?
welcome [habari], what is your url?
I am checking this now, you are not using an IndieWeb theme so you would need to install the microformats 2 plugin...which may or may not work
you may want to consider switching to an IndieWeb theme...then you would not need the microformats 2 plugin
Or, if the question is just how to use it for microblogging: start posting content :D (Simpler said than done, that, though.)
good point
swentel joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Thanks.
I invited you to the WP channel, I would switch to SemPress or 2016-IndieWeb (2016 looks more like your aesthetic but you need to be comfortable with GitHub
if you want to try your current theme do install the microformats 2 theme (can't say it will work...can probably say it won't)
You should also add an h-card to your home page.
What is h-card?
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-card
there is a widget included in the indieweb plugin
strugee, cweiske, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], seekr and metbril joined the channel
Aaron or anyone else present to anser a Quill / micropub question?
metbril: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: Getting IndieAuth providers on some well used PHP OAuth2 libs could definitely be interesting! Keep us posted if you do any of that. I haven’t personally had a usecase for that yet.
Can try - dev might be better
Thing is, I have a primitive alpha endpoint for Grav, but keep getting a 301 status when using Quill when directly accessing the endpoint just returns 201
I probably need Aaron to log/trace what's happening?
Or does this situation sound familiair?
Sounds like maybe http/https mixup?
Check quill settings and it will tell you what micropub endpoint it's sending to
Endpoint says http.
aww, cheer up
Will try to fix this and report back.
Made a dumb typo in the site config (http instead of https). Quill is responding to the 201 now. Thanks.
strugee, wolftune, [tantek], jackjamieson, [tmiller] and swentel joined the channel
hmm I didn't know that Quill sent its payload as Markdown D:
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: the quill article editor sends HTML. afaik the quill note creator sends plain text and it's up to the backend to decide how to process that text.
good morning indieweb!
nah like the content-type for quill under notes is `text/markdown`
I'm no sure, but I don't think that's supposed to happen without you doing something to turn it on... aaronpk?
[tantek] joined the channel
there's an easter egg in quill which enables that
must be when I added a Github issue then
in the reply to
oh yeah i think replying to a github URL will enable it too
too? oh man lol I wanna figure it out without looking at the source
oh that is a neat quill feature i did not know about
it's an easter egg because the idea of a micropub client specifying a content type is extremely experimental right now
but my site uses it and it's been working pretty well
[kevinmarks] and [asuh] joined the channel
I want to toy with it
but it's moreso so I can store all of my internal "content" as Markdown (or specify a format)
and just ingest and convert accordingly
this came from me blowing so much time re-learning things about PCRE so I could extract links to send webmentions to (a bit of a yak shave but lol)
strugee, friedcell, vivus, gRegorLove_ and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel; friedcell and vivus left the channel
[tantek] on whether to post by date or subject. I would go by subject, unless you are telling a story thru your post where the sequence of the posts are important.
[kevinmarks] and vasilakisfil joined the channel
There's a crazy regex in Tantek's autolink for urls
Though parsing the html version is probably easier
I feel like I am missing context to this …
Zegnat: re: regex, I was trying to extract URIs from plain text so I can send webmentions
but I'm opting to just parse HTML and use xpath to find therm
jacky: match url is one of the most complex regexes out there
Oh, wasn’t clear to me there was a conversation like that going on. Must have been way up in my scrollback or something.
Either way, that conversation is best had in #indieweb-dev :)
jjuran joined the channel
what's the case of a site supporting multiple webmention endpoints?
some sort of cross-syndication?
jacky: is someone using multiple webmention endpoints?
that sounds strange
no kinda hypothetical but also how I'm finding them
like if someone defines them in a header, via meta _and_ via a <a rel>; I'm wondering precedence there
that order is how I'm parsing it btw
Precedence is part of the spec
what is webmention?
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
Yes, answered in #indieweb-dev, haha
Trying to keep questions (and thus their answers, which may create more discussion) that contain things like specs and implementation details out of #indieweb :)
Zegnat++ for IRC lawn-mowing ;)
Zegnat has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (163 in all channels)
Just wait until I mess up myself in the next week or so, haha
on the interwebs there is always someone who'll correct you :P
[davidmead] joined the channel
Any suggestions for a replacement to Wordpress? New editor just doesn’t work for, whatever reason, and after turning off/on plugins to fix it, Indieweb things aren’t working as they did.
I was looking at Jekyll, but feeling it’s a little too technical for me
what is known?
Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/known
[davidmead]: have you tried Known ^
also GWG ^^
Thx KartikPrabhu. I used Known a while ago. I’ll give it another look
What isn't working?
nah I appreciate the checking in Zegnat!
GWG I’ll post in the #wordpress channel
I asked there
[pfefferle], strugee, [tantek], seekr and [nick] joined the channel
If anyone knows python/Django I’d appreciate some additional dev on my site. :)
I’m working on open-sourcing it, gotta remove some secrets from git. But other than that I think it’s good to go.
Though I’m in the processor removing the templates and views and making it API only.
All ya gotta do is create your own templates.
So the front end can be a JS SPA.
Ps I don’t know react so any advice on making SPA’s is appreciated. :)
SPA does not need react
a lot of it can be done with vanilla JS
also I speak python if you need some (un-expert) help :P
[schmarty] joined the channel
yes please keep the dev questions (anything about SPA, JS, python, templates, Django, frameworks) in the dev channel please, otherwise it clutters up actual indieweb *user* discussions / questions which tend to get drowned out (and usually those folks don't feel confident interrupting developers whereas the opposite is not true)
KartikPrabhu especially answers, please go ahead and answer in dev, then direct people to the dev channel for their answers.
Zegnat++ literally just did this minutes ago. Please follow his good example 🙂
Zegnat has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (164 in all channels)
[kim_landwehr] re: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-12-30/1546200653164000 date vs subject is a tough trade-off. OTOH subject may make it easier to think/write about all those posts at once (less context switching), OTOH sometimes you don't know the subject(s) of a post until you've actually written it, which means you have to write all the posts before you can actually successfully categorize and cluster them, so that seems like a lot more work over
[[kim_landwehr]] [tantek] on whether to post by date or subject. I would go by subject, unless you are telling a story thru your post where the sequence of the posts are important.
wolftune joined the channel
I'm definitely leaning toward date (of when something happened, assuming you are posting about something that actually happened, rather than just a purely conceptual post)
easier to get started: because "date" has an easy (don't need to think about it) absolute answer that makes it easy to sort your drafts and just start posting them in date order (oldest first within some reasonable timeframe like, in the past week, or in the past month).
easier to post incrementally, pause / resume posting: since your "index" is linear (time), you can choose a date / point in time to pause, and later pick-up at whatever date you left-off, no need to think about what subjects did I already post and what subjects do I have remaining to post
next question about posting past posts / drafts - does anyone distinguish based on "type" of post (text notes, photos, etc.) when considering what to post next (all of one type first, e.g. get all your photos posted, then go back and post your text notes or vice versa, or interleaved by datetime order?)
leaning towards interleaving, but I could see how someone might prefer to batch a certain type, especially if they have a particular workflow per type (e.g. many folks have a particular photo posting workflow that involves curation, cropping, photo editing, perhaps assembling a multi-photo into a narrative)
[relapse], tomasparks and strugee joined the channel
happy new year
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Are you in NZ, tomas m
wait how's that possible - more than 24h in advance?
it should "only" be the 31st there in AU
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
Yeah [tantek] posting by date would be a lot easier now that you explain it. Also I would do the interweaving when comes to types of post.
goes back to reviewing the past month's worth of photos to see which seem notable / worth posting
time travel?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu is that an indieweb navigation feature you're working on?
Even in Kiribati its still the 31st
[tantek]: I already have "futured" posts so maybe ;)
had a busy December, didn't have time actually post about things happening because the things happening took up so much time!
echarlie joined the channel
[tankek] it is only 31st, I am say it ahead of time
[smerrill] and [grantcodes] joined the channel