lmorchard, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [eddie], [Serena], wolftune, distopico, snarfed, seekr, mickael and nitot joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
[eddie]Pretty excited, I have a prototype Month Summary page: https://eddiehinkle.com/2019/01/ It displays a static image map that shows all the checkins where I have been that month. I like that it's a static image because eventually I could mark it up with u-photo and readers could actually retrieve a summary photo of my checkins as part of the post. My static map image also displays on my daily pages https://eddiehinkle.com/2019/02/03/
[eddie]My month summary pages also show the cover art for what podcasts I produced that month, as well as a condensed view of my watch and listen posts (each show only appears one time from most recent to least recent
[eddie]aaronpk I have to say your "conference mode" is pretty awesome. I don't do much right now where I need to context switch. But if I do at some point I'm totally going to steal that!
[adam]Has anyone added a changelog to their site? Iโve been doing it in Posts, but thatโs annoyingly overkill, feels like I want them to have their own type, or maybe I just need to add categories (NB: I literally just started my site this Jan, so v. basic atm)
[jgmac1106]Adam some people do and go as far as owning all their versioning, others may Tage like you are saying, many track this on their indieweb wiki page. There is no wrong answer