LoqiYear in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review
[jgmac1106]<-- woefully overdue, and needs to write up his newwwyear post-mortem...but not allowing any other writing until book, grant, classes ready....21 day book challenge lot to bite off....couple chapters left
[jgmac1106]as an interesting note since not syndicating since 12/31 I have only gotten two webmentions...down from 20-30 a day usually from Twitter...follow each other in your feed, reply to each other folks, lets show we can sustain our networks
snarfedinstagram was the opposite. no view of all of your likes on web at all, and very aggressive rate limits on liking/unliking, something like 50 per hour or so. there are a bunch of sketchy apps that ask for username/password and pretend to be the app. i tried one, and it works, but seemed dangerous.
Loqi[manton]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: trying to stay a bit disconnected between now and 1/22 email me at jgregmcverry@gmail.com for any Austin planning stuff and I am still checking wiki
[smerrill]What we need is a digital-media version of organic food or a local farmers' market: ethically sourced, sustainably funded, and integrity-certified, all the way from CMS up.
bo100, botka, bo102, snarfed, aalmazan, bo104, jackjamieson, bo106, bo108, bo110, bo112 and bo114 joined the channel
aaronpkrelmeauth requires you and the site you're logging in to to share something in common, like you have to have a twitter account and the site has to have twitter API keys. or you have to publish your email and the site has to be able to send an email.
[cleverdevil]Awesome. My Overcast sync is running for the first time today with its limiter taken off, and its successfully backfeeding all of my listen history (or at least, quite a bit of it) into my website.
JeenaI installed mastodon on a subdomain to test it out https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena I'd rather have integrated in my website, and as far as I understand micro.blog does that somehow already, but that needs to be a future step.
bo196, snarfed, botka, bo198, bo200, nitot, [cleverdevil], bo202, bo204, bo206, bo208, bo210, todrobbins_ and bo212 joined the channel