grdryn, snarfed, [jgmac1106], anotheryou, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, user4, nloadholtes, [eddie], dustyweb, aalmazan, [schmarty], sl007, benwerd, [Rose], swentel, [tantek], [metbril] and leg joined the channel; dustyweb left the channel
Loqi[snarfed] bridgy: Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those networks.
rubenverborghSo fellow volunteers on indieweb or other decentralized initiatives, let's have a chat and/or a beer on Sunday. Looking forward to meeting you there!
benwerd, snarfed, jgmac1106 and sl007 joined the channel
jgmac1106please feel free to edit the dfn to further reduce any bias and replace with a dfn. I also added a history section. Figure you or sl007 would be best to fill that out
jgmac1106rubenverborgh, yeah I edited the quote, thx for the member check. sl007 watch the term “fake news” it is loaded and now useless. Do agree on restructuring to reduce bias but I do not see any claim on the page not backed up with quotes
rubenverborghFinal nit: the "closest I can find" text states "@jensimmons Please activate your network to come and join the Solid community. That would help us a lot. As you know, W3C (which is Tim's background) has a very strong view on diversity, and there's no doubt on my mind he is taking the same vision to Solid and Inrupt."
jgmac1106Just do not want anyone to leave with impression the negative connotation of the page has to do with Linked Data rather than historical evidenc: It is tru TBL said “world domination” is mission, it is truye Inrupt rolled out like anoy other start up…a post on Medium…, they have taken VC money…we try to stay economic nuetral but VC screwed social media…diversity efforts, like everyone, early on needed work